
Academic Assemblies

   Co-Curricular Education
   Tue, August 27, 2019 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
    Academic Departments

The following Academic Departments will be holding an assembly. If your department is not listed, please contact them directly about their plans.

Department | Location

Agriculture | Smith Hall 114

Architecture* | Architecture Lecture Hall   *August 26, 3:30 pm

Biology | Biology Amphitheater

Chemistry | Halenz Hall

Engineering | Harrigan 328

History | History Dept., Buller 135

International Languages Dept. | Buller 108

Religion | Newbold Auditorium (Buller Hall)

Social Work | Nethery Hall 023

Teaching Learning & Curriculum | Bell Hall 015

Visual Art & Communication | Nethery Hall 217

   Steve Yeagley