
Community Worship

Now that you have developed meaningful relationships with people through the school's community outreach center, you can integrate worship into their experience. This yields a great opportunity to partner with the students, parents and teachers. You can worship with individuals through one-on-one prayer, small groups, worship events and more. Begin worship at the school before inviting individuals to worship at your church. You must begin this process at their starting line and let them be in charge of their own spiritual journey—no pressure, no deception. The goal is to be the light and salt of the world around you through your school and community connection. All of these evangelistic events are great steps to lead others to Christ.

Acoustic Night

Create an evening where young people can worship together

New Seed Project

Aiming to reach and disciple the next generation

Open Mic Nights

Create an opportunity for everyone to share their talents for God

Passion/Christmas Play

Bring the community together to witness Christ's birth and sacrifice

Vacation Bible School

Win the kids, win the parents


An expressive week of worship

Interfaith Prayers

Create relationships with other Christians

Worship Service in the Park

Grab the community's attention

Church School Sabbath 

Highlight your church school and encourage community worship

Evangelistic Series 

Create opportunities for people to give their life to Jesus

Youth Sabbath School Class 

Worship with young people in the community