

Department of Leadership Global Study Tour

   Leadership | Posted on January 9, 2020
Are you considering the International Study Tour for 2020? If so, it's time to apply! The tour will visit universities and attractions in Israel, Egypt and Jordan. A truly unique cross-cultural opportunity, this can be included in your... read more

Sharon Aka

   Leadership | Posted on January 8, 2020
On Wednesday, November 13, Sharon Aka presented her Leadership portfolio to her review committee: Jay Brand, Chair; Randy Siebold, Second Reader, and Erich Baumgartner, Third Reader.  Sharon chose ‘Currency Exchange’ as the organizing metaphor or theme for her... read more

Igor Milosavljevic

   Leadership | Posted on January 8, 2020
Igor Milosavljevic successfully presented his portfolio on December 9. Igor finished his dissertation this summer related to High School transition programs. This portfolio pulled together his experiences as a successful administrator in Southern California public schools. He had documentation and... read more

Cesiah Pimentel-Melendez

   Leadership | Posted on January 8, 2020
Adventist Healthcare: A Qualitative Study of 19th Century in 21st Century Adventist Hospitals Her chair was Duane Covrig, PhD. Her methodologist for her qualitative study was Tevni Grajales, PhD. Her content expert on health care was... read more

Steven Reece

   Leadership | Posted on January 8, 2020
The Third Space: The Meeting of Jew and Christian in the Act of Remembering, Restoring, and Reconciling-A Case Study of the Matzevah Foundation   On July... read more

Christiane Theiss

   Leadership | Posted on January 8, 2020
Porfolio Presentation On July 18, Christiane Theiss presented her portfolio in the presence of a group of leaders attending the 2019 Orientation of all leadership programs of the department. Her panel consisted of Erich... read more

Video: Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

   Campus Announcements | Posted on June 20, 2019
   Event Date: August 3, 2019 10:30 am  - more past dates
We will show the humorous and deeply inspirational video series by Mark Gungor on "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" and discuss how to apply the ideas to our lives. This 1-hour study group Saturday mornings at... read more

8th Annual Leadership Conference

   Leadership | Posted on June 14, 2018
   Event Date: July 23, 2018 09:00 am

Keynote Speaker: Rex Miller

July 23, 2018

9 a.m. 

Howard Peforming Arts Center