
MA in Pastoral Ministry

CHMN 637 - Seminar in Preaching







Professor: Willie Hucks
Date: September 23-27, 2018
Location: Burman University, Alberta, Canada
Course Description:

An advanced preaching course emphasizing such topics as homiletical theory, history of preaching, persuasion, current preaching trends and models, and experimental preaching techniques.

Students Learning Outcomes:
  1. develop solid biblical sermons that are both authentically biblical and relevant to the target audience,
  2. deliver sermons in a way that connects with and impacts the audience,
  3. discover the pastor’s vital role in shaping worship and the role of preaching in big picture worship.
Class Resources:

(The MAPM course registration is now online, please click on >> Registration instructions for more information).
Course Syllabus
Location Information