
African AAA Institutions

Adventist Admission & Transfer Standards 

Students who meet or exceed the following academic credentials for admission to graduate programs are encouraged to apply. Note that satisfaction of minimum academic standards is only one factor in admission decisions. If your country is not listed below please contact the Credential Evaluation Specialists.

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degree from: 
  • Université Adventiste Cosendai (Adventist University Cosendai)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial bulletins de notes/relevés de notes/transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual grades/marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation,  please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English
  • French

List of Institutional and Program ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ

  • ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ: Adventist Accrediting Association Accredited (since 2005)
Revised: December 2021
Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees for:
  • Université Adventiste de Lukanga (UNILUK) (Adventist University of Lukanga) 

Please note: Three-year bachelor's degrees are accepted if all coursework is completed and the final diploma has been issued.

What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diplômes/diplomas/attestations de réussite/bulletins de notes/relevés de notes/transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French
  • English

List of Institutional and Program ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ

  • Adventist Accrediting Association (since 2005) and  Ministry of Education, Democratic Republic of Congo, and the D.R.C. Presidential Decree No. 06/0106 of June 12, 2006.

Revised: May 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Ethiopia Adventist College
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial Transcripts issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual grades obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Same as the US
Ethiopian Adventist College/US Grade Ethiopian Adventist College/US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0.00
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English


Revised: June 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Valley View University
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma. 

Please Note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale
  • US GPA 4.00

Valley View University Grading Scale

US Grade US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D 1.00
F 0.00
Award Classification
Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours, Upper Division A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours, Lower Division B 3.00
Third Class C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail F 0.00
Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: January 2020

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Adventist University of Africa (AUA)
  • University of Eastern Africa, Baraton (UEAB)
What to Submit into Your Online Application 
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
University of Eastern Africa, Baraton (UEAB)
Grading Scale: Current 2019
Grade Percentage Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 80-100 Superior A 4.00
A- 75-79   A- 3.67
B+ 70-74   B+ 3.33
B 65-69 Above Average B 3.00
B- 60-64   B- 2.67
C+ 55-59   C+ 2.33
C 50-54 Average C 2.00
C- 45-49   C- 1.67
D 40-44 Below Average D 1.00
F 0-39 Failure F 0.00
Please Note: Course repeated are not included in the GPA
Award Classification
Classification Percentage US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class 75-100 3.67-4.00
Upper 2nd Class 70-74 3.33-3.66
Lower 2nd Class 60-69 2.67-3.32
Pass 50-59 2.00-2.66
Fail 00-49 0.00-1.99
Adventist University of Africa (AUA)
Grade   Description
A 4.00 Superior
A- 3.67  
B+ 3.33 Good
B 3.00  
B- 2.67  
C+ 2.33 Weak
C 2.00  
C- 1.67 Unacceptable
D 1.00  
F 0.00  
S 0.00 Satisfactory
U 0.00 Unsatisfactory
* 0.00 Retaken

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Created: January 2021

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Adventist University of West Africa
What to Submit into Your Online Application 
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Percentage Grade Point Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
85.00 - 100.00 4.0 A A 4.00
70.00 - 84.99 3.0 B B 3.00
50.00 - 69.99 2.0 C C 2.00
40.00 - 49.99 1.0 D D 1.00
0.00 - 39.99 0.0 F F 0.00
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: March 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Université Adventiste Zurcher (Adventist University Zurcher)
What to Submit into Your Online Application 
  • Unofficial bulletins de notes/relevés de notes/transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Université Adventiste Zurcher
Grading Scale 1 - New
Number Scale Percentage US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
16.00-20.00 80%-100% A 4.00
15.00-15.99 75%-79.99% A- 3.67
14.00-14.99 70%-74.99% B+ 3.33
13.00-13.99 65%-69.99% B 3.00
12.00-12.99 60%-64.99% B- 2.67
11.00-11.99 55%-59.99% C+ 2.33
10.01-10.99 50.05%-54.99% C 2.00
10.00 50% D 1.00
0.00-9.99 0%-49.99% F 0.00

Grading Scale 2 - Old

Number Scale Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average
18-20 A A 4.00
15-17.99 B A- 3.67
12-14.99 C B 3.00
10-11.99 D C 2.00
Less than 10 F F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French
  • English

Revised: October 2021

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Malawi Adventist University
What to Submit into Your Online Application 
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.

Grading Scale

Number Scale US Grade Equivalent  US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90 - 100 A 4.00
80 - 89 A- 3.67
75 - 79 B+ 3.33
70 - 74 B 3.00
65 - 69 B- 2.67
60 - 64 C+ 2.33
50 - 59 C 2.00
45 - 49 D 1.00
0 - 44 F 0.00

Grading Scale - Diploma

Number Scale Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
95 - 100 Excellent A 4.00
86 - 94 Very  Satisfactory A 4.00
76 - 85 Satisfactory A- 3.67
66 - 75 Good B 3.00
55 - 65 Pass C 2.00
54 and below Fail F 0.00
Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English and Chichewa

Revised: June 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Babcock University
What to Submit into Your Online Application 
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.

Grading Scale - Current

Marks Comment GPA    
(*GPA 5.0)   
Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
80-100 Superior 5.00 A A 4.00
60-79 Way Above Average 4.50 B B+ 3.33
50-59 Average 3.00 C B 3.00
45-49 Below Average 2.00 D C+ 2.33
40-44 Pass 1.00 E C 2.00
0-39 Fail 0.00 F F 0.00
Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Created: February 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Université Adventiste de L’afrique Centrale (Adventist University of Central Africa)
  • Universite Laique Adventiste de Kigali (University of Lay Adventist of Kigali)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Université Adventiste de L'afrique Centrale (Adventist University of Central Africa)
Grading Scale: Current
Marks GPA Grade US Grade Point Average (GPA)
16-20 3.2-4.0 A 4.00
14-15.9 2.8-3.1 B 3.00
10-13.9 2.4-2.7 C 2.00
0-9.9 0-2.3 F 0.00
Degree Classification
Class Percentage Letter Grade
Grand Distinction/First Class Honors 80-100% A
Distinction/Second Class Honors Upper Division 70-79% B+
Satisfaction/Second Class Honors Lower Division 60-69% C
Fail 0-59% F

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Created: December 2021

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from: 
  • Helderberg College of Higher Education
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma. 
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of the their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Helderberg College of Higher Education
Letter Grade Percentage Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 80-100 Distinction A 4.00
A- 75-79 Distinction A 4.00
B+ 70-74 Superior B+ 3.33
B 65-69 Above Average B 3.00
B- 60-64 Average B 3.00
C+ 55-59 Average C 2.00
C 50-54 Below Average C 2.00
C- 45-49 Fail F 0.00
D 40-44 Fail F 0.00
F 0-39 Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Created: February 2020

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from: 
  • The University of Arusha
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale
Letter Grade Number Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 5 A 4.00
B+ 4-4.99 B+ 3.33
B 3-3.99 B 3.00
C 2-2.99 C 2.00
D 1-1.99 D 1.00
E/S/F 0-0.99 F 0.00


Degree Classification US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours (Upper Division) A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours (Lower Division) B 3.00
Third Class C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: April 2021

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from: 
  • University of the Southern Caribbean (USC)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale
Grade US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: January 2021

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Bugema University                  
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Diplômes/attestations de réussite/diplomas.

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 

Grading Scale 1

Grade Marks GPA US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 80.00-100.00 5.00 A 4.00
B+ 75.00-79.99 4.50 B+ 3.33
B 70.00-74.99 4.00 B 3.00
B- 65.00-69.99 3.50 B- 2.67
C+ 65.00-69.99 3.00 C+ 2.33
C 60.00-64.99 2.50 C 2.00
D+ 55.00-59.99 2.00 C- 1.67
D 50.00-54.99 1.50 D 1.00
E 45.00-49.99 1.00 D- 0.67
E- 40.00-44.99 0.50 F 0.00
F 0-39.99 0.00 F 0.00

Key: F - Failure   I - Incomplete  DR - D and repeated  W - Withdrawal granted  Ex - Exempted  NC - Not completed  DS - D grade after supplementary

*One credit hour represents one 50 minute class period per week for one semester. 

Grading Scale 2

Grade GPA US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average
A 5.00 A 4.00
A- 4.50 A- 3.67
B+ 4.00 B+ 3.33
B 3.00 B 3.00
B- 2.67 B- 3.67
C+ 2.33 C+ 2.33
C 2.00 C 2.00
C- 1.67 C- 1.67
D 1.00 D 1.00
E 0.00 D- 0.67
F 0.00 F 0.00
CR 0.00    
DR 0.00    
FR 0.00    
I 0.00    
S 0.00    
W 0.00    

Key:  F - Failing  Au - Not Completed  W - Not Completed

Grading Scale 3

Marks GPA US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average
85.44-100.00 4.00 A 4.00
79.76-85.43 3.67 A- 3.67
74.08-79.75 3.33 B+ 3.33
68.40-74.07 3.00 B 3.00
62.72-68.39 2.67 B- 2.67
57.64-62.71 2.33 C+ 2.33
51.36-57.63 2.00 C 2.00
45.68-51.35 1.67 D 1.00
40.00-45.67 1.00 D- 0.67
01.00-39.99 0.00 F 0.00

Degree Classification

Class US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class A 4.00
Second Class, Upper Division A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class, Lower Division B 3.00
Pass C 2.00

Diploma / Certificate Classification

Class Grade US Grade Point Average(GPA)
Distinction A 4.00
Credit B 3.00
Pass C 2.00

Grading Scale up to 2014

Marks GPA Up to 2010 US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
85.44-100.00 4.00 A 4.00
79.76-85.43 3.67 A- 3.67
74.08-79.75 3.33 B+ 3.33
68.40-74.07 3.00 B 3.00
62.72-68.39 2.67 B- 2.67
57.64-62.71 2.33 C+ 2.33
51.36-57.63 2.00 C 2.00
45.68-51.35 1.67 D 1.00
40.00-45.67 1.00 D- 0.67
01.00-39.99 0.00 F 0.00

Classification of Awards up to 2009

Class GPA Grade US Grade Paint Average (GPA)
First Class 3.67-4.00 A-/A 3.67/4.00
Second Class, Upper Division 3.00-3.66 B/B+ 3.00/3.66
Second Class, Lower Division 2.50-2.99 C+/B- 2.33/2.67
Pass 2.00-2.49 C/C+ 2.00/2.33

Classification of Awards from 2010 to 2014

Class GPA Status International Status
First Class 4.40-5.00 Honors Summa Cum Laude
Second Class, Upper Division 3.60-4.39 Honors Magna Cum Laude
Second Class, Lower Division 2.80-3.59   Cum Laude
Pass 2.00-2.79    

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: December 2021

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Rusangu University
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale
Percentages Letter Grade US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90-100 A 4.00
80-89 A- 3.67
75-79 B+ 3.33
70-74 B 3.00
65-69 B- 2.67
60-64 C+ 2.33
50-59 C 2.00
45-49 D 1.00
0-44 F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: May 2018

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Solusi University
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
US Style
Mark in % US Grade US Grade Point Average (GPA) Significance
90-100 A 4.00 Superior (First Class)
80-89 A- 3.67 Superior (First Class)
75-79 B+ 3.33 Above Average (Upper Second)
70-74 B 3.00 Above Average (Upper Second)
65-69 B- 2.67 Average (Lower Second)
60-64 C+ 2.33 Average (Lower Second)
50-59 C 2.00 Average (Pass)
45-49 D 1.00 Below Average (Fail)
0-44 F 0.00 No Credit
  S   Satisfactory
Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours, Upper Division A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours, Lower Division B 3.00
Third Class C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail F 0.00

Please Note:The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional  grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English
  • Solusi University was affiliated with ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University from 1984-1998. We can obtain AU transcripts from Redwood.
  • Degrees at Solusi University are usually 3 years long and around 95 semester credits. This is equivalent to a US bachelor’s degree because students enter Solusi with A-levels or a Foundation Year.


Revised: November 2020


Visit Graduate Admissions for more information.