
Frequently Asked Question

Grades: How to submit grades in Vault (final grade, instructions for teachers)
Last Updated 3 years ago

From the Registrar's office:

1. Go to
2. Click Registrar
3. Click Grade Submission. If prompted, login using your ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ username and password
4. Click on Submit Final Grades *See below for Incompletes
5. From the drop-down menu, select a class you wish to submit grades for (The list will show only students with missing grades, DGs or incompletes.)
6. Select grade for each student
7. Click Store Working Final Copy of Grades or Submit Final Final Copy of Grades
8. Click View Submitted Grades if you wish to view the grades you have submitted

*If you enter an incomplete for a student and attempt to submit final grades, the website will prompt you to complete an online incomplete contract if you have not already done so. After entering the information for the incomplete contract, you MUST click on "Submit Final Final Grades" again.

REMINDER: Once you submit the grades you can no longer make any changes to them. It is strongly suggested that you use Store Working Final Copy until you are certain that you want to submit them.

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