
possible career paths WITH AN architecture degree

Architect - Principal
Architectural Journalist
Architectural Historian
Corporate Architect
Architectural Engineer
Art Director
Building Contractor
Building Inspector
Building Researcher
City Manager
Civil Engineer
Computer Systems Analyst
Construction Manager

Construction Worker
Creative Director
Facilities Manager
Fashion Designer
Furniture Designer
General Laborer
Graphic Designer
Illuminating Engineer
Industrial Designer
Industrial Engineer
Landscape Architect
Management Analyst
Marine Architect
Materials/Products Sales
Mechanical Engineer

Physical Plant Inspector
Public Architect
Real Estate Appraisers
Real Estate Broker/Analyst
School Plant Consultant
Set Designer
Specification Writer
Technical Illustrator
University Architect
Urban Planner
Writer, Technical Publications


Professional resources

“Student to student mentoring, organized by the AIAS, in conjunction with a shared studio environment, promotes open idea sharing and dialogue enhancing the education in the program”

get involved 

The AIA works to advance our nation’s quality of life and protect the public’s health, safety and welfare, as it has done for 160 years.

The AIAS is an independent, nonprofit, student-run organization dedicated to advancing leadership, design, and service among architecture students..


NCARB is a nonprofit organization made up of the architectural licensing boards of 54 states and territories. While each jurisdiction is responsible for regulating the practice of architecture within its borders, NCARB develops and administers national programs for licensure candidates and architects to ensure they have the mobility to go wherever their career takes them.

Updated July 2010! The Handbook describes the NCARB organization, services, procedures, and examinations. It also outlines requirements for NCARB certification for U.S., Canadian, and foreign architects.

ACSA, unique in its representative role for schools of architecture, provides a forum for ideas on the leading edge of architectural thought. Issues that will affect the architectural profession in the future are being examined today in ACSA members schools.  The association maintains a variety of activities that influence, communicate, and record important issues. Such endeavors include scholarly meetings, workshops, publications, awards and competition programs, support for architectural research, policy development, and liaison with allied organizations.

The National Organization of Minority Architects.

This Web site will give you an overview to the varied and diverse paths to a career in architecture and of the requirements for registration.

The document contains the results of the 2007 Administrators Survey on Studio Culture, the 2008 AIAS Council of Presidents Survey on Studio Culture, lessons learned from peer reviewed studio culture policies, and a summary of best practices, guidelines and recommendations for a more effective studio culture narrative. As such, it represents a significant step forward in the Studio Culture initiative.  (American Institute of Architecture Students)

The Emerging Professional’s Companion is a online resource developed by the AIA and NCARB primarily for use by interns in gaining IDP credit. The Companion can also be used by educators, young architects, AIA components, and firms in a variety of ways to enhance or create new learning opportunities