
Schedule 2024-2025

Doctor of Intercultural Studies

Summer 2024

3rd and 4th year Students

Course Number Course Name Credits Teacher Intensive Dates

MSSN 880

Mission Education & Training 3.0 Matthews May 6-14
MSSN 820 The Church & Social Issues  3.0 Cincala/Drumm May 15-23
MSSN 829 Mission Strategy & Leadership 3.0 Bauer May 24-June 3

1st & 2nd year Students

Course Number Course Name Credits Teacher Intensive Dates
MSSN 829 Seminar in Other Religions 3.0 Tompkins May 28-June 3
MSSN 840

Research Methods in Mission & Ministry

(1st year students only)

3.0 Sanou June 6-14
MSSN 854

Research Design in Mission

(2nd year students only)

3.0 Cincala June 6-14
MSSN 838 Mission & the Social Sciences 5.0 Sanou June 17-July 2

Summer 2025

3rd and 4th year Students

Course Number Course Name Credits Teacher Intentive Date

Urban Contexts for Mission & Ministry

4.0 Krause May 27-June6
MSSN805  Current Issues in Mission 3.0 Sanou/Cincala/Tompkins June 9-17 
MSSN870 Discipleship & Worldview Transformation  4.0 Sanou/Doss June 18-July1

1st & 2nd year Students

Coure Number Course Name Credits Teacher Intentive Date
MSSN840 Research Methods in Mission & Ministry

(1st year students only)

3.0 Sanou May 27-June 4
MSSN854 Research Design in Mission

(2nd year students only)


Cincala May 27-June 4 
MSSN806 Biblical, Theological & Spiritual
Foundations of Mission
5.0 Drumi/Cincala June 5-20
MSSN 837 History of Christian Mission 3.0 Tompkins June 23-July 1