
2017-2018 Faculty Research Grants

Robert Zdor (Biology)

Exploring mustard seed meal effects on the extended growth of velvetleaf plants under controlled field-like conditions

Results in my lab have demonstrated that mustard seed meal (MSM) inhibits velvetleaf seed germination and short-term growth under soil conditions that foster the retention and dissemination of the volatile agent allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) within the soil (i.e. in sealed containers). It is proposed that MSM is herbicidal in nature due to the toxic effect of AITC on plant tissue. However these sealed conditions do not reflect what the weed experiences in a field situation where volatiles in soil are free to exit the soil via diffusion into the atmosphere. The methods of this proposal will examine the germination and growth of velvetleaf seeds in open soil containers containing MSM to see if this natural product is still active under conditions that resemble those found in agriculture.