
Bridges Out of Poverty

   Social Work
   Fri, March 31, 2017 @ 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm
    BUL 108

The Bridges Out of Poverty framework is based on the book by Ruby K. Payne, PhD., Philip E. DeVol and Terri Dreussi Smith.  The framework can help social workers, therapists, nurses, doctors, pastors, teachers, law enforcement professionals, and employers more appropriately and effectively serve,  support, and/or assist people experiencing poverty. 

This workshop will utilize exercises, small and large group discussions, pre- and post-tests, and visual displays. The topics to be covered are:

  • Hidden Rules of Economic Class
  • Mental Models of Poverty,
  • Language, Story Structure, and Cognition
  • Strategies for Program Delivery

The training will be held on Friday, March 31st from 1pm - 4pm. To RSVP email sowkfield@andrews.edu

Sponsors: Department Social Work
Related Website(s): www.andrews.edu/socialwork

   Twyla E. Smith, MSW