
MDiv Prerequisite Courses

Students who have not previously taken the following classes on the undergraduate level must fulfill the following prerequisites, all of which may be taken either at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary or at the undergraduate level.

MDiv Prerequisite Course List

Course #

Course Name

Cr. Req.

  Practical and Applied Theology (PATH)  
PATH552 Foundations of Pastoral Ministry 2
PATH505 Biblical Preaching 2
PATH536 Personal Evangelical Ministry 2
  Church History (CHIS)  
CHIS506 Church History to 1500 2
CHIS507 Church History 1500 to Present 2
CHIS570 History of the SDA Church 1.5
CHIS571 Life & Writings of EGW 1.5
  New Testament (NTST)  
NTST 520 Introduction to the New Testament 2
NTST530 Introduction to Revelation 3
NTST551 Beg. Greek (Min. C-)/Test 45% 2
NTST551 Interm. Greek (Min. C+)/Test 60% 3
  Old Testament (OTST)  
OTST500 Survey of the Old Testament 2
OTST565 Pentateuch 2
OTST551 Biblical Hebrew I (Min. of C+)/Test 75% 3
OTST551 Biblical Hebrew II (Min. of C+)/Test 75% 2
  Theology (THST)  
THST521 Christian Theology I 3
THST522 Christian Theology II 3