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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O2 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal 8Noteb Note   9OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???:$Percent ;Title1Title I}% <TotalMTotal %OO= Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16` b InstructionsACCT #s֧Regular SalariesYContract Salaries StaffStudentQCapital Expendz Renovations _xlfn.SINGLE5 Budget RequestSCHEDULE OF DETAILSFSchedule 1(a) -- Regular Salaries: (Regular defined as 45% and above.) Academic RankTitle or%TotalLess Other Dept ChargesNet Salary BudgetAmountPortion of Salary to be Chargedto Other Departments if Any"Schedule 1(b) -- Contract Salaries(Persons working less than half time for university and/or employed on a "contract basis, including retirees or Equivalent Number ofCredits TaughtRate perCreditContract Budget TotalSchedule 2 Wages:Staff hour-time workers, including student spouses. Type of Work # of Weeks Hours / year Hours / wkCurrent Annual WagesTotalsHSchedule 3 - Student Labor: List each position or type of work categoryName/Position/Category'Special Budget Considerations/Comments:HourlyratejFor percent column, enter in whole number format. For example, 10% would be entered as "10" and not ".10" INSTRUCTIONS:PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING$Please type the deparment name here:CTo print, click on print button. Print range has already been set.+appropriate tab name to open the worksheet.eEach budget form is a different worksheet in this file, as indicated by the tabs below. Click on theSalaryAnnual5 (it will automatically appear on your worksheets)LBlue shaded cells and 'Total' cells have formulas and compute automatically.fEnter key moves cursor to next cell on right. To move around spreadsheet, use arrow buttons or mouse.SHARED SALARIES INSTRUCTIONS:^ For employees based in other departments allocated to you -- enter your department's salaryY allocation in the "Annual Salary" column and LEAVE OUT % amount. Indicate from which department employee is based. calculations.] If employee is based in your department, enter their ENTIRE annual salary. When you input_ the percent being allocated in the appropriate column, the spreadsheet will do the necessaryDept Orgn # 11-WHEN WORKSHEETS ARE COMPLETE: 1. Save file to your computer.L2. Print out each form and submit the hard copy to the Controller's office> ANDREWS UNIVERSITYJ ANDREWS UNIVERSITYA ANDREWS UNIVERSITY@ ANDREWS UNIVERSITY0 ANDREWS UNIVERSITYCapital Expenditures RequestExpenditures over $2500H*Compute annual wages for each employee by using the current rate of payIncrHoursper weekRate# ofWeeksBased in this Dept &Allocations from Other DeptsSalaried EmployeesWagese* THIS INFORMATION SHOULD BE DISSEMINATED TO YOUR EMPLOYEES TO AVOID POTENTIAL UNAPPROVED PURCHASES *QDescription of Renovation(s) requested and explanation of the need for renovationk appropriate account for your expense. Now is the opportunity to have the funds budgeted.PLEASE READ! PLEASE READ! mDescription of SINGLE Items over $2500 (Do NOT include Renovation type projects. Use Renovations Worksheet)b- RENOVATIONS: New guidelines are now in place for renovation approvals. If you have plans to dom renovating or remodeling this next fiscal year, this worksheet must be completed.f ** PLEASE READ ** these new guidelines and share them with your employees toa how the account #'s should be used. Consider putting budget in accounts wheree you will incur described expenses, as the Finance Dept will be using/assigning the4*(Note NEW important instructions at bottom of page)U - ACCT #'s : Frequently used and new account numbers. A new account number has been_ created for FIELD TRIP EXPENSE. Please review this short list to understandACCT# ACCT TITLEUSESHARED SALARIESBUsed in IDC's for transferring in/out salaries between departmentsSHARED (HOURLY) WAGESPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS_Membership for an Individual in your dept. If registering Department for membership, use 9712.DOCTORAL REIMBURSEMENTiDO NOT USE - use other 936x accounts. (Finance transfers exp into this account from 11-9010 cost center)CONVENTION COSTS OTHER TRAVELrTravel exp for your department personnel (for guest travel, use either 9613 or 9783; for student use 9435 or 9456) STUDENT TRANSJMay be used for student or class-related travel (for field trips use 9524)STUDENT ACTIVITIES:Spent on CURRENT students - meals/activities/gifts/parties LAB EXPENSEIPurchase of expendable supplies for lab - generally used up within a yearGENERAL SUPPLIESUPurchase of EXPENDABLE item(s) generally used up within a year (i.e. office supplies)WORKSHOP EXPENSE]Expenses incurred in hosting a workshop; for exp while attending a workshop, use 9350 or 9430GENL CONVENTION EXPGEN RETREAT EXP\Exp incurred for a department retreat (include facility rental/lodging/meals/transportation)GUEST TEACHER EXPbPayment for services to Guest Teacher. May also include all expenses such as travel/lodging/mealsCONTRACT SERVICESGAll honorariums; payments for services to someone outside of University WEB SERVICES9Can also be used for meals or business lunch w/your staffSOCIAL ACTIVITIESMISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE9Exp incurred that doesn't easily fall in other categoriesFACULTY-STAFF RECRUITMENT>Exp (meals/travel/lodging) incurred in recruiting new employee RECRUITINGgMeals or other exp for POTENTIAL student (for current student, use 9456) - for Advertising Exp use 9784ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSE@Business entertainment for individual outside of your departmentEQUIPMENT UNDER 2500SNon-expendable items such as office machines/furniture items/dcor/small tools, etcRECOVERED COSTS7Reimb to your dept received from OUTSIDE the UniversityOTHER TRANSFERS@Transfer TO/FROM your department to/from another University deptThis is not the entire list of account numbers available. That can be found on our website: www.andrews.edu/finrec/resources/index.htmlPlease review this short list to understand how these account numbers should be used. Consider putting budget in accounts where you will incur described expense.The Finance Department uses/assigns the appropriate account when reviewing expenses. Now is the opportunity to have the funds budgeted in those accounts.\COMMONLY USED ACCOUNT NUMBERS (For your reference only. Do not include with Budget Packet)FUsed in IDC's for transferring in/out hourly wages between departmentsxNon-tangible on-line purchases (music, data storage, etc.); incl subscription to on-line sites for specified time period*9524FIELD TRIP EXPENSES *tExp incurred for class-related field trip (include entrance fees/meals/transportation) * NEW ACCOUNT *hSocial (non-business) activities or gifts; generally for staff or student-workers within your departmentuPlease provide information on any planned renovation projects for this upcoming fiscal year. ALL renovation projectsuThe renovation projects listed on this worksheet will be reviewed as part of the budgeting process to determine whichtprojects will be capitalized, which will be part of Plant Service budget, and which will be charged to your expense.^You will be notified once the determination is made and what account number has been assigned.Renovations Request ** RENOVATION DEFINED: Can include: painting of rooms and offices, new or replacement carpeting, changing office space around, new or repositionedcubicle walls and office furniture, new fixtures, new/replaced showers/toilets, plumbing; new/replace outdoor buildings,; repair work on houses, etc.vshould be listed on this tab and NONE should be listed on the Capital Tab. Refer to your budget packet for more info.A avoid potential unapproved purchases.If you have any doubt whether or not your planned project may be a renovation or not, please contact the Financial Administration office x3484.<")* TWO TABS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THIS FILE *[Expenses incurred in hosting a convention; for exp while attending a conv, use 9420 or 94307Please move any budget in this line to your 9430 budgetBUSINESS MEETING EXPENSE 2024-20252025 - 2026 (May 1 - April 30) 2025-2026? u@jAA"dBCD= GhH JS zJ MX KOP R^SU]V[Y[@I_ccB ZO 4w=  dMbP?_*+%&?'RQ?(?)?MJ\\printhp6.inside.andrews.edu\lC odXXLetterDINU"( U>ZC(SMTJIUPHxn@ǍjܸFBMU1nP(BQc(QSH!^GG#qQƭ\(ح؁Cf~ُ]g۳;i"ôJH# IRMq\.CHSmqbg;ZC{ |?֨J !Vtݾ2Ima^&Hi1&V[H8rvQ.=ڀZkI%g ИkIIOQE|y[@&0:+λչ8j@T[Ecȧ" q4QF "t{ftz败QcMHu1Nw`1[ߢ]DE*B6j ty=0"*!^QGEiSY\ahy}v&鉲\5Gw3iIQPox mcn Af^$=}h5?VvL騗*|f>ovr"bͪ]x!56 }u[0ixxM!ʴ]B;3iSĐG {X*+U>0&í kᄐ>m=uTe͕mE\ZAAA}-G}"dXX??&U} J} $J} J}  J} $ J4    ,,@ !" ]' w( [ xxyaaaa a) : z/ aaa aaaa J, J+ J0 J& J1 J* ; J< a=a 2 J7 a8 a6 a !J3 "a42^,0  #%&(@)*+,-./0123 #a5% & ( ( )\ ) *] +Y + ,Z , -S -. /V / 0W 0 1X 1 23"z >@JJ7 Sheet2gg@ ZO "ҟn  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'\(\?(zG?)Q?M.Microsoft Print to PDFP/ odXXLetterGIS4DINU"$,?]{~ SMTJ{084F01FA-E634-4D77-83EE-074817C03581}RESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeLETTEROrientationLANDSCAPE_CC90ResolutionResOption1ColorModeColor,V4DM p"O4wMH5L*@VDocumentUserPasswordDocumentOwnerPasswordDocumentCryptSecurity"YXXQ?Q?&\U} $} } $g"@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    ^ _ `~ @ a b~ $@ c ~ F@ d e~ H@ f g~ f@ h ~ k@ i j~ m@ k l~ x@ m n~ @ o p~ @ q r~ @ s t~ @ u    ~ @ v w~ @ x y~ @ z {~ @ | ~ @  }~ @ ~ ~ @  ~ @  ~ @  ~ @  ~ =@  >0************************ @!@~ L@  ~ !L@ ! !|*>@!"gg@ ZO "b  dMbP?_*+%&?'q= ףp?(zG?)?M\\print4\5300P-RICOH (FinRec)( odXX4CourierHelvetica 4XdQTYRPJL,WIN2000,PCL5E,,GRAYSCALE@PJL SET GUISTARTJOB=1 @PJL SET GSPJLFILE= @PJL SET GUIENDJOB=1 xddXjC:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SPOOL\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\RIC555D.XPIo 5300"dXX(\??&U} m} I} } I } } $ } } } I } } } I } } } I ",,,       Y@ Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@ @ @N8Z Enter Orgn# On Pg 1:BEnter Orgn# On Pg 1 > <&Z  :B      Rr<Z Enter Dept Name On Pg 1:BEnter Dept Name On Pg 1HHHHHHHHHH > ??     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