
Yun Myung Oh

Yun Myung Oh

Yun Myung Oh

Title: Professor of Mathematics
Office Location: Haughey Hall 124
E-mail: ohy@andrews.edu
Phone: (269) 471-3423


Ph.D. Michigan State University
M.S. Ewha Women's University
B.S. Ewha Women's University


Yun Myung Oh has been working on a submanifold theory, particularly Lagrangian submanifolds, which have many applications in physics. Most research problems have needed some techniques for solving the partial differential equation with no special solutions yet known. She and her husband, Joon Hyuk Kang, have coauthored several papers. Recently she is working on some construction problems using Legendre curves.

Besides teaching and learning mathematics, Yun Myung is taking piano lessons and is eager to learn new skills in order to play with her daughter, Min Seo.  To read an article on Drs. Kang and Oh, see p. 27 of the the CAS TEAM Book. 

Current Research or Professional Activities

Riemannian geometry, submanifold theory