
Working Policy Section

Manner of Appointment:  WP 2:140:2:1

Department Chair 2:140:2
Manner of Appointment 2:140:2:1
Appointment to the chairship of a department is made by the Board of Trustees at the recommendation of the president and after the usual search process (see policy #2:142:6, Item 2). The president obtains advice from the departmental faculty, the dean of the school in question, the dean of the school of graduate studies and research (where appropriate), and the provost. Faculty members re-employed after retirement are not eligible to serve as chairs.

 Department Chair Search:  WP 2:142:5:2 

For Department Chair 2:142:5:2
When a department chair vacancy occurs, the dean of the school in question shall call the department together in order to choose a search committee. The search committee membership must include at least one (1) member, appointed by the dean, who is a department chair from another department in the same school. One (1) faculty member from another school shall be appointed by the dean of the school in which the search committee is to function. If the position involves graduate faculty responsibilities, the school’s graduate program director or the graduate dean must be included. Departments should include one (1) student on the search committee.

 Term of Service and Review :  WP 2:140:2:2

Term of Service and Review 2:140:2:2
The usual expected term of service for a department chair is five and is renewable. A faculty member who accepts appointment as chair of a department at the time of the university constituency sessions is expected to remain with the university for the full term except where special arrangements are made with the Board of Trustees.

 Rotating Chair:  WP 2:140:2:3

Rotating Chair 2:140:2:3
A department may request the school dean and provost to establish a rotating chair on the basis of procedures developed by the department. Nominees are approved by the usual procedure.

 Evaluation and Reappointment of Chair:  WP 2:140:2:4 

Evaluation and Reappointment of Chair 2:140:2:4
(1) Annual Development Plan and Evaluation 2:140:2:4:1
Chairs will prepare an Annual Development Plan with specific goals informed by self-evaluation, faculty peer evaluation, assessment of learner outcomes (see policy #2:440), and the advice of the dean of the school. A job description tailored to the department’s leadership needs and based on the general Chair’s job description is the basis for development of the plan.  An annual evaluation with regard to achievement of these goals occurs annually at the Plans Conference with the dean of the school. At this conference a new Annual Plan is prepared.
(2) Five Year Review for Reappointment 2:140:2:4:2
Department chairs are reviewed by the dean of the school for reappointment every five years. This evaluation occurs during the year of the university constituency session in the year following the General Conference quinquennial session. The office of the president shall be responsible for coordinating this periodic evaluation. Evaluation data will be obtained from departmental faculty. Recommendations on reappointments will be made by the dean of the school to the provost who then recommends to the president. Reappointment for another term will be made by the Board of Trustees.
(3) Special Review of Chairship 2:140:2:4:3
Calls for a special review of a department chair as provided for in policy #2:140:1:3 may occur at any time. Such a special review is initiated by the vice-president when a majority of the departmental faculty submits compelling reasons to the vice-president for such a review.
In such a special evaluation, a special review committee shall be appointed by the provost, who shall also chair the committee. Members of the committee shall include the dean of the relevant school, the dean of the school of graduate studies and research (where appropriate), the faculty members of the department, a full professor from another department in the university and the Director of Human Resources.

 Acting Chair:  W P 2:140:3

Acting Chair 2:140:3
A faculty member may be appointed acting chair of a department by the president upon recommendation of the dean(s) and provost when the incumbent chair is absent from the campus for an extended period such as a sabbatical leave or assignments away from the university. An acting chair may also be appointed on an interim basis during the search process to fill a vacancy in the chairship.
Selection of the acting chair will be based on appropriate criteria (see also policy #2:140:2:1 for non- eligibility of retirees). Extra remuneration is granted to the acting chair for the duration of the post if the usual fiscal management responsibilities of the chair are cared for. Such a person’s role will not guarantee consideration for the chairship of the department at the time of a future vacancy. If the term of service will be for at least a year, the appointment is made by the Board of Trustees.

Reporting Lines:  W P 2:235 

In all matters pertaining to the department, the chair of an academic department is directly responsible to the dean of the school to which the department belongs. If a matter affects two or more schools in interdepartmental or interdisciplinary programs voted by the Board of Trustees, the chair shall seek counsel from the appropriate deans and where appropriate the dean of the school of graduate studies and research.

 Arrangements for a Short Absence of a Chair:  WP 2:162:1 

Absence of Dean/Department Chair 2:162:1
When a dean is to be absent for a short period of time, the dean shall arrange for someone to care for the needs of the school and to make decisions during his/her absence fromthe campus and shall informthe Provost accordingly.
A chair of a department shall likewisemake arrangements for anothermember of the department to care for the needs of the department and to make decisions during his/her absence. The chair shall similarly informthe relevant dean of the arrangementsmade. If the chair is to be absent for an extended period of time (a week or more) he/she must appoint a member of the department as acting chair during the period in question and inform the dean.
Communication technology (telephone, e-mail) should be used whenever possible to maintain regular contact with the school or department.

 Absence of a Faculty Member: Teacher Substitutes:  WP 2:162:2

Absence of a FacultyMember: Teacher Substitutes 2:162:2
When travel takes a faculty member away from class appointments, clearance must be obtained from the department chair even if no reimbursement for travel is sought. A faculty member who is absent from the campus for an extended period should notify the chair and/or the dean as to how he/she may be reached in cases of emergency. Communication technology (telephone, e-mail) shall be used to maintain regular contact with the department whenever possible.
Normally, a faculty member may not miss more than ten percent of the class hours for professional meetings and off-campus professional appointments during a given semester. When a faculty member is authorized to miss classes the faculty member must make adequate provision acceptable to the department chair for the care of all classes, laboratories, and departmental responsibilities.

 Tardiness of a Faculty Member:  WP 2:162:3

Tardiness of a FacultyMember 2:162:3
Teachers have the responsibility of getting to class on time. If a teacher is detained and will be late, the teacher must send a message to the class with directions. If after 10 minutes, no message has been received, students may leave without penalty. If teacher tardiness persists, students have the right to notify the department chair, or if the teacher is the department chair, to notify the dean.

 Role and Functions of the Chair:  WP 2:235:1

Role and Functions of the Chair 2:235:1
The duties of the department chair include the following:

  • 1. Promote the well-being and effective functioning of the department.
  • 2. Manage the department resources in a fiscally responsible manner.
  • 3. Foster communication and faculty participation in departmental business including regular department sessions.
  • 4. Counsel the members of the department regarding their employment conditions and faculty performance including annual reviews and plans for teaching, scholarship, and service including participation in professional societies and presentations of scholarly papers (see policy #2:143:2).
  • 5. Give leadership to departmental improvement, including review of assessment results and the effect on curriculum improvement; annual reports, periodic self-studies, or program reviews; research agendas (see policy #2:244); recruiting and orienting new faculty, visiting professor, of guest faculty; student recruitment; and other activities that enhance departmental programs.
  • 6. Provide a communications link between faculty and administration regarding departmental needs and recommendations. Communicate departmental decisions to students.
  • 7. Ensure the enforcement of the applicable policies of the university.

 Department Sessions:  WP 2:235:2 

Department Sessions 2:235:2
The chair of the department shall call regular departmental sessions, usually at least monthly, several times during the year, and shall invite all regular members of the department. Minutes shall be recorded and copies given to members of the departmental faculty, the dean of the school and, if appropriate, the dean of the school of graduate studies and research, the registrar and the provost.
The agenda may include any matters germane to the strengthening and good functioning of the department. Examples might include learning objectives and assessment of them, effective teaching techniques, faculty research, course offerings, prerequisites and course requirements, decisions made in response to assessment findings, resources needed. Topics of general professional or departmental interest should be included. These discussions may lead to formulation of recommendations or requests to be presented by the department to the proper administrators or committees. See also policy #2:440.

 Annual Review:  WP 2:307:4:1 

Annual Review 2:307:4:1
At each annual review, the department chair will evaluate progress toward the objectives detailed in the advancement plan, and will inform the faculty member whether satisfactory progress toward the long-term objectives is occurring. The annual review is the most natural time to make a major change in an individual advancement plan, or elect a different advancement model. See policy # 2:326.

 Faculty Development:  WP 2:307:6:1

Role of Department Chair 2:307:6:1
The chair of an academic department has responsibility for the professional development of every faculty member in the department. This includes encouraging and directing the faculty members in that department to maintain a portfolio or record of teaching, research, and other professional experiences. However, the faculty member is responsible for the maintenance and updating of the portfolio.
Development of faculty advancement plans
At the time of hiring, the chair of a newly-recruited faculty member explains to him/her the available advancement models and criteria, and facilitates the new faculty member in preparing the advancement plan for the next appropriate rank and/or tenure. This plan will contain specific long - term expectations with respect to teaching, scholarly activity, and service, including service to the department, school and university (see also policy #2:307:4:1 above).
Approval of faculty advancement plans
The chair is responsible, in consultation with faculty colleagues, to review and approve individual faculty advancement plans and recommend them to the dean for approval.
Monitoring of faculty progress
The chair shall periodically meet with and inform the dean of the school of the status, goals, and progress of each of the faculty members in the department as well as situations in the department that help or hinder the reaching of established goals.
Portfolio Submission
During the promotion process the department chair submits to the Rank and Tenure Committee an evaluation and recommendation for the faculty member under consideration. The recommendation shall constitute part of the considerations for the promotion of a faculty member (see also policy #2:307:4:2 above).

 Determination of Grades:  WP 2:437:3 

Determination of Grades 2:437:3
Authority of Faculty Member 2:437:3:1
The authority to determine grades rests with the faculty member(s) teaching the course or substitute instructor(s) assigned by the relevant department chair in consultation with the dean where the regular instructor is unavailable.
Authority of the Department Chair and Dean 2:437:3:2
The department chair and dean of the school have general oversight responsibility through counsel with each faculty member to ensure that a carefully crafted grading policy including assessment of specific learning outcomes is used and that students are fully informed of the policy and its application.
Only when a grade complaint is lodged or a grading grievance petition is filed by a student will the department chair and dean become involved with decisions on grading.

Professional Memberships:  WP 2:378:1 

In order to encourage professional development, the university provides the following incentives to keep faculty members current in their disciplines:

ProfessionalMemberships 2:378:1
Faculty are reimbursed to an annually stated maximum for professional memberships. A receipted bill or other evidence of payment should be submitted with the membership expense report form provided.

Licensure:  WP 2:378:2 

Licensure 2:378:2
Where professional licensure, either state or national, is required, the full cost of such fee is reimbursable to the teacher upon submission to the treasurer's office of the proper form signed by the appropriate dean. The responsibility for determining the need for licensure rests with the dean of the school in which the teacher is based.

Denominational Journals:  WP 2:378:3

Denominational Journals 2:378:3
1. All full-time teachers receive a free subscription to the Journal of Adventist Education.
2. A teacher who has been ordained to the ministry or who teaches in religion or ministry will receive a free subscription to Ministry magazine
The list of those eligible for subscriptions is maintained by the provost.