
Mission: Invent

STEM Division
Nethery Hall 135
4141 Administration Dr
(269) 471-3872

Where do I start?

When you first start this project, it can seem overwhelming. To make it easier, we have created a wide range of resources (worksheets, activities, teaching guides, assessments, and more). There is a lot to look at, but we recommend you start with the following: Standards, Project Outline, and Logbook (teaching edition). You can find these resources under the Teaching Guides section below. Standards are a good starting point for any educational program while the Project Outline and teacher Logbook give you practical steps to follow. We wish you the best on this exciting journey with your students! Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns (stemconnect@andrews.edu) or go to our FAQ page for answers to common questions.

Relate the invention project to biblical concepts. Share Bible verses and devotions with your students and encourage them to find connections of their own. Here are some examples to get you started.


Quick Devotional Thoughts:

When we face troubles in life, our faith can grow. When we solve and overcome problems, we get better at solving problems. Challenges encourage growth, whether in spiritual matters or in everyday life.

God gives His followers different gifts and talents to use for the gospel work. Just as a body is made of many parts, in any team effort, it works best when everyone combines their individual strengths to get the job done.

God is the creator of so many wonders in nature, and He created us in His image. God created us to be creative!

God promises to help us when we struggle. When we face challenges in life, God can help us; so can our parents, teachers, friends, and teammates. We don’t have to do it alone.

Learning to solve problems is important, but it is even more important that we learn to do it together. When we rely on each other’s strengths and work as a team, we can do so much more.

We are encouraged to persevere in our faith and look to Jesus and the reward He promises. With any challenge, we should look forward to the final result and push through the difficulties.

God’s compassion and mercy never fail. They are new every morning. Even when we make mistakes, God picks us up and gives us another chance. Mistakes are not the end. They are an opportunity to learn, grow, and try again.

We humans tend to make poor choices. Just as our prototype might not work the first time, with God’s help, we can get a new start on life. Though our sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.

As engineers, inventors, and creators, it is important to share our work with others, to tell them about what we did. Likewise, as believers in God, we are to share our faith, to preach the gospel and tell people what God has done in our lives.


Bible characters who displayed problem-solving, engineering, and innovation skills:

God called him to be a builder and innovator. He followed God’s design and built a massive boat in a time when large ships were likely unnecessary.

He was a problem solver and entrepreneur who trusted God’s warning for the future. He developed and implemented a plan to store excess grain during the seven years of plenty to use during the famine.

God is a creative problem solver. When the Egyptians were pursuing the Israelites (problem), God led them to the sea, opened a path through the water, and provided a way for escape (solution).

God chose Bezalel and Oholiab and gave them great wisdom and special skills to create the wilderness sanctuary.

When presented with a problem (Israelite spies in danger of being discovered), she hid the spies and helped them escape from the city.

She was a problem solver, mediator/judge, and military leader.

When two women were arguing over who the baby belonged to, Solomon used his God-given wisdom to solve the problem.

He was an innovator and leader, who became king of Judah at 16 years old. “He made devices invented for use on the towers and on the corner defenses” (verse 15).

He identified a problem (Jerusalem’s walls were broken), analyzed the situation, proposed a solution, and led the people to rebuild the walls.

Before his ministry, Jesus was a carpenter/craftsman.

She was a clothing designer who made clothes for the poor in her community.

She was an entrepreneur and business person, who was a “dealer in purple cloth”. This was an expensive material that only the elite of Rome were allowed to wear.

Professionally, Paul was a tentmaker (a craftsman).

Invention Fair Guidelines (coming soon) - organize a school invention fair

Judging Rubric - judging rubric for school invention fair & Mission: Invent

Louis Braille

Benjamin Franklin

Chester Greenwood

Young Inventor Articles

Modern Inventors

Inventor Databases

Real-World Problems

Invention Fair Examples