
Frequently Asked Question

Assignments: Why does my Turnitin Assignment show a ‘Read Only’ mode?
Last Updated 3 years ago

  • You may have tried to access a Turnitin Assignment in order to provide feedback, or grade a submission.
  • A student may have tried to submit a paper.

However, you are prevented from doing so since the class has apparently expired and is currently ‘read only’.

Read Only lock

Why does this message appear?

When a Teacher creates a Turnitin (Feedback Studio) assignment for the first time within a Moodle course, a Turnitin class is also created for that course on the Turnitin database. This class has a default end date which is typically six months from the creation date, or it is set to the date of the latest post-date for the Turnitin assignments in the class. Once the end date is reached, the class becomes “expired,” which means any submissions in the class are read-only.

For the teacher this access to grading will end at the time/date that they set the "Post" date for the assignment. Be sure to set the "Post" date later than the "Due" date so that the teacher has time to grade.


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