
Frequently Asked Question

Mahara: How to import collection (template) files into Mahara
Last Updated 3 years ago


In order to import collection files into Mahara, please follow these steps:

1. Depending on your need, download to your computer the "MPH Template.zip" or the "Advancement Portfolio.zip" file located under "Attachments" at the top right of this document
2. After saving the file to your computer, go to your Mahara account and follow the steps shown in the screenshot below


3. On step 3 above, browse in your computer for the file that you just downloaded from this document

4. After clicking on "Import" (step 4), you will be taken to another window where you will go to the bottom of it and will click on "Import" again
5. Click on the "Collections" link, under the "Portfolio" tab, and you will find the collection installed in your account.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions about this procedure.

Your DLiT team.

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