
BS Physics

This major is for students who want to study physics in the greatest depth. Students will gain a thorough understanding of core physics topics as well as have the opportunity to study elective areas such as solid state physics, particle physics and astrophysics. The BS Physics program is the best option for those interested in studying physics at the graduate level.

Senior thesis All physics and biophysics majors do some original research in collaboration with an established physicist on campus or at another university, industrial, or national laboratory. If students enroll for 3 credits of PHYS 495 or HONS 497, they may prepare a senior thesis. Undergraduate Research Assistant (URA) scholarships are available through the Office of Scholarly Research when students collaborate with ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Physics faculty.

Bachelor of Science in Physics
2023-24 course planning guide [pdf]

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