BA (1993), ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University
MSW (1998), Western Michigan University
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers, LMSW (Clinical & Macro), CCTP, joined the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Social Work Department in 2016 having practiced social work since the early-1990’s. She comes from an Argentinean/Uruguayan pastoral family having lived in various places including overseas. Early in her career she worked at a homeless shelter, juvenile detention center, specialized summer camps, and at a psychiatric hospital for children. After receiving her graduate degree, she worked as a child and family therapist for many years focusing on the treatment of trauma, loss, and family issues. She is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and part of the International Association of Trauma Professionals. Slikkers has significant experience doing and advocating for culturally appropriate therapy within multi-cultural groups doing concentrated work within the Latino community. Prior to coming to ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ, she served as a program manager for Southwest Michigan Bethany Christian Services shifting from a clinical therapist position to management and development of programs to serve immigrants and refugees. Most recently, Slikkers has been involved with leadership and development of the new International Center for Trauma Education and Care additionally facilitating the School of Social Work to function as a Trauma - Informed organization (as proposed by SAMHSA) and supporting infusing trauma awareness within each course taught by the school. She is a Trust Based Relational Intervention Practitioner (TBRI).
She is married, has two young adult sons, a new daughter-in-law, and enjoys reading and traveling. Having been involved in children and family church ministries and education, she is daily in awe of the intersection of faith and science and the hope and healing this brings.
Watch Ingrid Weiss Slikkers discuss her passion for social work:
Professor Slikkers continues to explore and develop how to educate and promote the healing of trauma in diverse groups including communities overseas. Professor Slikkers is interviewed and speaks frequently at university, community and church events on varied topics but specifically regarding trauma as well as the plight of refugee children and our call to action.
Selected Presentations:
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid W. Slikkers. Empowering principles, part I. Trust-based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Caregiver Training. CASA of Southwest Michigan (online). April 14, 2022.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers, James Mello, and Hope Malabrigo. "Human Trafficking in my neighborhood?" Child Welfare In-Service Training, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (virtual). April 8, 2022.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Outburst Strategies." Family Enrichment Center Trauma Training Series, Family Enrichment Center, Battle Creek, MI (virtual). April 6, 2022.
Hope Malabrigo, James Mello and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Restoring the Sanctuary: Trauma, Healing, and the Church." Restored Virtual Mental Health and Wellness Summit, Health Ministries of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, March 31-April 3, 2022.
Hope Malabrigo, James Mello and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Session Organizers: "Trauma Focus Area." Restored Virtual Mental Health and Wellness Summit, Health Ministries of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, March 31-April 3, 2022.
Hope Malabrigo, James Mello and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Introduction to Trauma." Staff Training, Hostel Woloska Center for Ukrainian Refugees, Warsaw, Poland (virtual). March 31, 2022.
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid W. Slikkers. Connecting Principles, Part II. Trust-based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Caregiver Training. CASA of Southwest Michigan (online). March 17, 2022.
Hope Malabrigo and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Foundations of Trauma." Opportunities Unlimited Staff Workshop, Lewiston, ID. March 11, 2022.
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid W. Slikkers. "TBRI Empowering and Correcting Principles." Trust-based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Caregiver Training. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI. March 4, 2022.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Making Our Homes a Place of Healing. Lake Union Herald, March 2022, 6.
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid W. Slikkers. "TBRI Connecting and Empowering Principles." Trust-based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Caregiver Training. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI. February 25, 2022.
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid W. Slikkers. "TBRI Introduction and Connecting Principles." Trust-based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Caregiver Training. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI. February 18, 2022.
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid W. Slikkers. Connecting Principles, Part I. Trust-based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Caregiver Training. CASA of Southwest Michigan (online). February 17, 2022.
Hope Malabrigo, James Mello and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Trauma 101, 102 and 103." Children's Ministries Convention, Georgia Cumberland Conference. Cohutta Springs, GA (Virtual). February 11-12, 2022.
Hope Malabrigo, James Mello, and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Human Trafficking for Health Professions." College of Health and Human Services, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI. February 3, 2022.
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Introduction to trauma-informed education." Berrien Springs Public Schools Administrative Team Workshop, Berrien Springs, MI. January 25, 2022.
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid W. Slikkers. Introduction to TBRI. Trust-based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Caregiver Training. CASA of Southwest Michigan (online). January 20, 2022.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Reducing Stress in Our Homes. North Pacific Union Conference Gleaner, January/February 2022, 17.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers (with David DeRose). “Overcoming Trauma.” American Indian and Alaska Native Living Podcast. December 8, 2021.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Proteccion de ninos y jovenes [Protecting Children]." End It Now Virtual Summit on Abuse (Spanish), North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Columbia, MD (virtual), November 15, 2021.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers and James Mello. "Tools for boosting your family's mental health in challenging times." North Pacific Union Conference Children's Ministries, Ridgefield, WA (virtual). November 13, 2021.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Reducing stress in our homes. Lake Union Herald, November/December 2021, 6.
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Introduction to Trauma Informed Schools." Potomac Conference Education Department, Professional Development for Principals and Teachers, Staunton, MD. October 14, 2021.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Trauma Informed Educating." SDACC Teachers' Convention, Office of Education, Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada (virtual), September 27, 2021.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers and Hope Malabrigo. "Teacher Mental Health: let's be real." SDACC Teachers' Convention, Office of Education, Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada (virtual), September 27, 2021.
James Mello and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "What's Happening? Can We do Anything? Mental Health & Introduction to Trauma." Children's Ministries Pastors Quarterly Meeting. North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Columbia, MD (virtual). September 16, 2021.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Hope through resiliency. Pp. 69-72, in Health Disparities Action Guide, Health Ministries Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Advent Source, 2021.
Jasmin Wilson and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "What's Happening to Our Kids? Ourselves? Can We do Anything? Mental Health & Introduction to Trauma." Pathfinder/Adventurer Leadership Convention. Northern California Conference, Roseville, CA. September 11, 2021.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Contributing author in, Jasmine Johnson (ed.), Finding Sanctuary in the Midst of Pain: A 30 Day Journey Filled with Words of Hope and Healing. Berrien Springs, MI: International Center for Trauma Education and Care. 2021.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers and Erick Pena. The impact of adverse childhood experiences. Pp. 124-127, in Willie and Elaine Oliver (eds.), I will go with my family: Family Resilience. Adventist Family Ministries Resource Book. Review and Herald Publishing Association: General Conference, Silver Spring, MD, 2021.
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Introduction to Trauma Informed Education." Sylvester Elementary School Professional Development, Berrien Springs Public Schools, Berrien Springs, MI. August 24, 2021.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Mental Health 101 for Teachers" Multi-grade Conference: "Reaching all God's Children," NAD Education, Columbia, MD. August 22, 2021.
David Sedlacek, Harvey Burnett, and Ingrid Slikkers. The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Pastoral Education and Experiences. John Templeton Foundation. Submitted August 20, 2021. Declined.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "What's going on with our kids? Ourselves? Trauma-informed mental health strategies as we start the school year." Principals & Teachers In-Service Meeting, New Jersey Conference Education, Tranquility, NJ. August 19, 2021.
Charity H. Garcia and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Resilience, Self Care and Wellness." Ruth Murdock Elementary School Staff Retreat, Berrien Springs, MI. August 11, 2021.
Jasmin Wilson and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Introduction to Trauma and Mental Health Awareness." Principals and Teachers In-Service Meeting, Potomac Conference Education, Staunton, MD (virtual). August 5, 2021.
Katelyn Campbell Weakley and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Restoration for a traumatized world. Ministry Magazine, August 2021, 14-17.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers, Laia Burgos, and Erick Pena. "Dealing with Chronic Stress." Adventist Christian Fellowship Institute: "Everything under the Son" (virtual), July 28-31, 2021.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers, Mary Gayen, Jasmine Johnson, David Springer. "Trauma and the Pandemic." Arima Seventh-day Adventist Church, Arima, Trinidad & Tobago. July 23-24, 2021.
Laia Burgos, Erick Pena, and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "How to stay afloat in a world full of adversity: Combating adverse childhood experience." 2021 Adventist Conference on Family Research and Practice. Online Conference. July 22-24, 2021.
Erick Pena, Katelyn Weakley and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Introduction to trauma and emotional healing: God's plan for restoration.” Adventist Virtual Global Camp Meeting, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. May 19-22, 2021.
Armando Miranda and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "'A Time for Mission and Healing.'" Is the COVID vaccine trustworthy? A Biblical conversation about science." North American Division Symposium on COVID-19, the Bible, Science, and Faith. Columbia, MD. May 15, 2021.
Alina M. Baltazar, Charity Garcia, and Ingrid W. Slikkers. "Strategies for ourselves and our students." How teachers can conquer emotional challenges during COVID-19 and beyond. NAD Department of Education COVID-19 Webinar Series. April 28, 2020.
Nicki Britten, Harvey Burnett, Anita Fernander, Brandy Lovelady Mitchell, Ingrid Weiss Slikkers, Twyla Smith, Padma Tadi Uppala, and Lynn Todman. Panel, COVID 19: Understanding and breaking the socio-economic and racial disperities. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Social Consciousness Summit. Berrien Springs, MI. April 23, 2020.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers, David R. Williams, and Nia Johnson. Panel, Prophetic Adventism and Healthcare Justice. Lake Union Herald. Berrien Springs, MI. April 18, 2020.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Becoming partners in restoration: Trauma informed ministry." Arizona Conference Pastors and Teachers Annual Meeting. Scottsdale, Arizona. January 21, 2020.
Charity Garcia and Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "Becoming partners in restoration: Looking through the trauma lens." Arizona Conference Pastors and Teachers Annual Meeting. Scottsdale, Arizona. January 21, 2020.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. "What's happening to our kids? Mental health and introduction to trauma." North American Division Education Leadership Annual Meeting. Houston, TX. December 6, 2019.
Ingrid Slikkers and Geraldine Gomez. "Cross-cultural trauma-focus and faith: Working with immigrant and refugee kids." North American Association of Christians in Social Work Convention, Indianapolis, IN. November 7-10, 2019.
Carmelo Mercado, John Nay, Shaly Penrod, Tom Goodwin, Joanie Goodwin, and Ingrid Slikkers. "Jesus among the migrants and refugees, Part 2." Jesus & Politics: Christians, Liberty, and Justice Today. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI. October 17-19, 2019.
Ingrid Slikkers, Carmelo Mercado, Rudy Monterrosa, Oliver Glanz, and Tony Anobile. "Jesus among the migrants and refugees, Part 1." Jesus & Politics: Christians, Liberty, and Justice Today. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI. October 17-19, 2019.
Ingrid Slikkers. "Now what? Moving trauma awareness into the classroom." Michigan Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Annual Conference. Big Rapids, MI. September 19-20, 2019.
Charity Garcia and Ingrid W. Slikkers. "Trauma sensitive education." Great Lakes Adventist Academy. Cedar Lake, MI. August 2, 2019.
Katelyn Campbell and Ingrid Slikkers. "Trauma recovery in ministry: God's plan for restorarion." Adventist Conference on Family Research and Practice. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI. July 18-20, 2019.
Alanis, C., Ramirez, B., Rivera, J., & Slikkers, I. (February, 2019). Trauma, Mental Health and Legal Status of Immigrants and Refugees in Southwest Michigan. Presented at the System of Care Conference, Kalamazoo, MI.
Otto, A. & Slikkers, I. (October, 2018) Challenges of Burnout and Employee Engagement in Social Services. Presented at North American Association of Christians in Social Work, Hartford, CT.
Alanis, C., Ramirez, B., & Slikkers, I., (October, 2018). Balloons, Cotton and Pizaa, Tolls for Immigrants? Presented at Latino Social Workers Organization, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL.
Fernandez-Gibbs, J., & Slikkers, I., (October, 2018). Do you believe that trauma interventions are able to cross cultures? Poster presented at the Latino Social Workers Organization, University of Illinois, Chicago.
Slikkers, I. (September, 2018) Panelist at Urban Ministry and Mission Congress, Berrien Springs, MI.
Slikkers, I. (June, 2018) El ser Personal: Relaciones con padres y otros adultos. Presented at Conectate LUC Bilingual Youth Congress, Berrien Springs, MI.
Slikkers, I. (June, 2018) Self: Relationships with parents and other adults. Presented at Conectate LUC Bilingual Youth Congress, Berrien Springs, MI.
Articles Published:
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Make room for prayer. Lake Union Herald, January/February 2020, 6.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Dear fellow mama. Lake Union Herald. November/December 2019, 6.
Slikkers, I. A. (2019, April). Who are you following? Lake Union Herald, 111(4), 6.
Ingrid Slikkers. How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime. Lake Union Herald 111(1), 6, 2019.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Counting every blessing. Lake Union Herald 110(10), 6, 2018.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers and Orelia Daye. The impact of trauma: How do we present Jesus to those so fractured? Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 14(1), 37-47, 2018.
Book Chapter Published:
Charity H. Garcia, Katelyn Campbell, Ingrid Weiss Slikkers, and Margaret D. Howell. When you get that student: Trauma-informed restorative responses. Pp. 101-123, in Peter W. Kilgour and Beverly J. Christian (eds.), Revealing Jesus in the Learning Environment: Experiences of Christian Educators. Avondale Academic Press: Cooranbong NSW, Australia, 2019.