
Research Project Dates & Deadlines

Deadlines for Fall 2024 Presenters:


Seniors presenting in November must propose research projects by the end of September.

Friday, 27 September, 5:00 pm

Submit Celebration of Research 100-word thesis abstract to honors@andrews.edu, research@andrews.edu, and Digital Commons
Wednesday, 23 October, 5:00 pm

Submit PDF of poster to research@andrews.edu and honors@andrews.edu  for upload to Digital Commons.

Submit poster PDF file for printing to James White Library (Ext. 3272) at this email address jwlmultimediacenter@andrews.edu.

The approximate cost of printing through James White Library is $15 - 20 and must be paid for in cash or check.

Friday, 25 October, 1:30 – 3:00 pm Celebration of Research (Buller Hall)

December thesis students present their poster talk at this time.  Honors Council members will be present to grade the poster presentation

Monday, 2 December, 5:00 pm

100-word abstract due to the Honors Office for Thesis Symposium program book.

Thursday, 5 December, 4:00-6:00 pm (Buller Hall Classroom)—Fall Honors Thesis Symposium

Thesis Talk Delivered:  Presenters are expected to participate in the full session.

Thursday, 12 December by 5:00 pm

Advisor-signed digital copy (preferred) of Honors Thesis Paper due to the Honors Office; one PDF file to be emailed by the same deadline to honors@andrews.edu along with release form (as deemed appropriate by advisor and student).

Deadlines for Spring 2025 Presenters: 

September, October, and November

Write Honors Thesis Proposal and defend before Honors Council 

Seniors presenting in Spring must propose research projects by the end of November. 

Monday, 3 February, 5:00 pm

E-mail 100-word project abstract and poster session application form to research@andrews.edu AND honors@andrews.edu (to be printed in Honors Scholars and Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium Program).

Monday, 3 March, 5:00 pm

Poster PDF file submitted to James White Library (Ext. 3272); at this email address jwlmultimediacenter@andrews.edu

The approximate cost of printing through James White Library is $15 - 20 and must be paid for in cash or check. 

Wednesday, 5 March, 5:00 pm 

Poster mounting deadline in Honors Office (assistance provided).

Friday, 7 March, 1:30 - 3:30 pm (HPAC) 
Honors Scholars and Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium 

Presenters are expected to stand by posters and explain their work for the full time. 

Monday, 24 March
Submit Full Thesis Rough Draft to Advisor for Review

Friday, 4 April, 5:00 pm

Advisor-signed digital copy (preferred) of Honors Thesis Paper due to the Honors Office; one PDF file to be emailed by the same deadline to honors@andrews.edu along with release form (as deemed appropriate by advisor and student).

Monday, 7 April by 5:00 pm 

Deadline to submit to honors@andrews.edu any changes to title and 100-word abstract to appear in Honors Thesis Symposium program. 

Monday-Thursday, 14-17 April

Rehearse formal thesis talk with advisor.

Friday, 18 April, 1:30 - 5:30 pm (Buller Hall) 
Honors Thesis Symposium 

Presenters are expected to participate for the full afternoon.