
Mission: Invent

STEM Division
Nethery Hall 135
4141 Administration Dr
(269) 471-3872

Students need to be equipped with the necessary skills to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. They need opportunities to collaborate with their peers and think outside the box to practice solving real-world problems. Problem-Based Learning combined with Project-Based Learning is how we plan to do that. Check out the following videos to learn more about these strategies.

Problem-Based Learning

How can we teach our students to think creatively and solve challenging real-world problems in unique ways? How can we prepare them to think for themselves? Check out this short explanation of the history and theory behind Problem-Based Learning and why it is so important.

Project-Based Learning

There are many methods of teaching students but one of the best ways to learn is through in-depth self-guided projects. When students can take ownership of their education and struggle and engage with the material, retention and interest will increase. Check out this short video to see why Project-Based Learning is such a powerful tool.

What Happens When Students Engage in Project-Based Learning?

So what happens when we give our students the opportunity to learn through doing, to think critically, and take charge of their learning? Life is all about problem solving which is why we ought to encourage this mindset in our students throughout their education journey. By doing this, we are preparing them to be thinkers and doers for the world of tomorrow!

Design Thinking

We all agree that creative thinking and problem solving are essential skills, but what does that look like in the classroom? How can we teach students to be reflective and persistent and give them the confidence to solve any problem? Watch this short video to learn how design thinking teaches these skills, and see students in action solving real-world problems.

Teach Engineering!

If you haven't seen our Engineering page, click here to see how Problem-Based Learning, Project Based Learning, and Design Thinking integrate with engineering and inventing.