
Course Descriptions

OTH700*   Scholarly Writing & Research (2 cr)

This course is dedicated to the development of doctoral quality writing skills through guided practice of writing a literature review for a scientific paper in preparation for publishing work. This is a degree orientation course, which includes introduction to the degree(s), being oriented to the James White Library, including endnote training and instruction to the AOTA Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain & Process. This course is available on-campus and interactive online.

OTH710 Grant Writing (Elective) (2 cr)
Overview of the basic principles and practice of effective health education and health promotion grant writing. Provides guidance for identifying potential funding sources and writing a grant proposal that is ready for submission. 

OTH716^ Clinical Pharmacology (2 cr)
Develops a non-prescriptive knowledge of specific medications including indications, contraindications, precautions, adverse reactions, and dosage, especially as related to physiological effects of occupational therapy interventions. 

OTH732^ Clinical Research (2 cr)
This course introduces clinical research methods.  Course content includes: formulating a research question, defining variables, designing the study, instrumentation, validity and reliability of measurement and design, data collection procedures, basic data analysis, and ethical and legal responsibilities of the researcher. 

OTH 741^^ Physiological Basis for Exercise Prescription: Level I (3 cr)
Using the system of Medical Exercise Therapy founded by Odvar Holten, this course covers the physiological basis for exercise prescription specifically related to the healing process. Testing strategies, formulas for exercise dosing and equipment conducive to this approach will be presented along with computer software developed to assist dosage and patient tracking.

OTH744* Principles of Contemporary Leadership (3 cr)
Theory and application of complexity sciences to organizational management; exploration of key leadership roles and changing paradigm; presentation of methods to maximize personal and professional life. 

OTH748* Education Techniques for Healthcare Professionals (2 cr)
Examines and applies educational theory to skills utilized by the occupational therapist in the classroom, community, and clinical facility. Topics include the educational role of the occupational therapist, the taxonomies of learning, learning styles, multiple intelligence, and education technology.  

OTH750^ Professional Communication and Consulting (2 cr)
An introduction to the integration of the occupational therapist as consultant. Discussion will include applying occupational therapy consultation services to individuals, business, schools, government agencies and/or other organizations.

OTH756* Occupational Science I (3 cr)
This course delves deeper into the underlying models, theories, philosophies, and framework of the occupational therapy profession.  Students will apply these constructs to clients across the life-span and in various settings. 

OTH759* Emerging Roles and Practice Areas for the Occupational Therapist (3 cr)
Non-traditional and emerging roles and practice areas for occupational therapists will be examined and explored in conjunction with the evolving healthcare system and academic opportunities.  Students will have the opportunity to implement an evidence-based project into an emerging area of practice. 

OTH 764^^ Physiological Basis for Exercise Prescription: Level II (3 cr)
Advanced clinical reasoning and application for precision therapeutic exercise design, dosing, and delivery.  Topics: hand-held dynamometry, exercise design, optimal improvement, four outcome domains, lower quadrant, spine.

OTH 774^^ Physiological Basis for Exercise Prescription: Level III (1 cr)
Mastery of the application of precision therapeutic exercise design, dosing, and delivery is demonstrated through a comprehensive theoretical exam and a lab-based oral practical with clinical discussion derived from case studies submitted by the student.  Upon satisfactory completion, Certified Manual Exercise Therapist (CMET) credential is awarded.

OTH783^^ Applied Research in Occupational Therapy (3 cr)
Students will develop and execute an applied research project related to occupational therapy.  This project has the possibility to be expanded into a dissertation project. 

OTH800 Teaching Practicum (Elective) (2 cr)
This course provides students with a semester-long supervised teaching experience. Students will be paired with an experienced teacher (mentor) in their field of rehabilitation expertise and will participate in their mentor's course in activities such as developing instructional materials, teaching selected portions of the course, and preparing and grading assessments for both in-person and online courses.

OTH840* Advanced Topics in Clinical Research (3 cr)
This course is designed to prepare students to match research questions with study design, perform the appropriate statistical analysis, and report results.  Students use SPSS to run descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency and variability of a frequency distribution as well as tests of difference or relationship: t-tests, ANOVAs, correlations, regression analysis, Chi-square and non-parametric equivalents.   

OTH846* Spirituality in Health Care (3 cr)
A discussion of individual spiritual values; spiritual values from a Christian perspective; how faith and spirituality facilitate the healing process, and how these can be incorporated into patient care. Attention will be given to discerning/addressing the spiritual needs of the patients/clients, family members and ancillary medical staff in a professional environment. 

OTH854* Advocacy in Occupational Therapy (3 cr)
Reviews the historical impact of major legislation on occupational therapy practice. Investigates current trends and challenges in the occupational therapy profession and explores the importance of professional advocacy. Students will examine legal, moral, ethical and public policy challenges occupational therapists face in a variety of settings including administration, academics, clinical practice and research.  

OTH860* Applications in Clinical Research (2 cr)
This course provides an in-depth review of study designs and serves to develop researchers’ skills in evaluating both quantitative and qualitative research.  Information is presented on grant writing and IRB application as well as disseminating completed research projects through manuscript, poster, and oral presentation.  

OTH876* Occupational Science II (3 cr)
This course examines the science of participation and performance of persons in their environments incorporating theories and research.

OTH896* Occupational Science III (3 cr)
This course examines the science of participation and performance of populations and communities incorporating theories and research.

OTH898* Dissertation Project (1-6 cr)
Serves as an essential outcome component to augment the professional development and new learning that occurs in didactic course work of the post-professional doctoral degree and demonstrates the ability of the DScOT to make significant contributions to the profession and/or serve as a change agent in the field of occupational therapy. 

EDRM 605* Qualitative Research Methods in Education and Psychology (3 cr)
The theory, methods, and application of qualitative research in education and psychology with particular emphasis on participant observation and the ethnographic interview.

Elective courses (7-10 cr)
7 credits required for OTD to DScOT
7 credits required for MSOT to DScOT
10 credits required for BSOT to DScOT


Chosen in consultation with faculty advisor from the following course prefixes: OTH, PTH, EDCI, EDAL, LEAD, PBHL. All elective courses must be at least 600 level.

* indicates core course for all tracks

^^indicates course for BS and MS to DScOT 

^ indicates course for BS to DScOT


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