
Course Description 2012-2013































































Course Description 2012-2013.PDF

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EDAL520   D (2–3)
Foundations of Educational Leadership
A basic orientation to the purposes, organization, and administration of educational programs and institutions; the structure and control of school systems; the nature of administration; and the conceptual foundations of educational administration and leadership.

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EDAL560   D (3)
K–12 Law
Emphasizes legal issues affecting teachers and educational administrators, including governmental relations, church state issues, teacher employment, student control, and school board operations and procedures.

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EDAL565   D (1–2)
Leadership for Seventh-day Adventist Education
Explores the spiritual climate and leadership practices of administration in Seventh-day Adventist education. Uses scripture, the writings of Ellen White, and other sources to develop a frame of reference for educational leadership and an understanding of the role of the divine in education.

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EDAL570   D (2–3)
Principles of Educational Supervision
Designed for principals, superintendents, and instructional supervisors concerned with the improvement of teaching and learning by professional supervision; the role, aims, principles, and practices of instructional supervision; introductory study of supervisory techniques.

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EDAL635   D (2–3)
Human Resources Administration
Reviews personnel services; policy for certified and noncertified employees; personnel functions in education; the interpersonal process in educational organizations, communications, and group dynamics for educational administrators.

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EDAL 640  D (2-3)
Higher Education Law
Legal aspects of the administration of higher education institutions. Policy issues related to student rights, intellectual property, academic freedom, admission, employee relations, and property use.

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EDAL645   D (2–3)
K–12 Educational Finance
Focuses on financial and economic issues affecting educational institutions, including school support, costs of education, sources of revenue, budgeting, and the organization and maintenance of the fiscal and physical resources of educational systems.

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EDAL650   $ D (0)
Educational Administration Program Continuation (MA)
A master's student may register for this title to comply with continuous registration requirements. Registration for this title constitutes full-time status.

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EDAL655  D (3)
Higher Education Finance and Technology
An overview of issues related to the financing of higher education, including the nature of educational costs, state and federal finance policy, economic perspectives, basic concepts of budgeting, and the implications of financing on college access and affordability. The course focuses on the benefits of contemporary technology systems and its ethical usage to enhance financial and organizational effectiveness.

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EDAL664   D (2–3)
Elementary School Leadership
Explores the role of the principal; leadership in curriculum implementation and reform; organization of schedules, calendar, and catalogue; staff organization and utilization; attendance program; responsibilities such as assemblies, opening and closing of school, supervision of staff, and operation of school facilities.

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EDAL665   D (2–3)
Secondary School Leadership
Explores the role of the principal; leadership in curriculum implementation and reform; organization of schedules, calendar, and catalogue; staff organization and utilization; attendance program; responsibilities such as assemblies, opening and closing of school, and supervision of staff. Also includes office management and auxiliary services.

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EDAL667   D (3)
Leadership in Higher Education
Focuses on the study of governance of higher education institutions, stressing administrative roles and leadership in visioning distinctive organizational and environmental features of colleges, universities and community colleges, and how these features affect the management of these organizations.

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EDAL670   D (3)
Technology for Leaders
Philosophical basis for technology usage in various leadership settings to enhance organizational effectiveness, survey of contemporary technologies appropriate to most organizational settings and cost benefit analysis of various systems, development of a technology plan for leadership development, ethics of technology usage.

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EDAL674   D (3)
Administration of Student Services
Overview of student services in higher education and its historical and philosophical foundations, guiding theories, and professional practices. Focuses on administrative structures and processes, and the organization of student services programs in the context of contemporary issues and trends.

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EDAL675   D (3)
College Student Development Theory
Explores the characteristics of college students and the theories of growth and development for traditional and non-traditional students. Emphasis is placed on understanding the immediate and long-term impact of a college experience.

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EDAL676   D (3)
Administration of Academic Services
Focuses on the principles academic officers use in dealing with selected administrative functions related to academic departments, degree programs, faculty development, curriculum administration, instructional resources, student development, budget planning, enrollment, and academic personnel.

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EDAL680   D (1–12)
Internship: (Topic) ____
A planned internship in leadership at a cooperating organization, institution, school district, or agency. Permission of supervisor and plans required in advance of registration. May be graded S/U. Repeatable.

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EDAL685                                                                                 $ (0)
Master's Comprehensive Exam Prep

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EDAL750                                                                             $ D (0)
Educational Administration Program Continuation (EdS/Doctoral)
A doctoral student may register for this title to comply with continuous registration requirements. Registration for this title constitutes full-time status.

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EDAL785                                                                             $ D (0)
Comprehensive Examination Preparation (EdS/Doctoral)

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EDAL888   $ D (0)
Dissertation Continuation
Registration for this title constitutes full-time status.

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EDUC560                                                                                $ (0)
Degree Reactivation
When participants request reactivation, they will register for Degree Reactivation and pay the associated fee.

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EDUC670                                                                                   (0)
Master's Comprehensive Exam

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EDUC870                                                                                $ (0)
Doctoral Comprehensive Exam

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LEAD525   D (2–3)
Public Relations: Community Partnerships
Reviews research on public relations and strategies for improving community relationships and strengthening partnerships with community groups.

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LEAD530   D (1-2)
Educational Marketing
Provides the foundation knowledge and skills for understanding, planning, and designing marketing plans for educational institutions. Focuses on elements of marketing such as mission statement, target market, image, position, and the market mix (product, price, place, and promotions).

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LEAD535  D (1–3)
Principles of Academic Writing
This course offers an introduction to the art of academic discourse that will prepare students for writing research papers, theses and dissertations. It covers summary, analysis and synthesis, structure and language use, style and formatting, and the concept of writing as both a process and a skill learned best through continual practice.

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LEAD600   $ (0)
Annual Conference
Registration for this title constitutes full-time status.

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LEAD620   D (1–2)
Development and Fund Raising
Prepares leaders in educational development through a practical exploration of fund raising research and proposal writing.

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LEAD625  D (1-2)
Research Writing Seminar
Provides an overview of the technical aspects involved in writing research reports, focusing specifically on the language, structure, style and composition process typically used in research writing.

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LEAD6XX  – D (1)
Leadership Certificate Plan
Preparation and submission of a leadership development plan describing a self-designed program of study, building on past experiences and addressing current and future leadership goals.

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LEAD6XX – D (1)
Leadership Capstone Experience
Presentation of a portfolio demonstrating the development of selected leadership competencies. Participants will reflect on and evaluate their personal and professional growth, their leadership development, and the lifelong impact of these competencies on their career.

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LEAD630   $ D (2)
Introduction to Leadership
Intensive introduction to the Leadership program. Focus on leadership concepts, effective instruction, principles of research, and skills relating to the completion of the program. Graded S/U.

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LEAD635   D (4)
Leadership and Learning Plan
Preparation and submission of LLP to faculty for approval. Prerequisite: LEAD630.

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LEAD636   D (2–3)
Issues in Leadership Foundations
Participants review the literature, discuss the findings in study groups and with faculty, and provide scholarly feedback related to assigned topics that address foundations of leadership and worldviews.

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LEAD637   D (2–3)
Issues in Research
This course serves to develop skills in reading and evaluating qualitative and quantitative research writings.

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LEAD638   D (2–3)
Issues in Leadership Theory
A seminar in the study of leadership theory. This course is intended to provide a wide coverage of leadership theory based on sound research principles, with implications for informed practice. The seminar includes concept formation in such areas as organizational development, historical and contemporary views of leadership, power and influence, “followership,” ethical leadership and diversity, and applications to problem solving in leadership and administrative settings.

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LEAD645   D (1–3)
Ethical Leadership
Explores the dynamics of moral leadership, ethical decision-making and the administrative role in institutional integrity in organizations and schools.

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LEAD648   D (1–12)
Workshop: (Topic) _____
Selected learning experiences. Repeatable. Permission of instructor required.

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LEAD650   $ D (0)
Leadership Program Continuation
After the LLP is approved, the participant may register for this title to maintain active status while clearing DGs (deferred grades) with advisor approval only. Registration for this title constitutes full-time status.

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LEAD675   D (1–3)
Portfolio Development: (Topic) ____
Development of expertise and documentation in a selected competency area including self reflection that describes personal growth and the theoretical knowledge base supporting the competency. (Repeatable up to 12 credits).

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LEAD678   D (1-6)
Higher Education Study Tour
International or comparative dimensions of education and leadership through a study tour program with travel to destinations relevant to specific topics of study.  Intended to give participants a cross-cultural perspective and a global vision of the challenges of education and leadership around the world.  Fee may apply. 

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LEAD680   D (1–12)
Internship: (Topic) _____
Planned field experience in leadership at cooperating institutions, school systems, or agencies. Permission of instructor required.

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LEAD689   D (1–12)
Seminar: (Topic)_____
Selected topics offered. Repeatable. Permission of instructor required.

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LEAD690   D (1–12)
Independent Study: (Topic)____
Selected topics. Repeatable with different topics. Permission of advisor and instructor required.

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LEAD696  D (1)
Leadership Capstone Experience
Presentation of a portfolio demonstrating the development of selected leadership competencies.  Participants will reflect on and evaluate their personal and professional growth, their leadership development, and the lifelong impact of these competencies on their career. 

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LEAD698   D (3)
MA Research Project
A planned research experience whereby a problem or issue in the workplace relating to leadership is identified by the participant. The process includes the development of a research proposal, implementation of the research plan, and a written paper using the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Standards for Written Work. Graded S/U.

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LEAD699   D (1–3)

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LEAD756   D (1–12)
Advanced Studies: (Topic) _____
Advanced studies in leadership. Repeatable with different topics. Permission of instructor required.

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LEAD775   D (1–3)
Advanced Portfolio Development: (Topic) _____
Building upon the knowledge base developed in LEAD675, the participant continues to develop expertise and documentation in a selected competency area. (Repeatable up to 12 credits)

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LEAD778  $ D (1-6)
Higher Education Study Tour
International or comparative dimensions of education and leadership through a study tour program with travel to destinations relevant to specific topics of study.  Intended to give participants a cross-cultural perspective and a global vision of the challenges of education and leadership around the world.  Fee may apply. 

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LEAD789   D (1–12)
Advanced Seminar: (Topic)______
Advanced topics in leadership. Repeatable with different topics. Permission of instructor required.

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LEAD798  D (3-6)
EDS Research Project
Presentation of a portfolio demonstrating the development of selected leadership competencies. Participants will reflect on and evaluate their personal and professional growth, their leadership development, and the lifelong impact of these competencies on their career.

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LEAD880   D (2)
Dissertation Proposal Development
Designing and writing the doctoral dissertation proposal. Registering for this title constitutes full-time status. Prerequisite: LEAD535, LEAD637 and an approved topic and committee prior to registration for this course. Graded S/U. Spring only.

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LEAD886   D (1–12)
Advanced Internship: (Topic)_____
Under supervision of a faculty member in a leadership area. Student interns in responsible positions with specialists/administrators in cooperating institutions, school systems, or agencies. Permission of instructor required. Graded S/U.

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LEAD888   $ D (0)
Dissertation Continuation
Registering for this title constitutes full-time status.

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LEAD899   D (1–14+)
Doctoral Dissertation
A minimum of 14 credits required. Repeatable. Fall, Spring, Summer

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