
Physical Therapy: Homepage

Serving the community at HERBIE

   Physical Therapy | Posted on July 24, 2019
HERBIE clinic (Healthcare & Evangelism Reaching Beyond Including Everyone), run by Dr. Sherry O’Donnell, is a pro bono medical clinic in Niles, Michigan. The clinic is held once per month and serves the medical, pharmaceutical, and physical therapy... read more

Mission trip to Lebanon

   Religion & Biblical Languages | Posted on March 13, 2019
On Wednesday, the 26-member missions team flew to Beirut, Lebanon for missions and ministry. The team will conduct the week of spiritual emphasis at Middle East University and the local Adventist elementary school and academy, schools which have... read more

Oral Research Presentations

   Physical Therapy | Posted on February 20, 2019
   Event Date: March 8, 2019 09:00 am

Please join us for the Class of 2019 Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Research Presentations. Come listen and vote for the best original research on clinical and academic topics.