
Cavan Burren Research Project

Rhonda Root, Robin Johnson, Ariel Solis (Architecture)

Cavan Burren Research Project, Republic of Ireland

The Cavan Burren site is within the Marble Arch Caves UNESCO Global Geopark, in the northwest corner of Ireland along the border of county Fermanagh in Northern Ireland, and county Cavan in the Republic of Ireland. The Cavan Burren region holds a wealth of information in ancient settlements and earth sciences for the researcher.

As the Principal Investigator of an AU Faculty Research Grant (2011-2012) Rhonda Root visited the Cavan Burren in Ireland, and contacted several Irish scientists and hosts of an ongoing archaeological research project. They were very interested in onsite collaborations with American faculty researchers and students.

Our proposed team consists of three faculty and one graduate PhD student: two architects, an artist, and an archaeologist.

Our focus, during the Summer of 2015, is to participate in two weeks of intensive research, gathering data daily at the ancient site of the Cavan Burren. Documentation methods will include field photography and drone held video cameras to digitally record artifacts and create 3-D mesh texture overlays of objects using photogrammetry. We will also survey and measure features and objects to create finished site plans, drawings, and paintings. Our results will be published as joint authored articles in peer-reviewed journals. Our colleagues in Ireland will also use our results in their publication opportunities.

We have official documents granting permission to do research in Ireland.