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The billing process runs every night and any IDCs marked ready for billing will be posted to the system automatically. If the department being charged does not approve the IDC within the fourteen days available, the system will automatically approve it to be reviewed by the accountant and it will continue through the process. The status of an IDC may be tracked. There are eight levels of status to tell you exactly where in the process the IDC is: Entered waiting to be approved (14 days waiting for approval) Contested (IDC contested by department charged or accountant) Approved by system (14 day approval time expired) Approved waiting to be reviewed (department approved; waiting for accountants review) Reviewed waiting to be marked for billing (accountant reviewed; not yet marked for billing) Marked for billing waiting to be billed (system waiting to bill) Billed (process complete; IDC is posted to system) Deleted (issuing department deleted IDC) SECURITY The credit ORGANIZATION field is restricted by your Banner security access. You may charge any department, however you may only credit departments you have been authorized access to in the Banner system. This will change the way you transfer money to other departments, since you will no longer be able to charge yourself. In order to accomplish this, you must create a negative IDC. By entering the dollar amount as a negative, the IDC is in effect reversed the Charge department will be credited and the Credit department (your own) will be charged. ACCOUNT NUMBER VALIDITY CHECKS The system has been programmed to check the validity and accuracy of account numbers (to a degree). If an incorrect program code is entered for the organization being charged, the system will not proceed until the error is corrected. It will also stop you if you are using an expense program code with an income account number, or vice versa. (ex. Accounts # 8xxx should have a 5x or 6x program code, not 7x or higher). This information can be found on the Financial Records website  HYPERLINK "http://andrews.edu/finrec" http://andrews.edu/finrec. The system has been set up in a user friendly way to facilitate easy navigation with minimal instruction. The buttons and links are self-explanatory. It is important to note that navigation between forms should be done by using the IDC menu options in the yellow bar near the top of the page and not the BACK button in Microsoft Explorer. This will mess up the system. Go to website:  HYPERLINK "http://vault.andrews.edu" http://vault.andrews.edu Login Click on Finance and then IDC ENTER IDC Click on this to open a new blank IDC form. DESCRIPTION (LINE ONE) The first description line is for an overall, SUMMARY description of what the IDC is for. This is the line that will appear on the financial statement following the IDC #, and is also the field that shows in various other screens and summary lists in the on-line IDC process. Since there are a limited number of spaces for this field in Banner (20 spaces), try to be concise. Put the most important information at the beginning of the line so when it is truncated the most useful information will still be there. Try to put in this line what you think will be most helpful to the person receiving the charge. The details such as quantity, item description, and price are entered in the lower section of the IDC. Advance to the next field by using TAB or your mouse. CREDIT GENERAL LEDGER NUMBER Enter the GL number you are crediting (usually your own department). You will see that the funds and organizations available to you appear in a drop down menus in the respective fields. CHARGE GENERAL LEDGER NUMBER Enter the GL number of the department to be charged. For Balance Sheet accounts (e.g. 11-25650, most commonly used for clubs) you will use only the fund and account fields. The fields for organization and program should be blank. QUANTITY/DESCRIPTION/AMOUNT This is where the details of the IDC are entered. Enter quantity and unit price. Do not enter $ or any non-numeric characters (including a space) in numeric fields. Enter description of the charge. Please be as informative as possible. Next, click on ADD CHARGE TO IDC. (See next section). ADD CHARGE TO IDC Several things happen when you click on this button. First, the system verifies your GL# data in the charge/credit section. If there are any error messages you will need to fix the errors before proceeding. (See FAQs page for help with GL #s). Next, the charge amount will be automatically calculated for the detail line entered and another line will be provided for additional data entry. For each line entered you will need to click on ADD CHARGE TO IDC. There is no limit to the number of lines. You will also see the EDIT/DELETE buttons appear next to the previous line entered giving you the option to make corrections to data entered. Finally, the SUBMIT IDC button will appear at the bottom of the page. Please be aware that the SUBMIT button appears after the first charge line is added to the IDC. If you use additional lines make sure they are ADDED to the IDC before you submit the document. NOTES This area is provided to give more information to the department being charged, or to the accountant approving, if needed. This is especially helpful if you are doing a transaction that is out of the ordinary or that you know will be questioned. At the bottom of the page you will see the following button options, which are fairly self-explanatory: SAVE AS GLOBAL TEMPLATE (templates discussed next) SAVE AS PRIVATE TEMPLATE (templates discussed next) SAVE AS PARTIAL IDC (you are not finished with IDC; will complete later) SUBMIT IDC (submits the IDC for approval) SUBMIT & APPROVE IDC (this option is for when you create IDCs charging a department you have authorization for. You may submit and approve in one step) After you click on SUBMIT IDC you are taken to the SUCCESS page that gives you the IDC number and the option to print the IDC. (If the IDC number is 0 your IDC was not successfully submitted.) You will then have the following options: *NEW IDC SAME CREDIT (open new IDC with same credit GL #) *NEW IDC SAME CHARGE (retains credit & charge GL#s) NEW IDC (will close the current IDC and open another blank IDC form) BACK TO MAIN PAGE returns you to IDC home page *When you use these buttons, the description line (at top of IDC) will not be repeated. Negative IDCs (Transferring Funds) Because you are restricted to only crediting your own department, this feature was developed to allow you to credit another department while charging yourself essentially transferring funds to another department for whatever reason. Enter your G/L number in the Credit section as usual. Enter the number of the other department in the Charge section. The amount, however, should be entered as a (-) negative. What this does is tell the system to reverse the charge/credit assignment. This may be a little tricky to follow for those not used to working with debits and credits. The IDC will maintain its original data as entered. The IDC will still show up in your View Credit IDCs section even though it is actually a charge to your department, and vice versa for the other department. Users will have to think backwards when viewing these IDCs. If this sounds too confusing to process or keep track of, another option is to have the department you want to give money to create an IDC charging you. Or you may send an email or memo to one of the accountants asking for the money to be transferred. (Include all relevant info, especially a detailed explanation for the transfer.) ADD/REMOVE USERS This option allows you to grant another user access to accounts that you are authorized for. Selects the new users name or ID number. The system will then list all the departments that you have access too. You may then select the organizations you wish to authorize the new user to have access to for data entry, approval, or both. You may also de-select or remove someones access using this feature. TEMPLATE/PARTIAL IDCS Templates can be made for repetitive IDCs to help save you time. You can decide how much information you would like to save in the template. Personal Templates are for your use only and are login restricted; Global templates may be used by any user. Partial IDCs are IDCs that are incomplete for whatever reason but will be completed or deleted at a later time. They will remain until you delete them. VIEW CREDIT/CHARGE IDCS This lists IDCs that are charging or crediting your account. Here the abbreviated list shows the status of each IDC, the department being credited (if you have more than one), as well as the (1st) description line so you know what the IDC is for. IDCs are listed here in descending order so the most current IDCs are at the top of the list. CREDIT IDCs are those that are crediting your account and charging another department (usually IDCs created by your department). This is where you could check the status of an IDC you created and are waiting to be posted to your account. This is also where you would make any changes to an unapproved IDC or delete it. If your IDC is contested, this is where you would go to re-submit it. CHARGE IDCs are those created by other departments to charge you. This option is where you will approve or contest IDCs. APPROVING IDCs To approve an IDC you must first open it. You have the option to change the account number and program number that has been used to charge your department in case the issuing department got it wrong. If you approve the charge, scroll to the bottom and click the APPROVE IDC button. CONTESTING IDCs If you do not agree with a charge, or if you have questions and would like to hold the IDC from processing automatically in 14 days, you may contest the IDC. An explanation must be given in the space provided before the system will proceed. This explanation is then automatically emailed to the user that issued the charge. Included in the email is the IDC# of the contested IDC and a link to the IDC website. SEND EMAIL You also have the option of emailing the issuer with questions/comments. Clicking on this button will open an email message addressed to the IDC issuer and include the IDC detail in the body of the message. You may then add (preferably at the beginning) your own message. After the email is sent, you will be returned to the CHARGE IDCs page. Sending an email DOES NOT approve the IDC. VIEW IDC AS PDF (Print IDC) If you would like to print the IDC before you hit the approve button and the IDC gets processed, click on this button first. If you would like your print copy to show approval information (your name and date approved), then approve IDC and open again (VIEW) before printing. FIND IDC This search, by IDC number, is for when you would like view a specific IDC. On-Line IDC FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) PRINTING How do I print an On-Line IDC? NEWLY CREATED IDC: After submitting an IDC you are taken to the Success page that gives you your IDC number. Following the IDC# is a link that will open the IDC as a PDF document that you can print. PREVIOUSLY PROCESSED IDC: Type the IDC number in the FIND IDC box. When the IDC opens, scroll to the bottom and click on VIEW IDC as PDF. Do I need to print copies of all my On-Line IDCs? This is your option. Several years worth of IDCs will remain available on-line. Older IDCs will be archived, but still available for access on-line. A better option would be filing your detailed financial statement for each month. IDC numbers (as well as brief IDC descriptions) are listed here and can always be looked up on-line if further detail is needed. APPROVING CHARGES Will I be notified when my departments receives an On-Line IDC charge? No. We recommend that you check on-line at least once a week to see if there are any IDCs waiting for your approval. After I log in, how do I know if I have any IDCs to approve? If you have any IDCs waiting to be approved, a CHARGE IDCS box will appear and you will see the number of IDCs for each level of status. If there is no CHARGE IDCS box, you have no IDCs to approve. The MISC/CLUB IDCs box is not restricted by user login everyone sees these IDCs. If these IDCs are not for you, please ignore them and do not interfere in their processing. CONTESTED IDCS & SYSTEM APPROVED IDCS What happens when my IDC is contested? You will receive an email notifying you that an IDC has been contested. The email will contain the IDC information as well as an explanation why the IDC is being contested. At this point you may either edit the IDC and re-submit it to the department to approve, or delete the IDC. Action must be taken by the issuing department for the IDC to move out of contested status. What if I dont agree with a charge that was put through because the system approved it? The department that charged you will need to be contacted directly. They may either issue you a credit, or you may create an IDC charging them back. IDCs will sit for 14 days waiting for your approval before they are system approved and forwarded to accounting for review and billing (except Lithotech IDCs). It is recommended that you check on-line at least once a week for IDCs waiting for your approval. It is much easier to contest an IDC before it is processed than try to reverse a charge after the fact LOGIN PROBLEMS Why cant I login? You need to have a Banner login assigned to you by ITS. If you use the web to look up IDs or your own personal account, this log in is different then what you need to access IDCs. ITS has a pink form that you need to fill out and have your supervisor sign. GL NUMBER PROBLEMS How do I correct the GL number when the system keeps giving me error messages? You may call the department you are trying to charge and ask them for the correct number. There is also a list of departments and their respective program codes available on-line at the Financial Records website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.andrews.edu/finrec" http://www.andrews.edu/finrec . Verify that you are using an expense program code (7x or above) for expense accounts (9xxx), or a revenue program code (5x or 6x) for revenue accounts (8xxx). If you have verified that everything is entered correctly and its still not working call Esther in Financial Records How do I enter the un-common looking account numbers? There are many different account combinations that may look strange to some of you. Balance Sheet Account: Has only two components, Fund and Account. For these account numbers (e.g. 11-25650) , the organization and program fields will remain blank. Restricted Funds: These funds begin with a 2 and are six digits long (e.g. 275300). The organization for these funds will always be 9920. Allocated Funds: These funds begin with 8 and are either three or six digits long (e.g. 843 or 841757). The organization for these funds will always be 9980. Since there are so many of these funds there is no list available on-line for your reference. If you are having problems with these numbers, feel free to call accounting for help. Why dont I have access to ALL my organizations or funds? If there is an organization or fund that is not appearing in the drop down menu in that field, call Karen Wade or Esther Lonto and your user profile will be adjusted.   On-Line IDC Process ProProcess 14 days Contested No No Action Automatic approval by system Yes Approved by dept to be charged? Dept creates IDC IDC posted to Banner Yes IDC marked for billing Approved by accountant Accountant review < / 2 P Q \ ^ ! L O    & ' 0 ; G klL),>?efg'. SY-? !#56CJ\]jU5 *50JjU jU>*6]5\CJ 56\]6B*]ph3fJ=;<~  Q ! & ' 0 d e ^DE,-. ,-?^CDw & l ! 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