ࡱ> <>;  bjbj E$t5%%%8]$<%#$cX&%0#p# : Referee Information Form NOTE: We rely on electronic communication to produce the Journal. If you are going to serve as a referee, you must be able to receive electronic mail (email). (Please use a word processor or print in block letters.) 1. CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Title: Highest degree completed: Institutional Affiliation: Address (include City/State/Zip or Country & Postal Code:) Phone No.: Fax No.: e-mail: 2. INTEREST & EXPERTISE: Please indicate your interest and expertise Subjects & Topics __Leadership Theory__Leadership Behavior__Leadership Issues__Leadership & Ethics__Leadership & Change__Organizational Studies__Executive Leadership__Leadership and Gender__Cross-cultural Leadership__Pastoral Leadership__Teams & Small Groups__Leadership Development Research Methods __Quantitative __Ethnography __Case studies __Qualitative methods __Historical __Philosophical __Theological __Book reviews Please list all the specific topics or content areas in which you have expertise: 3. FREQUENCY: How many manuscripts per year are you interested in reviewing?     Journal of Applied Christian Leadership Erich W. Baumgartner, Editor, Journal of Applied Christian Leadership | HYPERLINK "mailto:jacl@andrews.edu"jacl@andrews.edu | Bell Hall 173 ţ University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0111 | Phone: 269.471.2523 | Fax: 269.471.6560 OZ        < T U V W r s z { ɽvk`kXXMhhJOJQJhJOJQJhhOJQJhh)OJQJhh@CJOJQJaJhh)CJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhKh@5OJQJ\hKhe*R5OJQJhKh@5OJQJhh@OJQJhiOJQJhhOJQJhOJQJhh@CJ0OJQJ\aJ0  W s 0h]0^hgdK0hx]0^hgdJ0hx]0^hgdJ0hx]0^h`gdK 0]0`gd@]gdi $]a$gd p&dP]gdi     ( ) + < = ? 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