
Frequently Asked Question

Quiz: How to create a user override for student accommodations?
Last Updated 3 years ago

If you need to make adjustments to the time of a quiz for student accommodations, or if the internet drops a student during a quiz and you want to give them a second attempt, you need to go to the "user override" setting.

  1. On the LearningHub course page scroll to the Exam or Quiz you want to work on and click on it.
  2. The next page has the title of the exam. Click on the gear icon in the upper right of the page and choose "User overrides".
  3. That takes you to another screen where you click on the box that says "Add user override"
  4. That opens a screen entitled "Override". First you choose the student by clicking on the drop down box in "Override user".
  5. Then you can modify the settings:
    1. the date and time to "close the quiz"
    2. "Time limit" - you can extend the time, be sure to click "enable"
    3. "Attempts allowed" - if you want to give them another chance change this number to 2 or 3
  6. When done be sure to click at the bottom on "Save"

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