
MA in Pastoral Ministry

DSLE 534-111 Ministry to Youth and Young Adults (CRN:1883)





Professor: Rogelio Paquini, D.Min.
Date: Feb 19-23, 2023
Location: NPUC Conference Office, Ridgefield, Washington
Course Description:

This course is designed to acquaint students with the opportunities for ministry to and with young people in the church, school, and home. The biblical principles of youth and young adult ministry, within the context of the church community, are given primary emphasis.

Students will have an in-depth study from a pastoral perspective of selected issues having to do with the spiritual development of youth and young adults from fourteen to twenty-five years of age.

A major feature of this class will be an intergenerational church model that teaches pastors and church leaders to work with and for youth. This model works well with youth and young adults but is also suitable for old church members. This class is specifically designed to help church Pastors minister to their young adults and youth.

Class Resources:

(The MAPM course registration is now online, please click on >> Registration instructions for more information).
Course Syllabus
Location Information