
General Resources

Graduate Forms

The following forms can be found on the School of Graduate Studies webpage.  Your advisor can assist in completing the forms, if you have questions.
  • Application for Graduation   
  • Change of Program Request Form  
  • Graduate Petition
  • Transfer Credit Request
  • Application for Comprehensive Examination
  • Report of Comprehensive Exam Result

 MA Religion Forms:


Further information regarding the admission and program requirements for MA Religion programs can be found in the following handbooks or in the .
  • MA (Religion) Interdisciplinary 2019/2020 Handbook Online


Current Academic, 5 year and archived calendars can be found in the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Bulletin. 

Placement Exams and Study Guides

Greek  and Hebrew Placement Exam:

Exams are usually given in fall (August) and in spring (May) semesters.  Applicants must demonstrate biblical Hebrew and Greek proficiency at the Intermediate level. Students who have already taken Greek or Hebrew at the undergraduate level must take the placement exam and show that they have an intermediate level of competency in both languages.  If the appropriate score(s) are not earned, the student will have to retake the language courses at ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ.

Biblical language proficiency must be demonstrated before registration for exegesis courses is allowed.  Placement exams can only be taken once and must be taken within the first year of starting your program.  Please see the MA Religion for additional information on placement exams.

Greek and Hebrew study guides can be found online at



French Placement Exam:

The Reading French Challenge exam is usually taken the first day of the spring semester. The exam consists of translating a scholarly paragraph of about 250-300 words.  Students are given 2 hours to complete the exam and can use a paper dictionary. A passing score of 85% is required.  Test can only be taken once.
If the student does not receive a passing score, they must take FREN505 – Reading French, 5 credits.  For exam dates and costs, please visit the International Languages and Global Studies web page or email them at inls@andrews.edu

German Placement Exam:

The Reading German Challenge exam is often taken within the first week of the fall semester.  The exam consists of translating a scholarly paragraph.  Students are allowed to bring a dictionary.  A passing score of 85% is required.  Test can only be taken once.
If the student does not receive a passing score, they must take GRMN505 – Reading German, 5 credits.  For exam dates and cost, please email the International Languages and Global Studies department at inls@andrews.edu

Code of Academic Integrity

The University takes seriously any failure of a student to abide by his/her commitment to the Community Values Agreement. The University understands that all human beings are flawed and that every situation is unique. Nevertheless, a student should expect to receive consequences, up to and including dismissal from the University, if he/she engages in any of the activities or behaviors described in the following list, whether the activity or behavior takes place on-campus, off-campus or in cyberspace. In addition to a response from the Student Life office, students may receive a response according to professional program standards. 

Academic Resources

¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Standards for Written Work
This manual is intended as a guide in writing term papers research projects, theses, doctoral dissertations, and any other written work in connection with course work or degree requirements.  It sets forth format requirements that are unique to ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University.  Individual departments of the University may have additional requirements or may specify requirements in greater detail.  You must counsel with your advisor and/or guidance committee concerning any special departmental requirements that may apply.  All projects, theses, and dissertations should be prepared in the format specified in this manual and in accordance with those special requirements.

Center for Adventist Research  
James White Library, Lower Level
The Center for Adventist Research (CAR) contains historical materials and resources on Seventh-day Adventist history and Ellen G. White, a key founder of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Comprised of the Adventist Heritage Center, the Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office, and AU Archives, the Center holds the largest collection of research materials on Seventh-day Adventism in the world. The CAR was formed in the fall of 2003 to better serve the campus community as well as the world community of Seventh-day Adventists by providing research support services as well as a significant outreach component. The Center and the Seminary Library cooperate to support theological education.

Adventist Heritage Center
Located within the Center for Adventist Research, the Adventist Heritage Center contains material on the history and development of the Millerite Movement and the Seventh-day Adventist Church since the 1840s to the present. Among the materials preserved at the Center are over 51,000 books and pamphlets, 24,000 periodical volumes, 12,500 microforms, 12,000 sound recordings and 3,000 video tapes. A sizeable number of the periodicals are non-English and represent the finest collection of its kind in the world including many one-of-a-kind titles. The Center holds nearly 300 collections (1,200 linear feet) of personal papers of notable church figures such as pioneers, administrators, teachers, ministers and missionaries. These collections provide a wide range of primary source documents. The center’s archives contain 30,000 photographs of denominational and campus interest, an obituary file of nearly 200,000 names, and the records of early Adventist congregations. The SDA Periodical Index is edited at the Center.
Special collections of the Heritage Center include the Advent Source and the Conditional Immortality Source Collections which document the origins of Seventh-day Adventists, the development of prophetic interpretation and the history of the doctrine of conditional immortality. The George B. Suhrie Bible Collection features an extensive collection of Bibles. Rare materials include books dating as early as the 15th century and several original editions of Martin Luther and other Reformers’ pamphlets. In 2005, the Review and Herald Publishing Association donated their rare book library (approximately 2,500 volumes) to the Center. The Voice of Prophecy and Faith for Today historical archives also are located at the Center.

Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office 
Located within the Center for Adventist Research, the Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office contains a complete set of the letters and manuscripts of Ellen G. White (1827–1915). It also has copies of her books and articles, and thousands of pages of other documents related to the history and development of the Adventist Church.
The Branch Office houses numerous resources for students interested in research. The most important of these are (1) the Letter and Manuscript File of 60,000 pages with topical index; (2) the Ellen G. White published writings on compact disc (CD-ROM), making possible full-text computer searches of Ellen White’s writings; (3) a Biographical Index covering the span of Ellen White’s life and documenting her travels and activities; (4) 1,600 Manuscript Releases (with indexes); (5) an extensive Document File covering many aspects of the writings of Ellen White and of the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; and (6) a Question and Answer File with index.

Department of Digital Learning & Instructional Technology  http://www.andrews.edu/distance/dlit/
Griggs Hall, Room 123, dlit@andrews.edu, 269-471-3960
The Department of Digital Learning and Instructional Technology (DLiT) provides instructional technology leadership, support and resources to the  faculty, staff, and students of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University. DLiT serves main campus, online campus, and off campus programs. DLiT also oversees the operations of the Consortium of Adventist Colleges and Universities. DLiT provides technology support for enterprise level instructional technology tools such as LearningHub, the campus Moodle learning management system; student response systems (clickers); Panopto, our video streaming and recording service; and Zoom, our webinar and videoconferencing software. The Department of Digital Learning and Instructional Technology provides coordination and review for online program and course development, as well as technical support, instructional design advice and training, and materials design and conversion for course development for main campus, online campus, and off campus courses. For more information, visit DLiT in the School of Distance Education.

Center for Women Clergy 
The mission of the Center for Women Clergy is to provide support, networking and information for the nurture of women who are considering, pursuing or engaged in professional ministry. Current projects include: 1) the creation of a website where women can get helpful information and meet and talk with other women clergy; 2) a mentoring program that puts new and developing clergy in contact with experienced clergy women eager to act in a mentoring role; and 3) regional gatherings and conferences providing an opportunity to gain inspiration and professional skills while building community with others in the field.

Horn Archaeological Museum
9047 Old US 31, (Open Saturdays 3–5 pm),
An archaeological museum named for its founder and first curator, Siegfried H. Horn (1908-1993), the Horn Archaeological Museum houses over 8,500 ancient Near-Eastern artifacts including coins, pottery, sculptures, tools, weapons, figurines, jewelry, seals and glass vessels. Nearly half of these objects came from university-sponsored archaeological excavations at Tel Gezer, Israel; and Tall Hisban, Tall al-Umayri and Tall Jalul, Jordan.
The museum building, which is shared with the Institute of Archaeology (see Institute of Archaeology), contains offices, work rooms, the Siegfried Horn Archaeological Library, and the collection display area. Eleven oil-painted murals by Nathan Greene help visitors understand the cultures of Bible times. A special viewing room contains the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Cuneiform Texts (formerly the Hartford Cuneiform Tablet Collection). This collection has 3,000 ancient clay tablets dating from the Sumerian period to Neo-Babylonian times. The museum sponsors a regular lecture series, occasional field trips and a quarterly subscription newsletter.

Institute of Archaeology
9047 Old US 31,  269-471-3273
The ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Institute of Archaeology coordinates the archaeological programs and activities of the university. It fosters archaeological research, publication, and education at ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, the communities of Michiana, and all entities of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The institute 1) offers courses through the seminary which directly or significantly relate to the study of archaeology, 2) sponsors regular visits by distinguished archaeologists for the purpose of lecturing and consulting, 3) organizes public tours, 4) presents archaeological programs for churches and schools, 5) provides opportunity for field and laboratory training through its excavations and surveys in the Middle East and Michiana and the subsequent analysis of these activities, 6) supports the work of the Horn Archaeological Museum in collecting and interpreting artifacts and 7) publishes results of excavations and research in annuals, monographs and occasional papers.

Institute of Church Ministry 
Seminary Hall
The Institute of Church Ministry (ICM), an entity of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, shares the expertise and resources of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, thus aiding denominational leaders in the accomplishment of its goals. The ICM serves as a North American Division Strategic Resource Center but also works for the General Conference, local conferences, local churches and Adventist journals. ICM also represents the North American Division in the Cooperative Congregational Studies Partnership (CCSP) of various faith groups under the direction of the Hartford Institute for Religion Studies.
The work of ICM springs from the belief that the tools of social science can join with biblical and theological insights to advance the objectives of the Church. Its mission is conducted through field-based research concerning Adventist youth, lay-member involvement, congregational studies, training for ministry, church growth, church-giving patterns, Adventist women in leadership, Adventist Hispanics, and the attitudes of Adventist members on various issues.

Institute of Hispanic Ministry  /sem/inministry/mapmin/
Seminary Hall, Room N210
The Institute of Hispanic Ministry (IHM) of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary responds to the growing needs of Hispanic congregations in North America and beyond.
The tasks of the IHM include providing graduate-level study for Hispanic pastors both on and off campus and assisting in various ways a continuing education for Hispanic ministers. It coordinates the Hispanic MA in Pastoral Ministry and supports Hispanic courses in the MDiv and DMin programs. The IHM also provides support systems for Hispanic ministry and churches that are in transition culturally and linguistically. It encourages research and the dissemination of its findings for the Seventh-day Adventist Church at large.

Institute of Jewish-Christian Studies
Seminary Hall, Room N107, 269-471-3349
Jews and Seventh-day Adventists share much of the same spiritual heritage and the same ideals of hope and lifestyle. Moreover, since the events of Auschwitz during World War II, Jewish-Christian issues have become a relevant part of theological concern. Therefore, the Institute of Jewish-Christian Studies organizes meetings with world renowned experts, provides a wide range of educational material and supplements the graduate programs of the Seminary with concentrations in Jewish-Christian studies. These include courses in Jewish History, rabbinics and languages. In all its work, the Institute seeks to train lay persons and ministers to foster constructive relations with Jews in their communities and to develop a global consciousness in all outreach and service.

Center for Intensive English Programs (CIEP)  /cas/ciep/
Nethery Hall, Room 203, 269-471-2260

The Center for Intensive English Language Programs (CIEP) offers a courtesy placement test for incoming students to assess language proficiency. Classes in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program are offered in grammar, reading & writing, listening & speaking, pronunciation, reading & discussion, conversation skills, public speaking skills, and academic writing for students whose first language is not English and who do not meet English proficiency requirements as listed in the Bulletin. The EAP is offered in Fall semester, Spring semester, and in a June/July Summer semester. A short-term intensive study session, combined with cultural and professional experiences and travel, is offered through the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ English Experience Program (formerly called Action America) in July. The CIEP also participates in the Language Bridge Program, providing the ESL classes that students take to meet the requirements of the Language Bridge Program. Tutorial services can be arranged for a fee on a case-by-case basis, and certain specialized English classes, such as a TOEFL preparation class, are offered for a fee and are open to the community.

James White Library  /services/library/
The James White Library and its two branches hold print books, bound periodical volumes and multimedia materials totaling more than 1.6 million items. The 100,000 square-foot main library provides study and research facilities and the library faculty provide reference and consultation and a library instruction program, a library liaison program for collection development, and interlibrary loan services.
The strongest collections are in religion, education, architecture and Adventist publications and resources. The library’s automated catalog, JeWeL, can be accessed through the campus computer network as well as globally through the Internet. Through the library website 155 major electronic databases can be accessed through the Internet and from any of the 70 public computer stations located in the main library and its branches. Linking software provides links from the database search results to the library’s over 44,000 print and electronic periodical titles.
Through the Michigan Library Consortium, the library provides access to MeLCat, a statewide union catalog, patron-initiated interlibrary loan service and book delivery system. Students, faculty and staff can access over 7.8 million unique books and other materials through MeLCat.
The library also has access to the OCLC Online Computer Library Center for cataloging and interlibrary loan information based on data from 69,000 libraries in 112 countries representing over 470 languages and dialects.
The Seminary Library, the Center for Adventist Research and the Mary Jane Mitchell Multimedia Center are housed in the main library. The Architecture Resource Center and the Music Materials Center are located in their respective departmental buildings on campus.

Seminary Library
James White Library, Main Level, 269-471-3269
The Seminary Library is an integral part of the James White Library and the Theological Seminary. It provides collections and services that support the Seminary students and faculty. Seminary Library resources include approximately 150,000 books, 500 periodical subscriptions and 18,000 volumes of bound periodicals.
Biblical studies and practical theology are the major strengths of its holdings. Subject areas of special interest to Seventh-day Adventists are especially strong, including the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation, creationism, the Sabbath, and the second-advent. Together with the Center for Adventist Research, the Seminary Library provides the most complete research collection for Adventist studies anywhere. Graduate level collections on systematic theology, missions, church history and biblical archaeology are also featured.

University Center for Reading, Learning & Assessment
Bell Hall, Suite 200, 269-471-3480  /ceis/ucrla/
The University Center for Reading, Learning and Assessment addresses learning and reading-skill needs through classes and tutoring. It helps students to strengthen their God-given abilities and natural gifts. Academic assessment and tutoring services of the center are available to ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ students, faculty, staff and community for a fee. Students with learning problems are nurtured towards the goal of successful course work. The Center also offers Orton-Gillingham based, multisensory intervention for those who have dyslexia.
Reading skills developed in the center include speed-reading, study reading, vocabulary, word recognition or decoding skills, spelling and handwriting. Students, faculty and staff may use equipment and materials for personal reading improvement on a self-help basis for a fee. Average to excellent readers as well as those having difficulty with reading are served.
The center offers a class that covers memory, learning styles, time management, temperament, mind style and emotional condition. A follow-up class includes coordination with advisors, teachers and staff to help the student and provide individualized and small-group support.

Writing Center   https://andrews.edu/cas/english/resources/writing_center.html
Nethery Hall, Room 101, writery@andrews.edu, 269-471-3358
The Writing Center provides students with individualized instruction by fellow students on basic writing skills and strategies. Services of the center include computer-assisted tutorial sessions, drop-in help and a library of rhetoric and usage texts. The Writing Center also offers occasional review sessions on general writing problems.

Campus Resources

ADA Services for Students with Disabilities  /services/sscenter/disability
Nethery Hall, Room 135, 269-471-6096
¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University accepts and appreciates diversity in its students, including students with disabilities. Accordingly, students are encouraged to inform the University, of any disability, by contacting the Student Success Center. Students who are otherwise qualified for college may receive reasonable accommodations for disabilities if they have provided documentation by a qualified, licensed professional. Arrangements for accommodations should be made as early as possible after acceptance, and each semester. Students who suspect that they may have disabilities may also contact Student Success to inquire about the documentation process. More information about disabilities accommodations in college can be found at the government website: www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/transition.html.

A Healthy U   /wellness/
ahealthyu@andrews.edu, 269-471-6086
A Healthy U is the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University faculty/staff wellness program. The purpose of the program is to provide information, activities, educational events and resource materials designed to encourage healthful living among faculty and staff members.

¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Community Counseling Center  /ceis/gpc/counseling/
Bell Hall, Room 159
The ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Community Counseling Center (ACCC) consists of five counseling rooms, a waiting room and receptionist area. The ACCC provides professional counseling and psychological services to children, adolescents, adults, couples and families in the University community and the residents of Michiana at no cost. The center was established as a training facility for master’s and doctoral level students working toward graduate degrees in counseling and counseling psychology at ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University. These graduate-student counselors are supervised by faculty who are professional counselors and/or licensed psychologists. Services are provided to individuals regardless of race, gender, age, religious affiliation or culture. To make an appointment to receive these services, call 269-471-6238.

¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Bookstore   
Campus Plaza, 269-471-3287
The bookstore supplies all textbooks required for classes along with a wide selection of reading material in the general trade book section. School, office, art and drafting supplies are available as well as AU imprinted gifts and clothing. It also features a selection of greeting cards, balloons, gift items and snacks.

Christian Leadership Center  /sem/clc/
Seminary Hall, 269-471-8332
The Christian Leadership Center is an interdisciplinary organization of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University providing inspiration, ongoing leadership development, coaching, consultation and research for a network of church and community leadership throughout the world. The Center’s office is located in the Theological Seminary. The Center’s vision is a network of Christian leaders who provide outstanding leadership for church, business and educational organizations throughout the local community and the world.
The Center provides a place for academicians and field practitioners to link in a process of theological reflection that shapes the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s understanding of leadership and clarifies transformational leadership development across cultures. The biblically-based model of servant leadership promoted by the Christian Leadership Center grows from that reflection. The Center focuses on transformation of the person, development of essential leadership patterns and formation of administrative skills through various programs offered to community and church organizations. Visit the Center online at www.andrews.edu/clc/.

Employment  /admres/jobs/
Administration Building, Main Floor, employment@andrews.edu, 269-471-3570
The Office of Employment assists students with their on-campus employment needs. The office provides information regarding employment opportunities, assistance with necessary paperwork, administers employment tests and is responsible for updating employment files.

Howard Performing Arts Center 
hpac@andrews.edu, Box Office 471-3560, Fax 471-3565
The Howard Center is the performance home for the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University music ensembles: the Symphony Orchestra, Wind Symphony, University Singers, University Chorale, Men’s Chorus and Canta Bella. The Howard Center also hosts Howard Center Presents…a concert series with a blend of musical genres. It has hosted classical artists such as Canadian Brass, Vienna Boys Choir and King’s Singers, as well as Christian artists such as Sandi Patty, Point of Grace, SELAH and Take 6. The on-campus radio station, WAUS FM 90.7, which is also located in the Howard Center, sponsors a chamber music series, Second Sunday Concert Series.
In addition, during the school year the Howard Center is home to the monthly Friday evening vesper service Fusion, which merges together all Friday night worship services, creating a dynamic and diverse worship experience. Students studying music at ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University also present their junior and senior recitals as a part of their requirements for graduation in the Howard Center.
The Howard Center was funded in part by a significant gift from John and Dede Howard, longtime members of the St. Joseph community, who now reside in Holland, Michigan.
The Howard Center is an important center of activity on campus. The concert hall offers a variety of concerts and other performances throughout the school year. Visit www. howard.andrews.edu/events for a complete listing of events.

Information Technology Services   /services/its/
Information Services Building, 269-471-6016
Information Technology Services (ITS) provides a variety of services for students, faculty and staff. These services include support of administrative records systems, networking infrastructure, telecommunications and support for students, faculty and staff computer use.
Internet access is available on campus for all students, faculty and staff. A wireless network is available in many locations on campus, allowing students, faculty and staff to connect to the Internet with an 802.11 abgn wireless enabled device. Campus residence halls have Ethernet network connections in each room allowing students to connect to the Internet. High speed Internet access is available in the Beechwood, Garland and Maplewood apartments.
The ITS Computer Store provides certain hardware and software resources at educational pricing. The Microsoft Office Suite and latest Microsoft operating system are available through a Microsoft Campus License Agreement for the cost of the media. Anti-virus software for Windows-based computers is also available for students, faculty and staff personal use for the cost of the media. ITS also maintains a limited phone assistance service for hardware or software questions.
Telecommunications services provided by ITS in residence hall or apartment packages include local phone service with unlimited local calling, caller ID, call waiting and basic CATV service. Premium CATV service is provided for an additional fee. (For more information call 471-3455).
A general purpose computer lab is available for use by any student, faculty or staff member. The computing lab, located in Bell Hall, Room 182, may also be reserved for instructional use. The lab contains Microsoft Windows-based systems with a variety of software. Laser printing is available for a fee. Additional computer labs exist in various schools and departments.

Institute for Diversity and Multiculturalism   /diversity/policies/
Nethery Hall, 269-471-3174
The Institute for Diversity and Multiculturalism (IDM) fosters understanding and inclusiveness in matters of race, ethnicity, culture, mental and physical abilities, age and gender in several ways.
1. The IDM provides assistance and training through lectures, workshops and seminars for ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University administration, faculty, staff and students.
2. It conducts workshops, seminars and conferences on diversity for a variety of other audiences.
3. The Institute provides consultation and training services to businesses, church organizations, law enforcement agencies, human resource professionals and educational entities.
4. The IDM is a resource for the world church in dealing with the increasing multicultural and diverse nature of its membership and its mission.
5. The Faculty Research Forum, a unit within the Institute, researches issues of diversity and multiculturalism and disseminates its findings.

LithoTech  /services/uc/
Harrigan Hall (main floor, front entrance), litho@andrews.edu, 269-471-6027
LithoTech provides full service in digital color and black and white printing. In addition, LithoTech offers offset printing and bindery services. Brochures, black and white copies, color copies, color posters, church bulletins, resumes, paperback books, newsletters, letterhead and envelopes, business cards and a wide variety of paper are a few of the items that can be provided.

Office of the Ombudspersons 
Elynda Bedney - bedney@andrews.edu 269-471-6040

David Sedlacek - sedlacek@andrews.edu 269-471-6375
The Office of the Ombudspersons is a confidential, independent and neutral dispute resolution service for the University community. As such, it facilitates understanding, communication and resolution of conflict among students, faculty and staff. The office serves as an impartial and confidential means of facilitating dialogue between parties on campus and as a means, apart from formal grievance procedures, of resolving differences. The office was established as part of the University’s Christian commitment to foster a courteous and considerate climate conducive to productivity and well-being for the University community.
The Ombudsperson works independently from University administrative offices. Discussing a matter with an ombudsperson is confidential to the extent allowed by law and does not constitute notice to the university.

Student Insurance  https://andrews.edu/services/hr/students/insurance/
Administration Building, Main Floor, stuins@andrews.edu, 269-471-3097
The Office of Student Insurance provides information regarding student accident and sickness insurance as well as providing a student advocate to help mediate for the student, if necessary.

The University Elementary & Secondary Schools    Family Recourses
Ruth Murdoch Elementary, 8885 Garland Ave
rmes@andrews.edu, 269-471-3225
¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Academy, 8833 Garland Ave
academy@andrews.edu, 269-471-3138
The University School is a coeducational day school located on the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University campus. It consists of two divisions: Ruth Murdoch Elementary School (K–grade 8) and ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Academy (grades 9–12). In addition to providing education for young people enrolled in the school, the University School serves as a demonstration school and a laboratory for educational innovation and research. The faculty and administration work with the School of Education in coordinating a teacher-training program.
Application for admission to either division of the University School should be made at least four weeks before the student plans to enter. The first semester begins approximately the last week of August. Information on admission may be obtained from the Office of Admissions, Ruth Murdoch Elementary School, 8923 Garland Ave, Berrien Springs MI 49104-0570; or from the Office of Admissions, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Academy, 8833 Garland Ave, Berrien Springs MI 49104-0560.

¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Agenda:
Web based newsletter providing official university news and events: /agenda/

Community Resources

Health Clubs
The ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ men's and women's fitness clubs are housed in the lower levels of Meier Hall and Lamson Hall, the two largest campus dormitories.
Meier Men’s Health Club features a full range of machines, free weights, dumbbells, treadmills, and stationary bikes.  The Club also includes a sauna, steam room, and tanning and shower facilities, and offers special events like the Bench Press Competition.  Health and fitness supplements are available for purchase. 
The Lamson Hall Health Club provides residents access to a full line of machines and free weights, personal trainers, and nightly aerobic floor classes like Kickboxing and Spinning.  Lamson residents can also take advantage of a host of personal care amenities, including a sauna, spa, and tanning and massage therapy sessions.

Outdoor Facilities
In addition to the extensive indoor athletic centers, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ’ campus features a large network of lighted outdoor recreational facilities that students can use day and night. You’ll find four tennis courts, two basketball courts, and two volleyball sand pits. Additional lighted facilities include two football fields (one with uprights), two soccer fields, three baseball diamonds, a quarter-mile asphalt track, a putting green, and a walking path that circles the campus. Finally, you can take advantage of the wooded hiking and mountain biking area between the campus and the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Farm, also site of the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Tubing Hill, stocked with tubes for student use during the winter.

Sports & Recreation – students can participate in Intercollegiate Athletics or Intramural Sports.  For information go to /life/recreation/

Dining Services  
Bon Appetit Management Company is the premier on site restaurant Management Company known for its culinary expertise and commitment to socially responsible practices. We are a culture that is driven to create food that is alive with flavor and nutrition, prepared from scratch using authentic ingredients. We do this in a socially responsible manner for the well-being of our guests, communities and the environment. We provide over 4,000 vegetarian and vegan meals each day to the campus community around us through our “all-you-care-to-eat” Terrace Café, a la carte Gazebo, vending, School Lunch Program, and Catering services.
What we do:
We provide vegetarian-oriented meals that are nutritious + wholesome for students, faculty, staff and guests. We maintain food of a superior quality and appearance at all times, and have a high standard of safety and sanitation. We strive to avoid the waste of food, supplies, manpower, and talent. We provide a meaningful work experience for all our employees and all those who have chosen related services as a career.
Our Belief:
We strongly believe in serving you only the freshest food; food that is prepared from scratch, using authentic ingredients, and created in a socially responsible manner. To us, a dining room is a gathering place, and breaking bread together helps create a sense of community and comfort. We care about your health, and hope to enrich your life with wholesome ingredients and the delicious recipes we use. We are passionate about great food.

God’s Abundant Pantry (GAP)
Time:  Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm
Location: Next to Garland’s gated playground
● All that is needed is your student ID.
● Feel free to bring plastic bags and monetary donation is encouraged.

Neighbor to Neighbor 
Location: 9147 M-139, Berrien Springs, MI 49103
Phone: 269-471-7411
It is the local thrift shop run by the Adventist Community Services. As a thrift store, they are open every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00a.m.-6:00 pm and the 1st Wednesday of every month.
On the 1st Wednesday of the month, everything in the store is 50% off.
For the ACS Services, they are opened every Tuesday and Thursday by appointment only.
Appointment requirement:
●  you/your spouse’s student ID as your referral, and a picture ID.
● The appointment is helpful if you need free furniture, food, bedsheets, clothes, shoes, toiletries, etc. for yourself and your family. You can go every four months.

Hardings Supermarket
Location: 106 E Mars St Berrien Springs, MI 49103
Phone: 269-473-3477
● 5% off on Thursday with Student ID

Apple Valley Supermarket
Location: 9067 US 31 Berrien Springs, MI 49103
Phone: 269-471-3131
● Wednesday and Thursday - 5% off for students (student must be present with Student ID Card)
● Bulletin board located next to the customer service contain such information as: Classified ads for employment, items for sale, vehicles, rental homes, apartments, and real estate, and other miscellaneous information.

Auto Insurance
Reasonably priced auto insurance only if you work on a school campus and have a Michigan’s driver’s license and car registration
Meemic Auto Insurance:
Websites:  www.GleatonAgency.com; www.StemmAgency.com;                www.HagenAgency.com
Gleaton Swanwick Agency 4410 Tanglewood Trail St. Joseph, MI 49085 269-932-3177
Stemm Agency 4146 Guest Dr.St. Joseph, MI 49085 269-556-9086
Hagen Insurance Agency 2015 Niles-Buchanan Rd.Niles, MI 49120 269-683-1788

Website: https://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=am/am2Station/Station_Page&code=NLS
Location: 598 Dey Street Niles, MI 49120
International and Regular Students are eligible for a discount, please see website for further info: