Frequently Asked Question
Grades: Incomplete Contract Instructions
Last Updated 2 years ago
1. Go to
2. Select Class within Select Grades
3. Choose an Incomplete as the final grade, and submit, and a reminder message for incomplete contract will appear
4. On the left, choose Enter Incomplete Contracts
5. A list of students will show up who need an incomplete contract. Select the student and fill out the incomplete contract form.Â
- Reason
- Last Day of (In Fall, this should be the last day of the next semester. In Spring, this can be the last day of summer term or the last day of the following fall term.)Â
- Default grade (This is usually F--the grade the student would have received if this was not an incomplete.)Â
- Task Description
6. Store the contract.Â
7. On the left menu, choose Submit Final Grades
8. Then choose Submit Final Final Grades