
2016-2017 Faculty Research Grant

Paul Petersen (Religion)

Acts of the Apostles

The aim of this project is to research issues related to the Lukan Writings, Acts in particular, and thereby to compile the exegetical and theological material needed to write the commentary on Acts in the New International Seventh-day Adventist Commentary (editor: Jacques Doukhan).

First, the intention is to gather background material related to the historical-geographical content and literary structure and form of the book. Next, the purpose is to study and carefully assess theological issues from an SDA perspective in order to make the most wise selection of topics to be included in the commentary. To these issues belong, for instance, such crucial topics as Sabbath and Sanctuary in the Early Church; the relationship between baptism, the Holy Spirit, and Trinity in Acts; and the role of church structure and authority in the early Jesus movement and the potential impact on gender roles in the mission of the Church.