
Robert Zdor

Robert Zdor

Robert Zdor

Title: Professor
Department Chair

Office Location: Price Hall 212
E-mail: zdor@andrews.edu
Phone: (269) 471-3243


BS Biology, Pacific Union College
MS Biology, Walla Walla College
PhD Pathology, University of Missouri


Dr. Zdor joined the faculty during the summer of 1991.  He earned a Ph.D. in 1989 from the University of Missouri in the Department of Plant Pathology and his research interests are in the use of bacteria to control weeds. Dr. Zdor teaches Biology of Bacteria, Developmental Zoology, Human Embryology and Advanced Molecular Biology.

Current Research or Professional Activities

Although I enjoy many areas of biology, the study of the most successful life forms on earth, bacteria, has been the focus of my research. Using the tools of microbiology & molecular biology, I specifically address issues dealing with bacteria-plant interactions.

My current work is with cyanide-producing bacteria and their effect on plant growth. I have had the privilege of working with a number of fine undergraduate and graduate students who have contributed much to the research environment of the biology dept.

When I am not culturing bacteria or exploring cloning with English majors, I enjoy time with my family and getting on a backpack and exploring the Great Outdoors.
