Frequently Asked Question

Assignments: How to enable tracking of changes to submission of assignments
Last Updated 3 years ago

How to enable submission tracking for Assignments, e.g. various drafts of a project

Submission tracking is not available in LearningHub, but I believe instructors can keep track of the different versions of sumitted assignments via Feedback files or via PDF annotation.

How to make this work:

  • 1.
    Set up the assignment to allow more than 1 submission, this number will determine how many drafts + final submission are allowed
  • 2.
    Set the “Require students to click the submit button” to “No”. By doing this, the students will be able to submit more files at a later date.
  • 3.
    In the “Feedback types” section of the assignment settings, check the “Feedback files” checkbox. This will allow you to upload the MS Word file of the student, with annotations, as a feedback file. You will do this step only if you are planning to download their submissions and re-upload them as feedback files.
  • 4.
    If you are not wanting to download and re-upload files, then you can use the PDF annotation option. When you click on the blue “Grade” button, you can annotate the PDF that shows up on the left and it becomes a file of its own that shows up as an attached file when you open the list of items to be graded.

I believe that for this to work in a more seamless way, it will require to ask the students to label their submission files as “Book Report 5 – Submission 1”, then the nest one should be “Book Report 5 – Submission 2”, that way you can see the files at a glance and will know which one was the last feedback file/annotation that you gave to the student. Something good about this approach is that students cannot remove feedback files or annotations, so they stay in the system even if they remove the original submission and upload another one in its place.

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