
InMinistry MAPMin Class

 MSSN546 - Mission in Cultural & Religious Context







Professor: Gorden Doss
Date: February 17-21, 2019
Location: Church Fellowship Room, Oklahoma Conference, Oklahoma City
Course Description:

The aim of this course is to provide a Christian and biblical framework for the understanding of the relationship between Adventist mission within cultural and religious contexts. Biblical principles and models, historical examples, and contemporary case studies in cross-cultural missions are explored.

The course explores concepts of intercultural communication with emphasis on the challenges Adventist missionaries face as they witness in cross-cultural contexts.Attention is also given to the fundamentals of culture, group organization, and social change. The class aims at promoting the development of cultural sensitivity for effective communication of the gospel to all people and nations of the world.

Furthermore, the incarnational model of Christ is assumed to be the basis for cross-cultural mission. The mandate of the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20 cannot be fully accomplished in one-to-two-week mission trips by touring evangelists. God’s mission is a long-term process that must be undertaken by committed believers who live with, understand, and serve the people they minister to. This course aims to provide a biblical and holistic worldview for cross-cultural mission based on the incarnational, servant model of Christ. Moreover, it seeks to promote an Adventist mission philosophy and practice that is biblically shaped and culturally sensitive. Thus, people will be empowered to live out the gospel message in their cultural and social contexts.

Class Resources:

(The MAPM course registration is now online, please click on >> Registration instructions for more information).

Course Syllabus
Location Information