
Frequently Asked Question

Gradebook: Troubleshooting when the student's grade is different than the teacher's grade
Last Updated 3 years ago

Sometimes the final grade the student sees is not the one the teacher sees.  A teacher can check to see what the student sees by opening the gradebook view and clicking on the grid to the right of a student's name.  Then you can toggle the box "View report as" between "User"(Student) or "Myself"(Teacher).  

If those grades do not agree here are some things to look for in the Gradebook Setup page:

1.  There are hidden items (assignments, quizzes, etc.) in categories that are weighted.  If an activity is not to be included in the final grade then a "Non-graded items" category should be added and all 0 point items moved there, and then the category weight listed as "0".  This is particularly important if any category has the setting to drop the lowest grade.   The hidden item will negate the drop lowest grade in the student view but not the teacher.

2.  In creating an "Add Grade Item" in the Gradebook Setup page be sure to not put in points in the box "Minimum grade" or "Grade to pass".  This will make the grade appear differently in the teacher view than the student view.

3.  Make sure that all the categories and the course have the same aggregation.  As of Jan. 2021, Moodle version 3.9, it is highly recommended to always use the Natural aggregation for the course and all categories.  You can still set weights for each category as based on the syllabus, or set a weight for an item if you need to change the total grade and students already submitted work, or if you have quizzes with different points that are to be all the same weight (for example)

4. Make sure every item is in a category, unless you only have a few, large items that each have their own weight in the syllabus.  

5. Always check the Setup category settings to see if the "Exclude empty grades" is checked.  This appears when you click on "Show more", under aggregation.  The teacher needs to either put in a 0 for the empty grades or check this box.  But for final grades this can/should be unchecked.  

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