A degree in Animal Science from ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University prepares you to choose from a wide variety of employment and further educational opportunities.
Some of the careers you'd be prepared for;
Recreational horse program director
Custom calf grower
Dairy herd manager
Equine supplies sales manager
Game farm manager
Goat dairy manager
Horse boarding stable manager
Kennel, cattery manager
Milk co-op field consultant
Milk production technician
Peace Corps/ADRA to improve food security
Pet behaviorist
Pet products developer
Pet shop manager
State conservation officer
USDA animal health inspector
USDA animal products inspector
Wildlife rehabilitator
Zoo interpreter, educator
Animal welfare auditor
Embryo transfer specialist
Equine chiropractor
Equine dentist
Equine massage therapist
Equine-assisted therapist
Horse riding instructor
Trainer of aid dogs for the handicapped
Animal Scientist
Animal geneticist
Wildlife biologist
Marine biologist
Range & wildlife specialist
Ethologist/animal behaviorist
Exotic animal nutritionist
Exotic animal reproduction specialist
Click to view these careers and more in a presentation format.
(note: requirements for careers change over time, so it is good to keep an eye on the career of your choice for any changes in requirements or certifications).