
MATH 091 and 092

During the school year we highly recommend taking MATH 091 or 092 as a course rather than trying to use independently. In addition to receiving individualized review and instruction from the computer program, you have a substantial support system to help you get through the material. When you go to class, you work in a computer lab with a teacher and a lab instructor available to help you over the rough spots. Your teacher monitors your progress so that, if you are having difficulty, you can receive help.

MATH 091 and 092 form a sequence which is completed when you pass a set of proficiency examinations in arithmetic and algebra. You will enroll first in MATH 091, and if you put appropriate energy into the course, you may be able to complete the sequence requirements during your first semester while still in MATH 091. In this case, you do not need to take MATH 092.

If you fulfill participation and progress requirements for MATH 091 but need more time to complete the requirements, you will receive a grade in 091 and enroll the next semester in MATH 092.