ࡱ> AC>?@y bjbjEE ''b$===Pd=dYpk! $[ddddddd`mލ=,dq0d$$dd$x@d$ :  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1PhD in K-12 Educational Administration Course Plan 2008-2009 Bulletin Name: __________________________________ ID: ______ Date Accepted: __________________ For Parts A, B, C, D, E, and F, your advisor is: % Duane Covrig ( HYPERLINK "mailto:covrig@andrews.edu" covrig@andrews.edu) % Gary Gifford ( HYPERLINK "mailto:ggifford@andrews.edu" ggifford@andrews.edu) % Sylvia Gonzalez ( HYPERLINK "mailto:sylviag@andrews.edu" sylviag@andrews.edu) Degree RequirementsStudent CreditAcro/NumTitleCreditsAU CreditsTransfer CreditsWaived CreditsTranscript Name of the SchoolAttached Petition (/)Term taken or to be takenGradesAU After Admission700 level-no dissertationA. COMMON CORE (15 Cr. minimum) With more credits available from variable credit coursesEDAL500Administration Orientation1-2EDAL520Foundations of Educational Leadership2-3EDAL645Educational Finance2-3EDAL670Technology for Leaders1-3LEAD886Advanced Internship: (Topic) 1-12EDCI Any EDCI Graduate Course 3EDFN500Phil. Foundations of Educ. & Psych.3Subtotal 15-29B. CONCENTRATION AREA (18 Cr. minimum) With more credits available from variable credit coursesEDAL560School Law2-3 EDAL565 Leadership for SDA Education1-2EDAL570Principles of Educational Supervision2-3EDAL635Human Resources Administration 2-3EDAL660Planning & Operating Educational Facilities2-3EDAL664/5Elementary/Secondary School Leadership2-3LEAD525Public Relations: Community Partnerships2-3Subtotal18-20SUBTOTAL PARTS A and B Acro/NumTitleCreditsAU CreditsTransfer CreditsWaived CreditsTranscript Name of the SchoolAttached Petition (/)Term taken or to be takenGradesAU After Admission700 level-no dissertationC. EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (17 Cr.)EDRM505Research Methods in Educ. & Psych. 3EDRM605Qual. Research Methods in Educ. & Psych.3EDRM611Applied Statistics in Educ. & Psych. 13EDRM612Applied Statistics in Educ. & Psych. II3EDCI636Program Evaluation3LEAD637Issues in Research 2Subtotal17 D. COGNATE AREA (12 Cr.) Choose from outside Educational Administration, such as Business, Communication, Social Work, Psychology, Curriculum, Leadership, Research, or transfer credits.E. DISSERTATION (16 Cr.)EDRM880 LEAD880Dissertation Proposal Development2LEAD899Doctoral Dissertation1-14 F. ELECTIVES--As NeededIn consultation with your advisor.FOR TEACHER CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS (THAT MAY FOLLOW IN THESE BOXES) JEANNIE WOLFER ( HYPERLINK "mailto:wolferj@andrews.edu" wolferj@andrews.edu) IS YOUR ADVISOR.SUBTOTAL PARTS A and BSUBTOTAL PARTS C, D, E, and FPossible Teacher Certification CreditsTOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED90   SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Did you transfer in all relevant coursework? &Yes &No &N/A Did you receive an appropriate approval? &Yes &No &N/A (You must received Dr Kijai s approval to transfer in research courses) Did you use any other course to substitute a required course? &Yes &No &N/A If you substituted a required c*,2:DZ  , p r D F H l n x z ýshXjho[hkbCJUho[hkb0JCJjho[hkbCJUjho[hkbCJU hdRCJho[hkbCJ hkbCJ h,BICJ hxvCJ h=CJ h!CJ hQuCJhyh=CJ h85CJ h=5CJh=5CJaJhsnh=5CJaJ jhsnh=5CJUaJ"p r r $  0 $P/$1$Ifa$gd=P/$1$Ifgd=1$gdkb1$gd= $d1$a$gdy $d1$a$gd=  , . V X 0 B D t v   89:B]޿ssgs^hZh=aJhr5B*CJphh=5B*CJphhxvh$B*CJphh=B*CJOJQJphh=B*CJphh=B*CJph h=CJh= h=CJhxvhkbCJjho[hkbCJU hdRCJho[hkbCJho[hkb0JCJjho[hkbCJU"0 2 D P ` f k`NN>$P$1$Ifa$gd=$P/$1$Ifa$gd= /$Ifgd$kdy$$If440+ 0+4 a f4pyt^+f v  R ` 9P/$1$Ifgd=Ff$P/$1$Ifa$gd=$P/$1$Ifa$gdxv$P$1$Ifa$gd=$/$1$Ifa$gd=9:B]abcdefgq__q____$P/$1$Ifa$gd=P/$1$Ifgd= /$Ifgd=tkd $$If4++  0+4 a f4p yt8 ]aghjktu|}%&*.ELQWXZ[deĺĭ亖亖hGIh\B*CJphh.XB*CJphhGIhY6kB*CJphh\B*CJphhY6kB*CJphhyB*CJph h=CJ h=0Jhxvh=B*CJphhGIh=B*CJph;ghijklmnopqrstu} /$Ifgd=Ff+$P/$1$Ifa$gd=P/$1$Ifgd=Ff%Ff&Ff $P/$1$Ifa$gd=P/$1$Ifgd=FfmFf+3Ff,$P/$1$Ifa$gd=P/$1$Ifgd= !"#$%&.LQRSTUVWXYZFfg?Ff19$P/$1$Ifa$gd=P/$1$Ifgd=Z[\]^_`abcdekFfKFfEP/$1$Ifgd=$P/$1$Ifa$gd=Ff%X /$1$Ifgd=FfQ$P/$1$Ifa$gd8P/$1$Ifgd=$P/$1$Ifa$gd=XZ^PbĸЩڎxnxnxnxdUh\h85B*CJphh8B*CJphhB*CJphh} B*CJphh=5B*CJphh} 5B*CJphhGIh=5B*CJphhGIh,5B*CJphh=5B*CJphhGI5B*CJphh=B*CJphhxvhGIhY6kB*CJphhY6kB*CJphh#jB*CJphYP/$1$IfgdP+Ffc$}P/$1$If]}a$gdGIFf+^$P/$1$Ifa$gd=P/$1$Ifgd=YZbmq||9B$ _`03Ap@ P 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&No &N/A Are you planning on taking any relevant coursework outside of AU? &Yes &No &N/A If you are planning it, did you submit a petition for permission to do so? &Yes &No &N/A Do you have a minimum of AU 32 semester credits of coursework after acceptance into the program to meet the minimum residency ? &Yes &No Have you met the residency requirements? (See the Doctoral Handbook p. 4) &Yes &No Do you have at least 6 semester credits at the 700 level or above? &Yes &No Does your total meet the minimum 90 semester credits? &Yes &No ______________________________________________ _______________ Student s Signature Date ______________________________________________ _______________ Vdfnp ^pĨ68:>@DFJLPTʮ̮ήخڮȾwwjhh8CJUaJhh8CJaJ h8<CJ h8CJh8hj jhj Uh)zUh=B*CJphh>B*CJphh$B*CJphhkbhkb5B*aJph h8CJh:h:CJOJQJ^Jo(h:h:CJ,0ln8<>BGEEEB _3Ap@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IPd1$^`Pgd>7 _3Ap@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I1$gd=? _3Ap@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IP1$^`Pgd= Academic Advisor Date     EdD in Higher Education Administration: 2006-2007 Bulletin Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 3 PhD in K-12 Administration: 2008-2009 Bulletin Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 3 MA in Educational Administration: 2004-2005 Bulletin Page of  NUMPAGES \* arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3 MA in Educational Administration: 2004-2005 Bulletin Page of  NUMPAGES \* arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3 BDHJNPRT̮7 _3Ap@ P 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