
Ministering to the people in Roatan, Honduras

We are excited to announce our Study Tour for March 2014!

We will be ministering to the people in Dominican Republic!

Please contact us for more information about this trip.



This past spring break, the School of Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness planned its annual Mission Trip. The destination was Roatan, Honduras, a beautiful island in South America. We had a group of 8 students who volunteered to spend their spring break ministering to the people in Roatan. Our students did a week of prayer in the church of Coxen Hole, Roatan, they also painted the cafeteria of the Adventist Highschool; did seminars on health, teen related problems, etc to the highshool students. The students did nutrition assessment of the elementary students. It was a short but rewarding experience that our students really enjoyed! We look forward to doing more mission work in different parts of the world in the near future!


Leaving to Church..

Entering the school to do the talks for the Highschool students. This is also the school where we painted the cafeteria. 

Brenda, doing her talk on the importance of drinking water. 

Lauren, doing a little song worship with the elementary school kids. 

Stella, lecturing about saying No to Drugs!

Emily, teaching the importance of taking care of our teeth. 

Our students got to go snorkeling in the beautiful beaches of West Bay, Roatan.

Delicious "baleadas" we had for dinner one night. Baleadas is the traditional Honduran food. 

Olivia spending some time with the children during the nutrition assessments. 

Dr. Craig got to zip lining for the first time! This was a very scary but wonderful experience!

Our group of students ready to go zip lining over the beautiful mountains of Roatan. 

Closing the Sabbath, Closing an Amazing Mission Trip. Honduras 2013


March 13-22, 2012

This blue bus was our transportation while in Honduras

This is the entrance to the Pan American Health Services (PAHS) campus where we stayed.

This is Tatiana Kim, one of our Seniors at AU and Jackalee, one of the orphans at PAHS

Here is Kylee Gumm, one of our seniors at AU showing some love to another child of PAHS

Here is Madelyn Mauch also with a baby from PAHS

Katrina Arafiles is measuring a boy from one of the villages we visited



Here Jovanka Drobac (1) and Shelli Nash (2) are measuring and weighing children. This is our second year going to Honduras to do Nutrition Assessment, and it has been wonderful to see the vast improvement in the children at the clinics.

Jovanka, Vianey, Shelli, Jennifer, and Katie helping to make baleadas with Lucita and Nelly at PAHS.

Some of the boys at the El Tigre clinic happily coloring away in their new coloring books.

Here is our group riding in the back of the truck into town.

In Honduras, you never know who you will be sharing meals with - this was one of our meal companions!

For church on Sabbath, Shelli Nash and Vianey Munoz sang for special music.

Dr. Craig (translated by Ronald Archbold) gave a health lecture in one of the mountain villages to mothers on how to properly feed and nourish their young children.


Here we are on our last night at PAHS before saying goodbye to Lucita and Nelly.

Thanks to students, faculty, and people from the community who donated items and gave monitary gifts, we were able to take the children much need supplies, food, and clothing. This picture is just some of the things that we were able to get for them.


It was hard to leave, but we will be back again in March 2014!


 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

 Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

 The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."  Matthew 25:35-40

Do you want to help?

Call us at (269) 471-3370 to find out what we are needing for our next trip that will take place in March 2011
or you can go to


The children of Honduras are grateful for your help!