
Spanish Course Description

SPAN171 (3)
Elementary Spanish I
Grammar with reading and writing of simple Spanish in the context of significant aspects of culture—oral and listening work stressed. Elementary Spanish I is designed for students who have studied no Spanish or less than 2 years of high-school Spanish or its equivalent. A one-hour lab per week is required. Course offered only during fall semester.
SPAN172 (3)
Elementary Spanish II
Grammar and reading continued: oral and listening work progressively increased. Designed for students with 2-3 years of high-school Spanish or its equivalent. A one-hour lab per week is required. Prerequisite: SPAN171 with a minimum grade of C or permission of instructor. Course offered only during spring semester.
SPAN275 (4)
Intermediate Spanish
Grammar, reading, composition, oral and listening exercises on the intermediate level, including significant aspects of Spanish culture. A one-hour lab per week is required. Prerequisite: SPAN172 with a minimum grade of C or permission of instructor. Course offered during fall semester.
SPAN280 (3)
Spanish Conversation and Composition
Training in oral and writing self-expression, with emphasis on fluency and accuracy. Acquisition of idioms and review of different speaking and writing levels that exist within theSpanish language. Special attention to important differences that exist among allSpanish speaking countries when using the language in bothspeaking and writing. Reading comprehension and study of grammatical structures are important components of this course. Course offered during
spring semester.
SPAN325 (3)
Spanish for the Medical Professions
Spoken and written Spanish used by the medical professions in the Spanish-speaking world. Strong emphasis on vocabulary, phrases, medical terminology, and specific language use in a doctor’s office and hospital settings. Basic knowledge of Spanish recommended. An arranged lab is required. Course offered during fall semester every other year.
SPAN416 (3)
Spanish for Native Speakers
An in-depth study of the Spanish language for native speakers who have not had previous formal academic instruction in Spanish. Special emphasis will be given to oral and written communication by focusing on grammar, syntax, and correct usage of the Spanish language. Conducted entirely in Spanish. Course offered only during fall semester.
SPAN420 (3)
Advanced Spanish 
A comprehensive study of Spanish grammar for written and oral communication. A review of techniques and strategies to improve communication through creative writing, speech preparation, and class presentations. Emphasis on language fluency and accuracy. Conducted entirely in Spanish. Course offered only during fall semester.
SPAN426 (3)
Contemporary Spain
An overview of contemporary Spain and its role in Europe as well as Latin America. Special consideration of geographical aspects, commerce, industry, tourism, education, political settings, and status of the Monarchy are given. Conducted entirely in Spanish. Course offered only during summer study tour to Europe every other year in the month of May.
SPAN436 (3)
South American Culture
An introduction to the life and people of Spanish America through lectures and readings in standard Spanish on the geography, history, politics, social problems, arts, and literature of the area. Conducted entirely in Spanish. Course offered only during summer study tour to South America every other year in the month
of May.
SPAN438  (3)
Mexico and Central American Culture
An overview of the Mexico and Central American cultures and their presence in the United States of America. Special consideration to customs, traditions, values, lifestyle, and social problems along with some historical events that have greatly influenced Mexicans and Central Americans. Conducted entirely in Spanish. Course offered every other year during spring semester.
SPAN439 (3)
Hispanic Caribbean Spanish
A course designed to explore Hispanic culture and tradition in the Spanish-speaking Caribbean islands. Special interest in Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico and their immigration trends to the United States of America. A study of their lifestyle, values, traditions and customs. Conducted entirely in Spanish. Course offered every other year during fall semester.
SPAN446 (3)
Spanish and Latin American Drama
A study of selected major Spanish and Latin American writers whose works reflect important political, social, moral, and cultural aspects of Hispanic societies. Conducted entirely in Spanish. An arranged lab is required. Course offered every other year during fall semester.
SPAN447 (3)
Spanish for Translation
An introduction to the basic principles of translation from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. An approach to techniques used in writing translation. Strong emphasis on written translations. Conducted entirely in Spanish. An arranged lab is required. Course offered every other year during fall semester.
SPAN448 (3)
Spanish and Latin American Literature and Film
Comparison of artistic and linguistic differences between selected pieces of Spanish and Latin American literature and their film adaptation. Emphasis on language, characters, and cultural aspects of society. Conducted entirely in Spanish. An arranged lab is required. Course offered every other year during
fall semester.

SPAN449 (3)
Spanish for Interpreters
A study of the basic principles of oral interpretation from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. An approach to techniques used in oral interpretation. Strong emphasis on oral communication. Conducted entirely in Spanish. An arranged lab is required. Course offered every other year during spring semester.

SPAN456 (3)
Spanish for Speech Pathologists and Audiolosgists
Spoken and written Spanish used by speech pathologists and audiologists in both the medical and the educational fields in the United States of America as well as Spanish-speaking countries in the world. Strong emphasis on vocabulary, including specific terminology used in medical settings. This course is specifically oriented to students completing a degree in Spanish and Speech Language Pathology and Audiology as well as to those completing a degree in translation. 

SPAN457 (3)
Spanish Media Translation
A study of the basic principles of translation in the media. Comparison between translation of written documents and oral messages. Special attention to translating news, commercials,, movies, websites, speeches, newspapers, and magazines. Conducted in both English and Spanish. An arranged lab is required. Course offered every other year during spring semester.

SPAN470 (3)
Spanish for International Trade
Spoken and written Spanish common to the Spanish-speaking world of business and industry, with emphasis upon business practices, and the writing and translating of business letters and professional reports. Cross-cultural references provide opportunities for comparative and contrastive analysis of American and Spanish cultural patterns in business settings. Conducted entirely in Spanish. An arranged lab is required. Course offered every other year during spring semester.

SPAN488 (3)
Spanish for International Relations
Spoken and written Spanish common to the Spanish-speaking world of international relations with emphasis in vocabulary related to government agencies, non-profit organizations, diplomacy, religious entities, independent agencies (UN, OEA). Special emphasis in communication. Conducted entirely in Spanish. An arranged lab is required. Course offered every other year during spring semester.