
Dissertation & Conference Notices

Dissertation research and research conferences often reach only a rather select readership. In an effort to extend that circle of researchers and users of research on servant leadership JACL is pleased to feature dissertation and research conference notices. We invite seminaries and graduate ministry or leadership departments to submit PhD and EdD dissertation (and on occasion DMin) notices and abstracts (50 words or less) of studies of interest to Christian leaders.

Foreign language dissertations are welcome but must be accompanied by English translation of the title and abstract.

Please follow these format instructions for submitting dissertation notices. Submit notices electronically to jacl@andrews.edu.

If you are planning research conferences dealing with servant leadership or leadership issues of interest to Christian leaders please send an official note to the editor of this journal at jacl@andrews.edu

Send to:

JACL Editor, jacl@andrews.edu. For more information call Glenda: (269)471-3487.