
PhD (Discipleship & Lifespan Education) Theological Curriculum and Instruction Emphasis

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Required Courses for the Degree

DSLE 606 Philosophical Fnds of Education & Philosophy

or EDFN 500 Philosophical Fnds of Education & Psychology
DSLE 605 Foundations in Discipleship and Lifespan Education
EDRM 505 Research Methods or equivalent
DSLE 541 Foundations of Biblical Spirituality

15 credits

DSLE 850 Theological Foundations of Christian Teaching
OTST 890 Directed Reading
DSLE 610 Teaching for Discipleship
Psychology Elective
EDRM 605 Qualitative Research Methods in Educ & Psych

EDRM 611 Applied Statistical Methods I
EDRM 712 Applied Statistical Mehtods II
DSLE 887 Applied Research
EDRM 880 Diss Proposal Development (or GSEM 854)
DSLE 995 Dissertation (13-16 credits)
DSLE 830 Advanced Fostering Spiritual Growth
DSLE 950 Synthesis in Religious Education
DSLE 878 Advanced Professional Development

44 credits
Concentration Courses

Language Prerequisite: If the area of study requires a language, complete the course NTST 552 Intermediate Greek, OTST 552 Biblical Hebrew II or pass a qualifying examination at the intermediate level in Greek or Hebrew.

8 credits from one of the following areas:

  • Biblical Archeology & History of Antiquity
  • Christian Ministry
  • Church History
  • Mission
  • New Testament
  • Old Testament
  • Theology
  • Christian Philosophy
6 credits from Curriculum & Instruction

6 credits from Christian Formation & Discipleship Concentration

20 credits
Total  64 credits