Faculty Presentations
The following presentations are the scholarly and general audience presentations of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University faculty members conducted in 2012.
College of Arts and Sciences
Behavioral Sciences
K. G. D. Bailey. (2012, August 5-8). An Adventist approach to cognitive science. Paper presented at the 2012 North American Division Teachers’ Convention, Nashville, TN.
R. Bailey, J. K. Montagano, & K. G. Bailey. (2012, May 3-5). Gender differences in math and test anxiety. Paper presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
J. K. Montagano, R. Bailey, & K. G. Bailey. (2012, May 3-5). Math and test anxiety across ethnicities. Paper presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
J. Henry & K. G. D. Bailey. (2012, May 3-5). A new implicit measure of guilt and God concept. Poster presented at the Psi Chi session of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
D. Moskala, A. Vitug, J. Henry, K. G. D. Bailey. (2012, May 3-5). Active procrastination, time perspective, and academic self-regulation in university students. Poster presented at the Psi Chi session of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
A. Pelkey, A. Lashley & K. G. D. Bailey. (2012, May 3-5). Factors affecting ego-depletion. Poster presented at the Psi Chi session of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
L. Swaningson & K. G. D. Bailey. (2012, May 3-5). Use of applied behavior analysis with autistic children. Poster presented at the Psi Chi session of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
A. Baltazar. Parental influence on college student health risk behavior. National Christian Counseling Conference September 27-29, 2012. Branson, MO.
A. Baltazar. Family dinners, victimization, and suicidal ideation. The American Society of criminology. November 15-17, 2012. Chicago, IL.
A. Baltazar. My body is God’s temple: Self-identified reasons for not engaging in risk behaviors among Adventist young adults. Towards New Horizons in Adventist Research: the First Conference of SDA Human-Subject Researchers. November 12-13, 2012. Berrien Springs, MI.
A. Baltazar, D. McBride & C. VanderWaal. (2012, November 12-13). Risk and Protective Factors in Students Use of Alcohol and Engaging in Sexual Activity. Towards New Horizons in Adventist Research First Conference of SDA Human-Subject Researchers.
A. Baltazar, D. McBride. (2012, September 27-29). Parental & Religiosity Influences on Alcohol Use & Sexual Behaviors Among Christian College Students. National Christian Counselors Conference. (Poster presentation).
H. Burnett. (2012, December 6-7). Understanding critical incident stress management. Workshop conducted at the 2012 Michigan Citizen Corps Training Conference, Traverse City, MI.
R. Chelbegean. (2012) Spouses’ Perception of Gender Roles in the Context of Immigration: A Grounded Theory. Adventist Association of Family Life Professionals – Research Forum. SDA Theological Seminary, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, July 22, 2012.
A. Corea. (Herbert W. Helm Jr., Faculty Sponsor). Poverty: An Analysis of Attributions and Solutions. A poster presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association (Psi Chi Poster Session), Chicago, IL, May 3-5, 2012.
H. W. Helm Jr. & K. G. D. Bailey. (2012, January 3-6). Students’ perception of the usefulness of a professional conference. Poster presented at the 34th National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
H. W. Helm Jr. & K. G. D. Bailey. “Eye Tracking and Art: A Case Study of Integrating Innovations in Research in the Undergraduate Classroom.” Affiliated Meeting of The Society for the Teaching of Psychology, at the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, May 3-5, 2012.
Gary Hopkins and Kathryn Conopio, The Context of Family Dinners – American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Illinois, November 15-17, 2012.
O. S. LaBianca. “Deep Time at Tall Hisban” presented to the Exploring Digital Archaeology Workshop. La Jolla, CA: University of California at San Diego. February 4, 2012.
O. S. LaBianca. “Global History and the Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean: Towards a Grand Narrative that Can Build Bridges between ANE Specialists and Specializations.” Presented to the Session entitled “Archaeology of the Southern Levant II” at the Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Chicago, November16, 2012.
O. S. LaBianca. “The Tall Hisban Cultural Heritage Project, Jordan: Report on Excavation and Restoration Work in 2011-2012” (with Robert Bates and Jeffrey Hudon). Presented to the Session entitled “Archaeology of Jordan I: Bronze and Iron Ages” at the Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Chicago, November16, 2012.
O. S. LaBianca. “Dealing with Difficult Content: Origins, Religions and Philosophy.” ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Faculty Institute August 16-17, 2012.
O. S. LaBianca. “Jordan Field School Hisban 2012” Presentation to ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Alumni Weekend. Siegfried H. Horn Lectureship Series. September 27, 2012.
O. S. LaBianca. “Archaeology in Jordan: A Round Table Panel Discussion” Siegfried H. Horn Museum Lectureship Series. November 12, 2012.
O. S. LaBianca. “Archaeology Workshop” Curious Kids Museum, St. Joseph, MI, July 09, 2012.
L. Matthews. Topic: Family Dinner Participation and Adolescent Suicidal Ideation. Presented at the American Criminology Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, November 15-17, 2012.
J. Raveloharimisy. “Informal Institutions in Madagascar and Cyclical Political Crises”, April 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL. 68th Midwest Political Science Association Annual National Conference.
J. Raveloharimisy. “Cooperation between the U.S. and Diaspora Communities: Implications for Development and Foreign Policy”, April 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL. 68th Midwest Political Science Association Annual National Conference.
J. Raveloharimisy. “Formalizing the Informal: Analysis of the Formalization of Informal Institutions in Madagascar”, Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2012. Philadelphia, PA. 57th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association Conference.
Gordon Atkins, Tori Steely and Ioana Danci, Keith Snyder. (2012) Geographic Variation in the Calling Song of Gryllus pennsylvanicus. Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
Lauren Van Putten and Gordon Atkins. (2012) Intraindividual Variation in the Calling Songs of the Cricket Gryllus pennsylvanicus. Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
Amanda Sandler, Johnny Ahn and Gordon Atkins. (2012) Effect of Circadian Rhythms and Light Intensity on Phonotactic Selectivity of Female Crickets (Acheta domesticus). Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
Kristin Chung, Esther Cha, Cristy Creighton and Gordon Atkins. (2012) Evaluating the Role of Prothoracic Modulators Controlling the Phonotactic Response of the Female Cricket Acheta domesticus. Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
Ashley Groeneweg, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University; Benjamin Navia, Kettering College; Gordon Atkins. (2012) Effects of Histamine and Antihistamine on the L3 Auditory Interneuron in the Prothoracic Ganglion of the Common European House Cricket (Acheta domesticus). Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
Lauren Martin, Sunny Kim and Gordon Atkins. (2012) Hormonal Control of Phonotactic Selectivity in the Supraesophageal Ganglion of Female Crickets Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
B. Navia, A. Groeneweg, J. Stout, G. Atkins. (2012) Changes in the selectivity of phonotaxis and its neuronal correlates in response to prothoracic nanoinjection of modulators in female cricket Acheta domesticus. Front. Behav. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Tenth International Congress of Neuroethology, College Park, MD, August 5-10, 2012, doi: 10.3389/conf.fnbeh.2012.27.00332.
W. J. Jang, H. T. Goodwin, B. H. Passey, and B. Kisser. 2012. Stable isotope analysis of incisor enamel in thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus). Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, March 2, 2012.
J. D. Cowles, S. M. Henson, and J. L. Hayward. 2012. A mathematical approach to predicting harbor seal haul-out. Poster presentation, Annual Meeting, Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, Hood River, Oregon, 20-23 March.
S. M. Henson, J. L. Hayward, J. D. Cowles, and M. W. Chacko. 2012. Dynamics of harbor seal haulout. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
B. G. Payne, J. L. Hayward, S. M. Henson, and L. C. Megna. 2012. Dynamics of Galápagos marine iguana haul-out. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
J. L. Hayward. 2012. Eggshell taphonomy as a tool for reconstructing ancient environments. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
M. McCormick, S. Henson, and J. Hayward. 2012. Gull egg mass as a function of length and width. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
L. M. Weldon, J. L. Hayward, S. M. Henson, L. C. Megna, B. G. Payne, and A. E. Moncrieff. 2012. Effects of nest location, timing, clutch size, and other factors on hatching success in Glaucous-winged Gulls. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
L. Megna, A. E. Moncrieff, J. L. Hayward, and S. M. Henson. 2012. Hybridization and reproductive success of gulls in the Larus glaucescens-occidentalis complex at an inland colony. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
P. S. Litvak. Physical Fitness & Cognition, AU Health & Fitness Symposium, May 10, 2012
P. Lyons. Gordon Research Conference on Proprotein Processing, Trafficking, and Secretion, New London, NH, July 17, 2012: “Metallocarboxypeptidases from A to Z.”
Chemistry and Biochemistry
R. Hayes. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, March 2, 2012 in Alma, MI “Simultaneous Hydroxyl Number Determination and Moisture Analysis of Highly Functional Polyols Using NIR Spectroscopy.”
D. H. Murray. 2012 Building Excellence in Science and Technology (BEST) Early Research Video, May 18, 2012 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= lnssnx8kCJ g&list=PL71B84D82DDC70BFF).
D. Nowack. “Validation of Bird Flu and Human Flu Viral Haemagglutinin (HA) Multimers as Probes for the Detection of 2,3- and 2,6-Sialic Acid Bond Structures,” American Society for Cell Biology meeting, Dec. 16, 2012, San Francisco, California
Luis K. Garibay and David W. Randall. Determination of the pKa of Lidocaine and Derivatives Using Computational Chemistry, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March, 2012.
M. M. Ponniah. Sabbath School U. Hope Channel. Television and Radio. Weekly. January-December 2012.
M. M. Ponniah. Scriptural Pursuit. Hope Channel. Television and Radio. Weekly. January-December 2012.
Desrene Vernon. International Religious Radio Broadcasting: The Reactions of Local Listeners to a Global Message, Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, March 2, 2012.
Engineering and Computer Science
G.S. Agoki. The American Society for Engineering Education/Engineering Design Graphics Division 66th Mid-Year Conference, Jan 22nd – 24th 2012, Galveston, Texas Graphics Education Needed for Upper Division Courses in Mechanical Engineering Design.
G.S. Agoki. The American Society for Engineering Education/Engineering Design Graphics Division 66th Mid-Year Conference, Jan 22nd – 24th 2012, Galveston, Texas, Using First Year Engineering Graphics Course for Student Outcomes and Assessment.
G.S. Agoki. & C. Dias. (2012) “Use of the Simulation Approach to Determine the Completion Time and Associated Probability in Senior Design Projects in Undergraduate Engineering Programs.” ProMAC 2012, 6th International Conference on Project Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A, October 3-5.
E. Bogatin, D. DeGroot, and A. Blankman. “A Practical Approach for Using Circuit Board Qualification Test Results to Accurately Simulate High Speed Serial Link Performance,” Presented at DesignCon 2012, Talk 13-TP6, Jan. 31, 2012.
D. DeGroot, K. Doshi, D. Dunham. “De-embedding in high speed design,” Presented at DesignCon 2012, Talk 13-MA1, Santa Clara, Calif., Jan. 30, 2012.
T. Zirkle, R. Huancaya, H. J. Kwon. Development of a novel biosensor setup of combined QCM-D and FET, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX, Nov. 11-15, 2012.
H. J. Kwon. Monitoring of conformational change of a calcium binding protein S100A5 using QCM-D sensor, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 28-31, 2012.
H. J. Kwon. Use of COMSOL Simulation for Undergraduate Fluid Dynamics course, American Society for Engineering Education conference, San Antonio, TX, June 11-13, 2012.
B.C. Ng. July 31-August 2, 2012, Hawaii University International Conferences Education, Math & Engineering Technology, Hawaii An Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance of a Di-Electric Electro-Active Polymer Undergoing a Series of Stress-Relaxation Cycles.
B.C. Ng. July 31-August 2, 2012, Hawaii University International Conferences Education, Math & Engineering Technology, Hawaii, Casting Made Easy with 3-D Prints.
B.C. Ng. The American Society for Engineering Education/Engineering Design Graphics Division 66th Mid-Year Conference, Jan 22nd – 24th 2012, Galveston, Texas Graphics Education Needed for Upper Division Courses in Mechanical Engineering Design.
B.C. Ng. The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society Annual Meeting, March 11-15, 2012 Potential Fiberboard Material from Cow Manure and Disposable Water Bottle.
B.C. Ng. The American Society for Engineering Education/Engineering Design Graphics Division 66th Mid-Year Conference, Jan 22nd – 24th 2012, Galveston, Texas, Using First Year Engineering Graphics Course for Student Outcomes and Assessment.
J. Clayburn.“Writing Retreats: Surviving the Writing Process.” Michigan College English Association. Grand Valley State University, 26 October 2012. Presentation.
B. A. Closser. (2012). Written teacher comments as revision scaffolding. Paper presented at the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Literature. Alma College, March 2.
V. Corredera. “Complex Complexions: The Facial Signification of the Black Other in Lust’s Dominion,” Boston, MA, Shakespeare Association of America, April 4-7, 2012.
D. A. Jones. With Christian Bacchiocchi, Timothy Hucks, and John Musselman. “Boys Reading to Survive; Boys Reading about Survival.” Michigan College English Association, Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 26, 2012.
Meredith Jones Gray. “Giving Medieval Childhood Voice in Medieval Literature.”47th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI. 13 May 2012.
E. J. Kim. Trends in Anglicized Korean Words, The 18th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, City University of Hong Kong, December 6, 2012.
Asta Sakala LaBianca. Oct. 26, 2012. “Surviving in English: Conversation Partners, Cultural Immersion, and the International Student” – Paper presented at Michigan College English Association Conference, Grand Valley State University.
B. Matiko. Annie Dillard’s Mornings Like This: Found Poems and an Incarnational Theory of Language. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. Alma College, 2 March 2012.
L. Monique Pittman. “Big-Shouldered Shakespeare: Two Shrews at Chicago Shakespeare Theater.” Shakespeare Association of America, Boston, MA, April 2012.
International Language Studies
Sonia Badenas. March 2, 2012. Michigan Academy of Arts and Sciences. Alma College, Alma, MI. “Short Stories for Teaching French.”
Sonia Badenas. July 6, 2012. American Association of Teachers of French. Chicago, IL. Le Conte au service du modèle communicatif.
Pedro Navia. June 20-23, 2012. “Literature and Fiction in the Crime of Father Amaro: Movie and Novel”. Cartagena de Indias, Columbia: XVI International Film Festival.
Pedro Navia. March 15-18, 2012. “The Interviewer and the Narrator in the Testimonies of Elena Poniatowska”. XI Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispanica. Lock Haven University, PA.
Pedro Navia. October 12-14, 2012. “Female Voices from Poverty in Elena Poniatowska’s Testimonies.” Buenos Aires, Argentina: Latin American Conference on Poverty.
Pedro Navia. December 5-8, 2012. “Paper Flower: Magic Realism in Egos Wolf’s Characters”. Panama City, Panama: 23rd Annual Conference on Latin American Drama and Literature.
James Ford. “Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index.”Presentation at the Adventist Resources Section of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines, June 19, 2012.
James Ford. “Issues in Collecting and Preserving Seventh-day Adventist Materials.” Presentation at the Adventist Resources Section of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines, June 20, 2012.
James Ford and Joshua Marcoe. “Digitization at the General Conference Archives and at the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Center for Adventist Research.” Presentation at the Adventist Resources Section of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines, June 20, 2012.
Cynthia Mae Helms. “Hot Tools, Cool Results: Putting Assessment to Work.” A paper presented at the 32nd Annual Conference, Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Philippines, June 19, 2012.
Silas Oliveira and Lauren Matacio. “E-book Challenges: The Experiences of ASDAL Libraries and ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University.” A paper presented at the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians, Silang, Cavite, Philippines, June 22, 2012.
Sallie Alger and Lauren Matacio. “S.A.I.L.: Services to Adventist International Libraries-- Then and Now.” A poster presented at the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians, Silang, Cavite, Philippines, June 20, 2012.
Silas Oliveira. “E-textbooks usage by students at ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University: A study of attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors”. 33rd International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries Conference, June 2 to 7, 2012, Singapore. (htto://docs.lib.purdue.edu/iatul/2012/papers).
T. D. Robertson. Paper: “Adventist Mission and the ‘Information Literate’ Audience,” First Symposium on Postmodern Sensitive Mission, October 18-20, 2012, Berrien Springs, MI.
T. D. Robertson. Poster Session: “Evaluating Sources: Information Literacy and the Epistemology of Testimony,” Annual Conference of the American Theological Library Association, June 28, 2012, Scottsdale, AZ.
Shandelle M. Henson. A Mathematical Model of Harbor Seal Haulout, Joint Mathematics Meetings, AMS Special Session on Mathematics in Natural Resource Modeling, Boston, MA, January 5, 2012.
Shandelle M. Henson, James L. Hayward, Jonathan D. Cowles, and Matthew W. Chacko. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters Conference, Environmental Science and Ecology Section, Alma College, Alma, MI, March 2, 2012.
Brianna G. Payne, James L. Hayward, Shandelle M. Henson, and Libby C. Megna. Dynamics of Galápagos Marine Iguana Haul-out, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters Conference, Zoology Section, Alma College, Alma, MI, March 2, 2012.
Melissa McCormick, Shandelle Henson, and James Hayward. Gull Egg Mass as a Function of Length and Width, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters Conference, Zoology Section, Alma College, Alma, MI, March 2, 2012.
Libby C. Megna, Andre E. Moncrieff, James L. Hayward, and Shandelle M. Henson. Hybridization and Reproductive Success of Gulls in the Larus glaucescens-occidentalis Complex at an Inland Colony, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters Conference, Zoology Section, Alma College, Alma, MI, March 2, 2012.
Lynelle M. Weldon, James L. Hayward, Shandelle M. Henson, Libby C. Megna, Brianna G.Payne, and Andre E. Moncrieff. Effects of Nest Location, Timing, Clutch size, and Other Factors on Hatching Success in Glaucous-winged Gulls, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters Conference, Zoology Section, Alma College, Alma, MI, March 2, 2012.
Jonathan D. Cowles, S. M. Henson, and J. L. Hayward. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, 2012 Annual Meeting, A Mathematical Approach to Predicting Harbor Seal Haul-out (poster), Hood River, OR, March 20-23, 2012.
L. Weldon. “Effects of Nest Location, Timing, Clutch Size, and Other Factors on Hatching Success in Glaucous-winged Gulls”, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Mar. 2, 2012.
G. W. Burdick. C.-K. Duan, and M. F. Reid. Beyond the Judd-Ofelt approximation: Direct calculation of the two-photon absorption spectrum of Gd3+:LaF3, 8th International Conference on f-Elements, Udine, Italy, Aug 26 – 31, 2012. (Presentation honoring Brian Judd and George Ofelt on the Golden Anniversary of the Judd-Ofelt Theory.)
G. W. Burdick. Invited Presentation, “The Faith that Lies at the Heart of Science,” ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Autumn Conference on Religion and Science, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI (Oct 20, 2012).
C. W. Greenley, L. S. Finn, T. Z. Summerscales. “Application of the Maximum Entropy Method to Data from the LIGO Gravitational Wave Detectors”, March 31-April 3 APS Meeting 2012, E1.00023 PDF of poster at.
R. Muñoz-Larrondo. “Hermenéutica y Exégesis sobre el concepto de la Ordenación,” Pastoral Evangelism Leadership Conference—Hispanic Track, Oakwood University, Hunstville, AL, Dec 2-5, 2012.
R. Muñoz-Larrondo. “La Mujer será salvada por el nacimiento del Hijo – διá½° τῆς τεκνογονίας: Un estudio de diagramación del Griego de 1 Timoteo 2.” Pastoral Evangelism Leadership Conference—Hispanic Track, Oakwood University, Hunstville, AL, Dec 2-5, 2012.
P. Petersen.“”Unwholy” Relationships – Common Myths about the “Nature” and Identity of the Individual in the Bible.” SDA World Theological Congress, Jerusalem, June 11-21, 2012.
A. Rahel Schafer. “Indications and Implications of a Seventh Day in Psalm 104.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the SBL. Chicago, Ill., November 18, 2012.
A. Rahel Schafer. “God Created Gaia: An Evangelical Response to Ecofeminism.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the ETS. Milwaukee, Wis., November 14, 2012.
Social Work
M. Diaconu, L. Racovita-Szilagyi, Kim Coleman, S. Perry, W. Perry. Teaching Diversity in a Global Setting. Platform Presentation. Accepted for International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, Vancouver, BC Canada. June 11-13, 2012.
W. Perry, M. Diaconu, S. Perry, & D. L. Racovita-Szilagyi, (2012, June 11-13). Educating Future Physical Therapy Practitioners to Recognize Intimate Partner Violence Signs and Reporting Best Practices When Working with Culturally Diverse Patients: A Pilot Study. Presented at the 12th International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
A. Baltazar, C.J. VanderWaal, D.C. McBride, & G. Hopkins. “My Body is God’s Temple”: Self-Identified Reasons for Not Engaging in Risk Behaviors Among Adventist Young Adults. Presented at the Towards New Horizons in Adventist Research Conference, November 12-13, 2012, Berrien Springs, MI.
Department of Agriculture
Koudele, K. Preparing Students for Careers in Effective International Agricultural Development, Conference on Teaching and Learning in Animal Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, July 19-22, 2012 Link: .
Department of Aviation
Robertson, R. Military Pilot Training, Great Lakes Aviation Conference & Expo, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI, January 21, 2012. .
School of Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Interior Design & Construction
A. Von Maur. Invited panelist on The Future of the Academic Village, Seaside Institute, January 28, Seaside, Florida.
A. Von Maur. In collaboration with PlaceMakers, LLC, charrette facilitator and designer on four-day public participatory town planning process for Leland, North Carolina.
Visual Art & Design
S. P. Elkins-Bates. Nov. 17 American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Presenter and organizer at ASOR sponsored K-12 teacher education workshop held at the Oriental Institute on the campus of the University of Chicago.
S. P. Elkins-Bates. Nov. 16 American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Presenter at ASOR session, “Religions in Bronze and Iron Age Syria-Palestine.” Paper Topic: “The Tall Jalul Figurine: An Art Historical Analysis.”
Paul B. Kim. “Concepts for Successful TV Shows”. EAMC Media Summit, Stimme-der-hoffnung. Darmstadt, Germany. 10 Oct 2012. Plenary Presentation.
School of Business Administration
Accounting, Economics & Finance
A. Gibson. “Personal Ethical Decisions: The Slippery Slope and the Blurred Lines.” Presented at the Trans-European Treasurers’ Advisory, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 10-15, 2012.
A. Gibson. “Internal Controls: The Case of the Howard Street Jewelers.” Presented at the Trans-European Treasurers’ Advisory, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 10-15, 2012.
A. Gibson. “Boards: The Famous and the Infamous.” Presented at the Trans-European Treasurers’ Advisory, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 10-15, 2012.
A. Gibson. “Personal Ethics: Our Responsibility.” Presented at the Summit on Social Consciousness: Lessons from Rwanda” at ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, April 14, 2012.
Management, Marketing & Information Systems
J. L. Chi. Presented a research article in ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Business Teacher’s Conference, titled, “The Impact of Servant Leadership on Job Burnout among Employees of a Christian Hospital: Structural Equation Model” on July 13, 2012.
B.A. Maguad. (2012). “Leading by Serving: Using Servant Leadership to Bring About the Quality Transformation in Academia.” Servant Leadership. 8th SDA Business Teachers Conference. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University. Berrien Springs, Michigan. July 12-14. [0.0625].
School of Distance Education
Student Services
G.M. Bradfield. (2012, April 13-17). Developing and validating the Growing Disciples Inventory: A self-assessment for Christian students. Roundtable session presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
G.M. Bradfield. (2012, August 6). Using the Visual Valet Model to develop a biblical perspective. Breakout Session presented at the NAD Teacher Convention, Nashville, TN, USA.
G.M. Bradfield. (2012, August 7). Using questions to close the biblical integration gap. Breakout Session presented at the NAD Teacher Convention, Nashville, TN, USA.
G.M. Bradfield. (2012, August 7). Using the Growing Disciples Inventory to assess Christian spiritual development. Breakout Session presented at the NAD Teacher Convention, Nashville, TN, USA.
Higher Education
J. Lim. August 5-8, 2012. NAD Teachers’ Convention Presentation: Videoconferencing: Discover the Possibilities .
J. Lim. August 5-8, 2012. NAD Teachers’ Convention Presentation: Wikis for Collaboration: Face-to-Face, Online, and Across Schools .
J. Lim. August 5-8, 2012. NAD Teachers’ Convention Presentation: Organizing Your Online Course to Provide Structure and Routine .
J. Lim. August 5-8, 2012. NAD Teachers’ Convention Presentation: AVLN Pathways Wiki .
School of Education
Graduate Department of Psychology and Counseling
J.K. Montagano & R.N. Bailey. (2012, August 2-5). Do girls manifest anxiety differently than boys? Poster presented at the American Psychological Association. Orlando, Florida.
J.K. Montagano & R.N. Bailey. (2012, August 2-5). Differentiating math and test anxiety, results from two samples. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association. Orlando, Florida.
J.K. Montagano, R.N. Bailey & A. J. Cramer. (2012, May 3-5). Preservice teachers: Attitudes towards inclusion. Paper presented at the Midwest Association of Psychologists. Chicago, Illinois.
J. K. Montagano, & R. N. Bailey. (2012, May 3-5). Math and test anxiety across ethnicities. Paper presented at the Midwest Association of Psychologists. Chicago, Illinois.
J. K. Montagano, & R. N. Bailey. (2012, May 3-5). Gender Differences in math and test anxiety. Paper presented at the Midwest Association of Psychologists. Chicago, Illinois.
J. K. Montagano, & R. N. Bailey. (2012, February 21-24). Examining differences between general test anxiety and math test anxiety. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
N. J. Carbonell. “The Dangers Lurking in Our Homes: The Ugly of Social Networking.” All Michigan Counselors Fall Conference. Detroit, MI, November 4-5, 2012.
N. J. Carbonell. “Therapeutic Tool. The Funny Bone: The Role of Humor in Counseling” All Michigan Counselors Fall Conference. Detroit, MI, November 4-5, 2012.
N. J. Carbonell. “Sucker Punched: Surviving Infidelity.” All Michigan Counselors Fall Conference. Detroit, MI, November 4-5, 2012.
N. J. Carbonell. “Our culture is Poisoning Our Girls! We Can Make a Difference.” All Michigan Counselors Fall Conference. Detroit, MI, November 4-5, 2012.
N. J. Carbonell. “Our Culture is Poisoning Our Girls! We can Make a Difference.” All Michigan Counselors Conference. Michigan Counseling Association Conference 2012, Kalamazoo, Michigan, November 4-5.
E. Gabriel. “Classroom Management and Discipline Without Tears” at the North American Division Teachers’ Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, August 5-8, 2012.
S. Al Otaiba & L. Greulich. (2012 April 11-14). Examining first grade reading outcomes: Comparing typical response to intervention with more immediate intervention. Paper presented at the 90th Council for Exceptional Children International Convention and Expo, Denver, Co.
B. K. Hinman. (2012). Process addictions: What we don’t know CAN harm our clients. North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Regional Conference, October 18-20, 2012, Kansas City, MO.
B. K. Hinman. (2012). In love with a computer screen: Pornography addiction. North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Regional Conference, October 18-20, 2012, Kansas City, MO.
C. Woolford-Hunt. A Text a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Texting and Tweeting with Patients Via Facebook as Potential Adjuncts to Clinical Care. Workshop presented at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine 2012 Annual meeting in New Orleans Louisiana. March 14-17.
C. Woolford-Hunt. The Hair, Activity, Identity and Race Study. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference 2012 in Orlando Florida. August 2-5.
A. Alansari and D. M. Covrig. (2012, November). Exporting the ELCC standards: Adapting leadership standards to various religious, cultural and linguistic contexts. Paper: A survey of leadership standards for professional preparation of public school principals in Kuwait. Annual Convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Denver, CO: November 15, 2012.
D. M. Covrig and J. Ledesma. (2012, November). Exporting the ELCC standards: Adapting leadership standards to various religious, cultural and linguistic contexts. Paper: Lessons learned from one programs attempt to use the ELCC Standards. Annual Convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Denver, CO: November 15, 2012.
D. M. Covrig, M. Ongo, and J. Ledesma. (2012, October). Integrating competing moral leadership types within an organization. Annual Convention of the International Leadership Association, Denver, CO: October 25, 2012.
D. M. Covrig, I. Newman, S. Freed, S. Gonzalez, B. de Oliveira, and M. Ongo. (2012, April). Helping distance students complete research. Annual Regional Conference, Society for Teaching and Learning. April 20, South Bend, IN.
J. Ledesma, & S. Freed. Why Principals Stay. Presented at American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, BC. April 15, 2012.
D. Jenkins, S. Freed, K. Hoover, & R. Satterwhite. 2012. The Guiding Questions: A Bridge across the Leadership Studies Program great divide. Presented at International Leadership Association, Denver, Oct. 25, 2012.
S. Gonzalez. The relationship of servant leadership attributes and demographic variables on sales revenue of salespersons in a medical device company in 2011. 8th Seventh-day Adventist Business Teachers Conference. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, July 12-14, 2012 ( Auxier and Gonzalez).
S. Gonzalez. Job satisfaction, trust, and the perceived value of faculty unionization. Eastern Educational Research Association, 35th annual conference, Hilton Head Island, SC, Feb 15-17, 2012 (Horner, Baumgartner, Newman & Gonzalez).
S. Gonzalez. An ex-post facto study on the relationship between peer to peer mentoring experiences and instructor confidence, institutional loyalty, and student satisfaction among part time instructors. Eastern Educatonal Research Association, 35th annual conference, Hilton Head Island, SC, Feb 15-17, 2012 (Watson, Baumgartner, Newman & Gonzalez).
J. Ledesma. August 4-6, 2012. NAD Teacher’s Convention (6 different presentations for Principals & Pastors).
Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum
L. D. Burton. (2012, April 13). Me and the N-word. Paper presented as part of the Symposium “Navigating Post-colonial Pathways: Theorizing from International Narratives,” at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS), The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
L. D. Burton. (2012, March 2). Me and the N-word. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Michigan Academy of Sciences and Letters, Alma College, Alma, MI.
L. D. Burton, F. McGarrell, A. Baldwin, & P. St. Juste. (2012, April 10-13). Emancipatory speech: Memory and consciousness. In L. Burton (Chair), Navigating Post Colonial Pathways. Symposium of papers presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS) Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
F. McGarrell, S. Adamou, L. Burton, J. Katenga, & P. St. Juste. (2012, March 2). Navigating Post-Colonial Pathways. A panel presentation at the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma, Michigan.
School of Health Professionals
Medical Laboratory Sciences
M. A. Kilsby. (2012, October 31- November 3). Effective Teaching and Mentoring a Diverse Group of Students or Employees. American Society for Clinical Pathology. Boston, MA.
M. A. Kilsby. (2012, October 31- November 3). International Laboratory Services Consulting: Lessons Learned from Haiti and North Korea. American Society for Clinical Pathology. Boston, MA.
K. Allen. Health, Empowerment, Resilience and Recovery outcomes for Pregnant and Post-partum Addicted Women who Received Treatment. Presented at the 5th National Conference on Behavioral Health for Women and Girls. July 17-19, 2012, San Diego, CA.
K. Allen. Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment for Pregnant and Post-partum Women and Their Children. Invited Plenary Speaker for the Eta Zeta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society Annual Research Workshop. March 27, 2012. Kalamazoo, Michigan.
K. Allen. Evolution of the Evaluation of Women, Children and Family Treatment Programs. Presented at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Women, Children, and Family Treatment Grantee Evaluator’s Meeting. Rockville, MD, March 19-21, 2012.
K. Allen. Overview of Cross-Site Evaluation Data Analysis Collection. Presented at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Women, Children, and Family Treatment Grantee Evaluator’s Meeting. Rockville, MD, March 19-21, 2012.
G. Chi. Eta Zeta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society annual Fall Workshop, Nov 15, 2012, Borgess Medical Center, Kalamazoo, Michigan. “The treatment effects of music relaxation video on pain and anxiety levels of cancer patients”.
G. Chi. Presented a research article in ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Business Teacher’s Conference, titled, “The Impact of Servant Leadership on Job Burnout among Employees of a Christian Hospital: Structural Equation Model” on July 13, 2012.
G. E. Schmidt. Quality standards of nursing care for the safety of the patient in critical condition. International Conference in Critical Care Nursing. Defining the Competencies of Specialized Nursing. Adventist River Plate University, Argentina, South America, May 23-24, 2012.
G. E. Schmidt. Patient spirituality as a source of strength in the search and maintenance of health; and promoting quality of life. Oral presentations. International Conference in Critical Care Nursing. Defining the Competencies of Specialized Nursing. Adventist River Plate University, Argentina, South America, May 23-24, 2012.
Public Health, Nutrition, and Wellness
W. Craig. Vegetarian Diets: The Benefits & Concerns. International Vegetarian Conference, Trinidad & Tobago, April 2012.
W. Craig. Complementary Nutrition and Optimal Health. A paper presented at the Health and Fitness Symposium, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, May 10-13, 2012.
W. Craig. Ten Habits for Optimal Health. Life in the Blue Zones, 2 talks presented at BU Convention, Nottingham, UK, May 18-20.
G. Krivak. Presentation on “New Approaches in Strength Training” presented at Health and Fitness Symposium 2012, Berrien Springs, Michigan May 10, 2012.
G. Krivak. Practical Workshop: “Circuit Training” presented twice at Health and Fitness Symposium 2012, Berrien Springs, Michigan May 10 & May 11, 2012.
P. Pribis. Nuts consumption and cognitive performance. Oral presentation at the International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy, Philadelphia, August 27-29, 2012.
P. Pribis. Trends in Body Fat, Body Mass index and Physical Fitness Among Male and Female College Student’s. Oral presentation at the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters, Annual Meeting, Alma College, March 2, 2012.
P. Pribis. Novel strategies in Fitness. Health and Fitness Symposium, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, May 10-13, 2012.
Physical Therapy
G. Almeter, Audrey Millar, Mike Hamilton, Martha Flores, Michelle Furr, Aurelia Simmons, Tim Brown, Shelley Roberts, Ashley Imhoff, Sherin Kalappurayil. “Hip Muscle Endurance in Individuals with and without Patellofemoral Pain." American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections, Chicago, Illinois, February 8-11, 2012.
K. Berglund. Knee pain - a differential diagnosis case study involving facilitated segments of the lumbar spine Poster presentation; IFOMPT 2012, the World Congress of Manual/Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, September 30 to October 5, 2012.
W. Perry, J. Carlos, C. Abbott, E. Moravets, M. Mountz, R. Sowers. The Relationship Between Critical Thinking Skills and Success in an Entry-Level DPT Program on NPTE Performance. Combined Sections Conference of the American Physical Therapy Association. Chicago, Illinois. February 8-11, 2012.
W. Perry, J. Carlos. The Relationship Between the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal and Success in an Entry-Levet DPT Program and on the NPTE. Michigan Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Mackinac Island, Michigan. September 21-22, 2012.
K. Coleman-Ferreira, L. Millar, B. Buda, E. Davis, C. Knapp, Y. Park. Assessing the Reliability of the PTSE Tool for the Evaluation of Clinical Instructors. Poster Presentation. Michigan Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. September 21-22, 2012.
M. Diaconu, L. Racovita-Szilagyi, K. Coleman, S. Perry, W. Perry. Teaching Diversity in a Global Setting. Platform Presentation. Accepted for International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, June 11-13, 2012.
L. Olson, A. L. Millar. Comparing Three Training Methods to Improve Deep Cervical Endurance. Poster Presentation at American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. February 8-11, 2012.
W. Perry, M. Diaconu, S. Perry, L. Racovita-Szilagyi. Educating Future Physical Therapy Practitioners to Recognize Intimate Partner Violence Signs and Reporting Best Practices When Working with Culturally Diverse Patients: A Pilot Study. Platform Presentation. Accepted for International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. June 11-13, 2012.
D. Village, A. L. Millar, T. King, G. McKenzie, J. Lee, C. Lopez. Frequency of physical therapists taking blood pressure and heart rate in an outpatient setting. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections. Chicago, Illinois, February 9, 2012.
Adventist Theological Seminary
Christian Ministry/NADEI
R. E. M. Clouzet. “El Bautismo del Espiritu Santo y sus implicaciones escatologicas” III Conferencia Biblica at the Univeristy of Montemorelos, July 4-7, 2012.
R. E. M. Clouzet. “La personalidad del Espiritu Santo.” III Conferencia Biblica at the Univeristy of Montemorelos, July 4-7, 2012.
K. D. Hall. “The Theological Roots of the Emerging New Evangelicalism and it Environmental Focus” (paper presented November 14, 20012 at the 64th annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Milwaukee, WI).
K. D. Hall and S. J. Kidder. “The Place to be the Story of One Place.” 180 degree Symposium, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI, October 15-18, 2012.
S. J. Kidder. Music & Worship Conference, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI March 29-31, 2012 Paper presented: “The Worship Experience Your Heart Longs For.”
S. J. Kidder. Worship Conference, Canada, September 2012 Paper presented: “The Worship Experience Your Heart Longs For.”
S. J. Kidder. Loma Linda University Prayer Conference, October 2012 Paper presented: “Building a House Of Prayer.”
S. J. Kidder. Prayer Conference, Redlands, CA, Southern Asia Churches, December 2012 Paper presented: “Building a House Of Prayer.”
S. J. Kidder. Sao Paulo conference, January and December, 2012.
S. J. Kidder. Salvador, Brazil, August 2012. Presentation on Research and Church Growth.
E. N. McLean. Seminar Presentation at SEEDS Conference Atlantic Union Conference (March 30-April 1) Presentation in Leadership for Every Member Ministry, Stamford, Connecticut.
E. N. McLean. Seminar Presentation at SEEDS Conference Atlantic Union Conference (March 30-April 1) Presentation in Leadership for Church Growth, Stamford, Connecticut.
E. N. McLean. Inter-American Division Evangelism Summit – Guatemala City, Guatemala (March 24- April 1) Presentation on the Pastor as an Evangelist.
E. N. McLean. Inter-American Division Evangelism Summit – Guatemala City, Guatemala (March 24- April 1) Presentation on Preaching & delivery of Evangelistic sermon.
S. E. Patterson. Paper presentation: Reframing the Gospel for Postmoderns. Plenary Session Invitee: Symposium on Postmodern Sensitive Ministries. October 18-20, 2012.
S. E. Patterson and H.P. Swanson. Paper presentation by Invitation: Seventh-day Adventist Pastoral Ministry as Vocation. Seventh-day Adventist and Reformed Church dialog. Grand Rapids, MI. September 10-12, 2012.
S. E. Patterson. Paper presentation: Exploration of Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 Model of Ascendant/Dominant Leadership. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University 2nd Annual Leadership Conference, Berrien Springs, MI. July 20-23, 2012.
S. E. Patterson. Paper presentation: Clarifying “Serve” in the Servant Leadership Model. Plenary Session Invitee: The 8th Seventh-day Adventist Business Teachers Conference. July 12-13, 2012.
S. E. Patterson. Paper presentation: Organizational Expectations and Role Clarification of Pastors and Educators. Plenary Session Invitee: Romanian Union Educators Conference, Bucharest, Romania. June, 2012.
S. E. Patterson. Paper presentation: Analysis of Ellen White’s Writings Regarding Personal Power as Applied to the Hagberg Model of Leadership and Power. Plenary Session Invitee: E.G. White Symposium, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University. March 26, 2012.
S. E. Patterson. Paper presentation: 1) Biblical Foundations of Spiritual Leadership; 2) Leadership and Organization in the SDA Church; 3) Biblical Themes of Leadership and Organization. Plenary Session Invitee: Leadership Symposium, Adventist University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya: January 31-February 2, 2012.
S. E. Patterson. Paper presentation: Analysis of Ellen White’s Writings Regarding Personal Power as Applied to the Hagberg Model of Leadership and Power. Plenary Session Invitee: General Conference Leadership Summit, Nairobi, Kenya. January, 2012.
S. E. Patterson. Paper presentation: A Review of Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 Model of Ascendant/Dominant Leadership and Jesus’ Incarnational Behavior as Opposing Models of Leadership. Plenary Session Invitee: Leadership Roundtable Conference, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University/Brazil Adventist University. January 22, 2012.
Church History
P. G. Damsteegt. Event: Third International Bible Conference Place: Jerusalem, Israel Date: June 11 to 21, 2012 Activity: Presenting a paper called “Ellen G. White’s Perspectives on Spiritualism.”
P. G. Damsteegt. Lecture series presented at a Professional Conference Event: Atlantic Union Attorney’s Conference Place: Stamford, CT Dates: October 12-13, 2012 Activity: Lecture series on “Providential Highlights in the Great Controversy During the Christian Era.”
N. P. Miller. “The Historic Roots of the Great Controversy Theodicy,” paper presented at Theodicy Symposium, Walla Walla University, April 19-21, 2012.
N. P. Miller. “Alongside Foundationalism: Adventism’s Alternate protestant Path,” paper presented at the Third Annual Conference of the Society of Adventist Philosophers in Chicago, IL, November 15-16, 2012.
T. A. O’Reggio. Re-examination of Luther’s Views on the State of the Dead presented at the 3rd International Bible Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, June 11-21, 2012.
J. W. Reeve. “El Pneuma Estoico y el Espiritu Santo como una fuerza (The Stoic Pneuma and the Holy Spirit as a Force).” Paper presented at the III Conferencia Biblica at the Univeristy of Montemorelos, July 4-7, 2012.
J. W. Reeve. “Homoousios como respuesta a las preguntas los debates teologicos del siglo cuarto (Homoousios as the Answer to the Biblical Questions in the Fourth Century Theological Debates).” Plenary presentation at the III Conferencia Biblica at the Univeristy of Montemorelos, July 4-7, 2012.
J. W. Reeve. “Subordinacion en el arrianismo y en el credo del templo Caustiano (Subordination in Arianism and in the Creed from Constantinople).” Paper presented at the III Conferencia Biblica at the University of Montemorelos, July 4-7, 2012.
J. W. Reeve. “Ordination and Priesthood: Mediating Forgiveness in the Early Church.” Presidential Address paper presented at the Adventist Society for Religious Studies Annual meetings (joint session with Adventist Theological Society) in Chicago, IL, November 16, 2012.
J. W. Reeve. “One Step Toward Hell: Conditionalists and Judgment at the End of the Second Century.” Paper presented at the 3rd International Bible Conference in Israel, June 11-21, 2012.
Discipleship and Religious Education
K. Beagles. “The Whole Truth and Nothing But: Discipleship in a Post-Christian Age.” Plenary paper presented at the Symposium on Postmodern Sensitive Mission, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, October 18-20, 2012.
K. Beagles. “Telling the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth: So, Help Us, God.” Paper presented at the National Association of Professors of Christian Education, Dallas, TX, October 19, 2012. [Co-authored with Lea Danihelova and Jasmine Fraser].
David Sedlacek. (2012). Seminary Training, Role Demands, Family Stressor and Strategies for the Alleviation of Stressors in Pastoral Families. First GC Human Subjects Research Conference, November12-13, 2012, Berrien Springs, MI.
David Sedlacek. (2012). The Impact of Childhood Abuse on College Student Social Factors, Adventist Association of Family Life Professionals Annual Research Conference, July 22, 2012, Berrien Springs, MI.
New Testament
R. P. Choi. June 18, 2012. “The Concept of Body, Flesh, and Spirit in Galatians.” For the Third International Bible Conference in Jerusalem, Israel.
T. L. Reeve. “Non-Conformity in the Adventist Ethos.” Presented at the Adventist-Mennonite Dialogue near Basel, Switzerland, May 28, 2012.
T. L. Reeve.“'Walking Blamelessly’ in Luke 1:6 in Light of Biblical and Greco-Roman Contexts.” Presented at the Third International Adventist Bible Conference, in Jerusalem, June 17, 2012.
T. L. Reeve. “Built upon the Rock.” Presented at the Third Biblical Conference at Universidad de Montemorelos, Mexico, July 7, 2012.
T. Shepherd. Invited respondent to Mathilde Frey, A. Rahel Schafer and Willard M. Swartley at Sabbath in Text and Tradition Group, Society of Biblical Literature, Chicago, IL, Nov 18, 2012.
T. Shepherd. Conference presenter – “Resurrection and Rebirth: Power Differentials as the Key to Anthropology in 1 Peter,” presented at Third International Bible Conference, Biblical Research Institute, Israel, June 11-20, 2012.
T. Shepherd. Conference presenter, “Creation in the General Epistles,” presented at the Faith and Science Council, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Loma Linda, CA, April 25, 2012.
R. Stefanovis."The Central Theme of Revelation." Paper presented at European Pastors’ Conference of TED, Rogaska Slatina, Slovenija, August 21-26, 2012.
R. Stefanovis. “The Early and Later Rain Concept in the Bible.” Paper presented at 3er Simposio Teologico: “Trinidad, Teología, Historia, Controversia e Implicaciones Eclesiásticas”, Universidad de Montemorelos, Mexico, July 4-7, 2012.
R. Stefanovis. “Relevance of the 5th and 6th Trumpets for the Today’s World.” Paper presented at European Pastors’ Conference of TED, Rogaska Slatina, Slovenija, August 21-26, 2012.
R. Stefanovis. “Symbolism of the Book of Revelation.” Paper presented at European Pastors’ Conference of TED, Rogaska Slatina, Slovenija, August 21-26, 2012.
R. Stefanovis. "The Trinity and the Personhood of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament." Plenary presentation 3er Simposio Teologico: “Trinidad, Teología, Historia, Controversia e Implicaciones Eclesiásticas”, Universidad de Montemorelos, Mexico, July 4-7, 2012.
R. Stefanovis. “The Trinity and Counterfeit Trinity in Revelation.” Paper presented at 3er Simposio Teologico: “Trinidad, Teología, Historia, Controversia e Implicaciones Eclesiásticas”, Universidad de Montemorelos, Mexico, July 4-7, 2012.
R. Stefanovis. "The Central Theme of Revelation." A presentation for Walla Walla Center for Bible, Faith, and Mission Series (CBFM), Sunnyside SDA Church, Portland, OR, January 27, 2012.
Old Testament
Richard M. Davidson. “Heavenly Worship: The Biblical Vision.” Plenary Session paper presented at the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Music and Worship Conference, Berrien Springs, MI, March 29, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “Biblical Anthropology and the Old Testament.” Plenary Session paper presented at the Third International Bible Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, June 16, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “La Trinidad en el Antiguo Testamento: Una vista panorámica [The Trinity in the Old Testament: An Overview].” Plenary Session paper presented at the III Conferencia Bíblica, “Trinidad: Theología, Historia, Controversia e Implicaciones Eclesiásticas,” Universidad de Montemorelos, July 4, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “La personalidad del Espírítu Santo en el Pentateuco [The Personhood of the Holy Spirit in the Pentateuch].” Semi-plenary Session paper presented at the III Conferencia Bíblica, “Trinidad: Theología, Historia, Controversia e Implicaciones Eclesiásticas,” Universidad de Montemorelos, July 6, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “Proverbios 8 y el Lugar de Cristo en la Trinidad [Proverbs 8 and the Place Christ in the Trinity].” Semi-plenary Session paper presented at the III Conferencia Bíblica, “Trinidad: Theología, Historia, Controversia e Implicaciones Eclesiásticas,” Universidad de Montemorelos, July 7, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “Biblical Principles for Interpreting Scripture.” Plenary Session paper presented at the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division Biblical Foundations Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa, July 27, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “Non-Biblical Methods of Biblical Interpretation.” Plenary Session paper presented at the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division Biblical Foundations Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa, July 29, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “The Biblical World View.” Plenary Session paper presented at the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division Biblical Foundations Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa, July 30, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “Interpreting Scripture Biblically.” Plenary Session paper presented at the Southern Arica Indian Ocean Division Biblical Foundations Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa, July 30, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “The Sanctuary, Bastion of Beauty.” Plenary Session paper presented at the Fourth Interdenominational Theological Symposium, University of the Southern Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad, October 25, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “A Song for the Sanctuary.” Plenary Session paper presented at the Fourth Interdenominational Theological Symposium, University of the Southern Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad, October 25, 2012.
Richard M. Davidson. “The Sanctuary, Temple of Truth.” Plenary Session paper presented at the Fourth Interdenominational Theological Symposium, University of the Southern Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad, October 26, 2012.
Jacques B. Doukhan. “From Subordination of the Woman to Salvation by the Woman: An Exegesis of Genesis 3:16 in the Light of Genesis 4:7 and Genesis 3:15.” Paper presented at the Adventist Society for Religious Studies, Chicago, IL, November 16, 2012.
Jacques B. Doukhan. “The Law of Liberty: A Jewish-Christian Reflection on the Law.” Paper presented at the Helsinki Consultation, Berlin, Germany, June 30, 2012. (See program and speakers for Helsinki Consultation 2012 online at http://www.helsinkiconsultation2012.org /index.php/en.)
Jacques B. Doukhan. “Similar Plan, Similar Response: The Biblical Narration of Planetary Beginnings after Creation and after the Flood.” Paper coauthored with Ronny Nalin and presented at the Evangelical Theological Society 64th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, November 14, 2012.
C. E. Gane. June 20, 2012. “Demons at the Door: A Counterfeit Great Controversy.” Third International Bible Conference, Jerusalem.
R. E. Gane. “Care for Holy Land According to Leviticus,” Evangelical Theological Society, national meeting, Milwaukee (Nov. 15, 2012).
R. E. Gane. “The Nature of the Human Being in Leviticus,” Third International Bible Conference, Jerusalem, Israel. June 11-21, 2012.
P. Gregor. Nov 15, 2012. American Schools of Oriental Research Meetings, Chicago, Illinois. The Iron Age Water System at Tall Jalul.
P. Gregor. Jun 19, 2012. International Academic Conference, Zagreb, Croatia. Water Systems in Levant: Newest Discoveries from Tell Jalul.
G. A. Klingbeil. “Lo que se puede aprender de los traductores antiguos: Principios de traducción, contextualización y misión.” Plenary presentation at Mission Symposium, Montemorelos University, Montemorelos, Mexico, March 17, 2012.
G. A. Klingbeil. “‘He Spoke And It Was’: Human Language, Divine Creation, and the imago Dei within the Larger Context of the Great Controversy Theme.” Paper read at Third International Biblical Symposium. Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Jerusalem, Israel. June 10–21, 2012.
G. A. Klingbeil. “A Biblical Perspective on Ecumenical Relations.” Plenary presentation at Euro-Africa Division Bible and Mission Conference. Prague, Czech Republic. July 1–5, 2012.
G. A. Klingbeil. “‘Comer’ y ‘beber’ en el libro de Apocalipsis: Un estudio en pensamiento y teología apocalíptica neotestamentaria.” Plenary presentation at Apocalypse Symposium, organized by SAIT/Theology Faculty of Universidad Adventista del Plata, Libertador San Martín, Argentina. September 28, 2012.
G. A. Klingbeil. “‘Desde el desierto hacia la tierra prometida’: Ecos del libro de Números en el libro de Apocalipsis.” Plenary presentation at Apocalypse Symposium, organized by SAIT/Theology Faculty of Universidad Adventista del Plata, Libertador San Martín, Argentina. September 30, 2012.
Jiří Moskala.“Can a Biblical Inspired Writer Use Literary Sources?” Invited to present a plenary paper at the Eighth Ellen White Issues Symposium, SDA Theological Seminary, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI, 26 March 2012.
Jiří Moskala. “Eternal Punishment in Hell and the Immortality of the Soul: A Biblical-Theological Assessment of the Current Debate.” Invited to present a paper at the Third International Bible Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, 17 June 2012.
Jiří Moskala. “Eternal Punishment in Hell, Immortality of the Soul and the Character of God.” Invited to present a paper at the 4th Bible Conference on “Issues Challenging Institutions of Faith in East and Central Africa—Part II,” University of Arusha, Arusha, Tanzania, 1 May 2012.
Jiří Moskala. “Learning from Neo-Atheistic and Recent Theological Attacks on the Character of God.” Invited to presented a plenary paper at the 4th Bible Conference on “Issues Challenging Institutions of Faith in East and Central Africa—Part II,” University of Arusha, Arusha, Tanzania, 2 May 2012.
Jiří Moskala. “Mapping and Evaluating the Neo-Atheistic and Recent Theological Attacks on the Character of God.” Invited to present a plenary paper at the Theodicy Symposium, Walla Walla University, Walla Walla, WA, 20 April 2012.
Jiří Moskala.“Should Women Be Ordained? II.” Paper presented to the Lake Union Conference Officer Spiritual Retreat, Berrien Springs, MI, 4 September 2012.
Jiří Moskala. “The Meaning of the Intercessory Ministry of Jesus on Our Behalf (Daniel 8).” Invited to present a plenary paper at the 1° Simpósio de Teologia da Amazônia, Colégio Adventista da Cidade Nova, Brazil, 30 September 2012.
Jiří Moskala. “God’s Judgment as Salvation (Daniel 7).” Invited to present a plenary paper at the 1° Simpósio de Teologia da Amazônia, Colégio Adventista da Cidade Nova, Brazil, 29 September 2012.
Jiří Moskala. “The Theocentric Focus of the Book of Daniel.” Invited to present a plenary paper at the 1° Simpósio de Teologia da Amazônia, Colégio Adventista da Cidade Nova, Brazil, 28 September, 2012.
R. W. Younker. Biblical Archaeology: A View from the Other Side of the Jordan. Invited paper presentation at the Bible Lands Museum at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, PA, December 9, 2012. (See online at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bible-Lands-Museum-at-Pittsburgh-Theological-Seminary/324307160945696?sk=wall&filter=12.).
R. W. Younker. Illustrated Overview of Biblical Archaeology in Israel. Plenary session paper presented at the Third International Bible Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, June 14, 2012. (See online video clip at http://vimeo.com/44191708.).
R. W. Younker. The Iron Age Ceramics from Tall Jalul, Jordan. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Chicago, IL, November 15, 2012.
Theology and Christian Philosophy
J. Baldwin. Results of Faculty Research Grant: presented at Faith and Science Council by John Baldwin, Reed Richardi, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Oct 24, 2012.
D. Fortin. “Ellen White and Hermeneutics.” Paper presented at the Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary Conference, Ma’agan Kibbutz, Israel, June 7-10, 2012.
D. Fortin. “A Perspective on Seventh-day Adventist Hermeneutics.” Paper presented at the World Mennonite Conference and Seventh-day Adventist Church Dialogue, Biennenberg, Switzerland, May 28-31, 2012.
M. Hanna. “Why Is There So Much Evil In God’s Good Creation?” Paper presented at Lessons From Rwanda: ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Summit on Social Consciousness, SDA Seminary, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, April 11-14, 2012.
M. Hanna. “We Have the Mind of Christ: The Relations of Reason and Faith in Theology.” Paper presented at ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Autumn Conference on Science and Religion, Haughey Hall, Science Complex, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Oct 20, 2012.
D. Jankiewicz. “A Short History of Ordination.” Presented as a key note paper at the Adventist Society for Religious Studies. Chicago, November 15, 2012.
D. Jankiewicz. “Adventism and Fundamentalism.” Annual Lectureship series on Society and Religion at All Nations Seventh-day Adventist Church. October 20, 2012.
D. Jankiewicz. “The Problem of Ordination.” Annual Lectureship series on Society and Religion at All Nations Seventh-day Adventist Church. October 20, 2012.
D. Jankiewicz. “The Problem of Authority.” Annual Lectureship series on Society and Religion at All Nations Seventh-day Adventist Church. October 20, 2012.
D. Jankiewicz. “The Problem of Ordination and Authority in the Church.” Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries, Lake Union Conference. September 4, 2012.
D. Jankiewicz. “The Problem of Ordination and Authority in the Church.” Meeting of the Delegates to the Columbia Union Conference. July 28, 2012.
D. Jankiewicz. “The Problem of Authority.” Women’s Clergy Conference. Berrien Springs, April 23-26, 2012.
D. Jankiewicz. “A Short History of Ordination.” Women’s Clergy Conference. Berrien Springs, April 23-26, 2012.
M. M. Kis. “Theology of Ordination.” Paper presented at BRI Committee, December 12, 2012, Berrien Springs, MI.
M. M. Kis. “Authority and Use of the Bible in Theology and Ethics.” Six lectures presented at ATS Symposium, Avondale College, July 13-15, 2012, Cooranbong, Australia.
M. M. Kis. “Moral Influence of Darwinism.” Paper presented at the Third International Bible Conference, June 11-21, 2012, Jerusalem, Israel (and accepted for publication by BRI).
M. M. Kis. “Ethics of Family Life.” Lecture series presented at Celje, Slovenia, May 25-27, 2012.
M. M. Kis. “Ethics of Competition in Ministry,” “Ethics of Preaching,” “Integrity in Ministry,” and “Ethics of Church Discipline.” Lectures presented at India Bible Conference, March 5-8, 2012, Chennai, India.
World Mission
B. L. Bauer. “Conversion and Worldview Change.” Paper presented at the Global Mission Issues Committee, Silver Spring, MD, April 9, 2012.
B. L. Bauer. “Conversion and Worldview Transformation among Postmoderns.” Paper presented at the First Symposium on Postmodern Sensitive Mission, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI, October 20, 2012.
W. Kuhn. “Syncretism and Cases in Dual Allegiance: Contemporary Implications for Church and Mission.” Paper presented at the Global Mission Issues Committee. General Conference, Silver Spring, MD. April 9, 2012.
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