
Excellence in Service: Glynis Bradfield

   Employee Awards 2024 | Posted on March 11, 2024

Glynis Bradfield is dedicated to helping others. She has picked students up from the airport (in Chicago)! She takes food to coworkers who cannot cook for themselves. She opens her house to everyone and hosts Sabbath meals for faculty, staff and students. In short, Glynis Bradfield exemplifies excellence in service.

Here are some of the things her colleagues have affirmed:

“Glynis’ first priority is her students. She is quick to respond and advocate on their behalf and does so with kindness.”

“She is always willing to help and does so with her vast knowledge of the area she manages.”

“She goes the extra mile to ensure that problems are resolved in a timely manner.”

Glynis is a rare person who is able to multitask successfully. She has many responsibilities, but she meets each one efficiently and compassionately. However, the true secret to Glynis’ dedication to serving others lies in her prayer life. Glynis and her husband, Martin, have served as missionaries in areas where the resources were scarce and the need was great. She has learned that the difference can only be made up in prayer.

Thank you, Glynis, for your prayers and your excellent service to our students, faculty and staff.
