
White - Library Subject Analysis

Felipe Tan and Jim Ford (James White Library)

Subject Analysis of the Books in Ellen G. White’s Private and Office Libraries

Subject analysis is one of the methods used in the assessment of a library collection for the purpose of evaluating its effectiveness in meeting the needs of its users as well as in guiding its collection development. This research project is a subject analysis case study utilizing the personal and office libraries of Ellen G. White.

When Ellen G. White died in 1915, she left behind many books. The executor of her estate, as part of the estate settlement, prepared a list of the books which were found in her private and office libraries located in Elmshaven, her last home located in St. Helena, California. A formal publication, A Bibliography of Ellen G. White’s Private and Office Libraries was later compiled by the Ellen G. White Estate from the rough inventory completed in 1915. This compilation contains approximately 1,750 titles, and will serve as the basis for the raw data for this research. No subject analysis has yet been made on the books found in her libraries. This research will draw observations and conclusions as an example of subject analysis for collection development purposes as well as form the basis for an historical study of Ellen White’s library holdings.