
Academic Advancement

helping you achieve your goals

Academic AdvancementIt is the desire of the faculty that all students find success as they participate in the academy school program. Occasionally students struggle for success because they are scholastically immature, lack study skills or personal motivation, have an insufficient academic foundation, or view themselves as unable to achieve. This type of young person may become overwhelmed with the activities involved in the pursuit of a secondary diploma.

To meet the needs of these students, the academy faculty and administration have established the Academic Advancement Program Team (AAPT). Working together with the student and parents, AAPT is dedicated to the student’s success. If students put forth honest effort, AAPT will help them experience academic success.

This service is provided by the Guidance Director, Leslie Nieves, and a specially employed learning specialist, Gina Pelligrini. A student who does not experience a reasonable level of success may contact Ms. Nieves, or a teacher, advisor, or parent may make the initial contact.