
Volume 3 No 1 (Spring 2009)

  • Penner, D. S. (2009). Leadership: Facing the fairytale. JACL, 3(1), 6-9.  Read article.

  • Baumgartner, E. (2009). Leading the church into world mission: The life and leadership of John Nevins ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ. JACL, 3(1), 10-27.  Read article.

  • Lawson, D. (2009). Transforming initiatives: Leadership ethics from the Sermon on the Mount.  JACL, 3(1), 28-45.  Read article.

  • Martin, A. A. (2009). Burst the bystander effect: Making a discipling difference with young adults. JACL, 3(1), 46-53.  Read article.

  • Boyd, J. (2009). The impact of failure on personal and social transformation. JACL, 3(1), 54-61.  Read article.

Book Reviews
  • Hamel, G., & Breen, B. (2008). The future of management. Reviewed by Baumgartner, E. JACL, 3(1), 62-67.  Read Review.

  • Block, P. (2007). Community: The structure of belonging. Reviewed by Penner, D. JACL, 3(1), 68-72.  Read Review.