
Exploring Possible Synergy in Weed Suppression

Robert Zdor (Biology)

Exploring Possible Synergy in Weed Suppression with Multiple Strains of Deleterious Rhizobacteria

Previous work has demonstrated the ability of individual strains of weed deleterious rhizobacteria to reduce soil-grown velvetleaf. This project aims to assess the effectiveness of combinations of bacteria in reducing velvetleaf growth under conditions that promote the deleterious action of the bacteria. These conditions are the presence of glycine (for the cyanogenic bacterium Pseudomonas putida ATH-1RI/9) and tryptophan (for the IAA- producing bacterium Rhizobium rubi AT3-4RS/6). NOTE: This proposal is a revised version of a previous proposal that has been updated with new research findings from my lab.