
Volume 4 No 1 (Spring 2010)

Articles are available on this website online if you see a weblink. The remaining articles of this issue are available in print to current subscribers. To get each issue mailed to you please subscribe to JACL.

  • Reconceptualizing leadership education. JACL, 4(1), 4-7.  Read article.

Research Summaries:
  • Overriding the automatic system. JACL, 4(1), 8.  Read summary.

  • Designing leadership training. JACL, 4(1), 8-9.  Read summary.

  • Multipliers or diminishers. JACL, 4(1), 9.  Read summary.

  • Covrig, D. (2010). Lessons in leadership development from the master student. JACL, 4(1), 12-16.  Read article.

  • Ferguson, D. (2010). Why an undergraduate leadership program? JACL, 4(1), 17-23.  Read article.

  • Freed, S., Covrig, D., & Baumgartner, E. (2010). Learning while leading: The ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Leadership Program. JACL, 4(1), 26-55.  Read article.

  • Aufderhar, M., & Flowers, R. (2010).  Learning to be calm in the storm. JACL, 4(1), 56-71.  Read article.

  • Doss, G. R. (2010).  John R. Mott, 1865-1955: Mission Leader Extraordinaire. JACL, 4(1), 72-81.  Read article.

  • Reyes, A. (2010).  Puentes: Journey notes from a bridge person. JACL, 4(1), 82-93.  Read article.

  • Stiffney, R. (2010).  Leadership as landscaping. JACL, 4(1), 94-104.  Read article.

  • Gibson, A. (2010).  “I don’t lend money; it causes amnesia!” Money, culture and ethics. JACL, 4(1), 106-125.  Read article.

  • Gustin, P. (2010).  How not to get lost in translation. JACL, 4(1), 126-130. Read article.

Book Reviews:
  • Thaler, R. H., & Sunstein, C. R. (2008). Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness. Reviewed by Ickes, J. L. (2010). JACL, 4(1), 132-133.  Read review.

  • Collins, J. (2009). How the mighty fall: And why some companies never give in. Reviewed by Baumgartner, Erich. (2010). JACL, 4(1), 134-136.  Read review.

  • Jennings, M. M. (2006). The seven signs of ethical collapse. Reviewed by Prestol, Juan. (2010). JACL, 4(1), 137-140.  Read review.

  • Whitesel, B. (2007). Preparing for change reaction: How to introduce change in your church. Reviewed by Patterson, Stan. (2010). JACL, 4(1), 141-143.  Read review.

  • Heifetz, R., Grashow, A., & Linsky, M. (2009). The practice of adaptive leadership: Tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world. Reviewed by Gyuroka, Thomas. (2010). JACL, 4(1), 144-147.  Read review.

Dissertation Notices:

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